Stoneleigh 1P/PP-CS 970114URGENT!!! COPPELL CITY COUNCIL MEETING NEXT TUESDA Y, CITY HALL CITIZEN'S FORUM JANUARY 14, 1997 AT 7:30 PM Agenda item: Stoneleigh at Riverchase, a 360-unit apartment complex platted for a 20.5 acre site 645' east of MacArthur on Riverchase Are you concerned: · about current traffic on MacArthur and Riverchase, let alone the impact of potentially 700 more cars per day at peak hours as a result of this development7 · this is only the first of two potential mega-apartment complexes LEGALLY allowed on Riverchase? · that another road from Beltline to Riverchase, Fairway Drive, has been platted for years but remains undeveloped? the apartment developer has expressed a willingness to build part of Fairway Drive, but no guarantee exists that the road will actually cross the railroad tracks because to do so requires that the City obtain a right-of-way fi.om DART as well as fund the construction? this apartment developer, and indeed every developer in this subdivision, will make a significant contribution to the general Parks and Recreation fund, but NO parks are slated for development to serve our neighborhood? when the middle school is built south of Beltline on MacArthur by C-FB 1SD, our kids will not be provided with bus service because of a 2-mile limit, which means more vehicular and pedestrian (KIDS!! !) traffic attempting the treacherous crossing at Beltline at peak hours? · during the expansion of Sandy Lake, Riverchase will likely become a by-pass to Beltline for traffic trying to avoid the congestion on Sandy Lake at MacArthur? WE MUST MAKE OUR CONCERNS KNOW TO CITY COUNCIL IMMEDIATELY-- NO ROAD (Fairway Drive), NO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT IN RIVERCHASE!!!!! SHOW UP AT THE CITIZEN'S FORUM. The only time citizen comments on this agenda item will be heard will be at the very beginning of the meeting, January_ 14 ~ 7:30 pm. SIGN UP TO SPEAK. Your two minutes DOES make a difference! WRITE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS IMM~JDIA TF, L Y. All Council members may be addressed c/o: P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Mayor: Tom Morton Myr. Pro Tem: Lanny Mayo Place 1: Norman Alexander Place 3: Danny Watson Place 4: Marsha Tunnell Place 6: Ron Robertson Place 7: Candy Sheehan