Stoneleigh 1P/PP-CS 970122The City With A Beautiful 'Future
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
Ianuary 22, 1997
Mr. Bill Dshlstrom
Munsch, Hardt, Kopf, Hart & Dinah
4000 Fountain Place
1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75202
RE: SWnelei~h at Riverchase Plat
Dear Mr. Dahlstrom:
I was advised by Jason Marshall of our City Attorney's office that your client, First Worthing Company, is
concerned with the content of a letter dated January 15, 1997 sent by our Director of Planning and
Community Services. I believe the letter accurately describes the wishes of the Mayor and City Council.
They have instructed my office to prepare a schedule for the development of Fairway Drive and the Railway
crossing, and to meet with all appropriate parties in order that a schedule be prepared so it can be brought
forward to the City Council at the same time as your final plat.
We have a meeting set up with DART on lanuary 29 to discuss the crossing, and will be contacting you or
a representative of the First Worthing Company shortly thereafter to set up a meeting regarding the
development of Fairway Drive.
Enclosed is a dratt of the City Council Minutes of the meeting of January 14 which will be brought forward
for approval on January 28. If there are any que~tion~ regarding these minut~ or my letter, please feel free
to call me.
City Manager
cc: Gary Sieb