Sonic Add/FP-PN 940518III HUNTINGTON VOL 95093 , ZONED RIDGE PG 15t3 PD-SF9 CLOVER MEADOW LANE 3O 31 ~9 W 34 33 BLOCK "A" WI l_ L lAM & PAT BOORHEM VOL_ UZ~L t $ , F'L~ 2 949 ZONED C N 87° 40' IO"E 131 40' O. 319 ACRES S 88° 17 ' 45 "W "POINT OF BEGINNING 13' 85' LLI I I M HOUSE ZONED C- S"/P COPPF , I HIGH Bt_ uCK A q H~O! A [/L) I T ION [~EDICATED JOE VOL 7'320 i , F'G I /.22 ZONED C RIGHT-OF- WAY lO0 Z 0 t..- Z Ld BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land sztuated mn the George W. Jack Survey, Abstract No 694 zn the C~ty of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being part of the Tzm House tract as recorded ~n Volume 92062, Page 3292 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly descrzbed as follows BEGINNING at a ~" zron rod set on the north l~ne of a 24.00 foot w~de rzght-of-way dedicated w~th Lot 2, Block "A" of Coppell H~gh School Addzt~on, an addzt~on to the Cmty of Coppell as recorded zn Volume 92053, Page 2834 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, sa~d point also bezng the southeast corner of Lot 31 ~n Block "A" of Huntington R~dge, an addzt~on to the C~ty of Coppell as recorded zn Volume 93093, Page 1513 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, THENCE N. 00'10'02" W., 104 35 feet along the east l~ne of sa~d Lot 31 to a ~" ~ron rod set for corner, sazd poznt bezng the most westerly southwest corner of Lot 32 ~n Block "A" of the above sa~d Huntington Rzdge, THENCE N 87'40'10" E , 131.40 feet along the south t~ne of sa~d Lot 32 to a ~" zron rod set for corner; THENCE S 00'58'32" E., 105.76 feet leavzng the sa~d south lmne of Lot 32 to a ~" ~ron rod set for corner on the north lzne of the above sa~d 24 00 foot wzde dedzcated rzght-of-way; THENCE S. 88'17'45" W , 132.85 feet along the sa~d north l~ne of a 24 00 foot w~de dedicated rzght-of-way to the Point of Begznn~ng and containing 0.319 acres (13,875 square feet) of land I, James M. Anderson, Regzstered Professional Land Surveyor No. 4887, do hereby certzfy that the plat shown hereon accurately represents the results of an on the ground survey made under my d~rect~on and superv~szon and all corners are as shown hereon. There are no v~szble encroachments, conflicts or protruszons apparent on the ground except as shown. James/~ Anderson Registered Professional Land Surveyor No 4887 AREA: EXISTING ZONING' PROPOSED ZONING' 0.319 ACRES C SF-9 BEAk' NQq DF RI v F [, P k'(')M ~rHF Pr~ C('RDEQ PLAT VOt 9 % ih93 PG I 5 I .",, OWNER TIM HOUSE 400 PARKVIEW PLACE RESuRvEYED JOB NO ZONING EXHIBIT · LOT 2, BLOCK "A" ~' THE SONIC ADDITION GEORGE W JACK SURVEY , ABSTRACT 694 CITY OF COPPELL , DAL L AS COUNTY , TEXAS DOWDEY, ANDERSON & ASSOCIATES, M6250 DALLAS PKWY (214) 931-0694 DALLAS 1T ~ ABST. 69