Stoneleigh 1P/PP-CS 970109 (2)Board of Adjustment
January 9, 1997
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ITEM 4: Public Hearing to consider a two-part request regarding the Riverchase
Planned Development:
A. Special exception from Section 18-4 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, to.
reduce the number of parking spaces from the required 912 to 830 in
this MF-2 zoned district; and
B. Variance from Section 18-9 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, to allow
two 36-cubic yard trash compactors, in lieu of the required twelve 6-
cubic yard dumpsters.
Greg Jones reported that the pages from the Ordinance pertaining to these two requests are
included in the packets. With regard to parking requirements, he noted that two spaces are
required for each one- and two-bedroom unit, and two and one-half spaces for each three-
bedroom unit. He explained that the applicant provided a chart of parking comparisons with
other cities in the DFW area, noting that the 2.3 parking spaces per unit is generous in
comparison with others.
Greg Jones explained that the Ordinance also requires at least one 6-cubic yard refuse
container per 30 multi-family dwelling units, with a limit regarding the travel distance to
those refuse containers. He noted that since the packets were prepared, the applicant has
clarified the fact that the First Worthing Co. plans to provide a 3-times-per-week curbside
pickup of trash to the trash compactors.
Chairman Bizzell invited the applicant to step forward to present his case.
Brenda McDonald, representing First Worthing Co., inquired as to whether the two requests
should be presented separately or together, and Chairman Bizzell indicated that a motion to
that effect would be made following the testimony.
Ms. McDonald explained that the Zoning Ordinance requires 912 parking spaces for this
360-unit apartment complex, but they are seeking a special exception to allow 830 parking
spaces, equating to a reduction of 82 spaces. Ms. McDonald explained that the second
portion of the request is for a variance from the refuse requirement to allow for the
placement of two 36-cubic yard trash compactors, versus the twelve six-cubic yard refuse
receptacles. She noted that the City code really doesn't address the use of compactors, so
the approval of their use is part of this request.
She introduced Mark Wagner, Chairman of First Worthing Co., who provided a brief
overview of the proposed Stoneleigh project, noting that it will be a high-profile apartment
community, similar to the JPI property. Specifically, the project will co,nsist of 168 one-
bedroom, 168 two-bedroom, and 24 three-bedroom apartments, with many special amenities,
including vaulted ceilings, fireplaces, 108 detached garages, oversize garden tubs, etc. The
property will be heavily landscaped with one large clubhouse at the main entrance, one main
swimming pool and two satellite swimming pools, and a perimeter fence with limited access
Board of Adjusunent
January 9, 1997
Page 3
Chairman Bizzell asked if the garage spaces were included in the proposed parking, and Mr.
Wagner indicated that they were, and the reduction involves only the non-enclosed parking
spaces. To explain the rationale of the request, Ms. McDonald distributed parking data
survey results of First Worthing's 41 Dallas-area properties, which reveals that the demand is
1.25 spaces per unit or .89 vehicles per bedroom, whereas Coppell parking requirements are
2.5 spaces per unit or 1.58 vehicles per bedroom. She also referred to the chart which
compares First Worthing's request with the JPI project, due to the fact that the Ordinance
states that the "character of the development" is to be considered, and Stoneleigh will be
very similar to IPI. First Worthing's proposed parking will be 830 non-tandem spaces,
compared to JPI's 872 spaces which includes 100 tandem spaces.
Chairman Bizzell asked if the other First Worthing properties are equivalent in nature to this
proposed project, and Mr. Wagner indicated that many of them are equivalent, but not all.
Referring to the applicant's checklist, Commissioner Glasener asked for verification on the
answer of "yes" to question//4, in which the applicant indicates that it is difficult to comply
with the parking ordinance and the landscape ordinance also. Ms. McDonald indicated that
it would be their preference to have grass and landscaping as opposed to paved asphalt areas
surrounding the development. Commissioner Glasener also asked if the boats and trailers
were considered in determining the number of vehicles per unit, and Mr. Wagner indicated
that those items really aren't a factor among apartment dwellers.
Ms. McDonald briefly described the refuse variance request, noting that rather than provide
the 12 dumpster units, each on its own pad and surrounded by a screening wall, First
Worthing is proposing the use of two 36-cubic yard trash compactors, as well as three-times-
per-week curbside trash pickup. This option would reduce odor and noise potential, while
improving aesthetics and convenience.
Commissioner Glasener asked about the safety factor concerning the presence of a trash
compactor on the property, and Mr. Wagner indicated that the trash compactor can be
activated only by the maintenance staff using a key.
Meeting was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the request.
Meeting was closed to the public and opened to the Board for discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hymer that the two requests be considered separately.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fmka and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 5 to 0.
Commissioner Hymer reminded Board members that the Ordinance states that there's a two-
part test to use in considering a special exception.
Commissioner Glasener inquired about the thought-process of City Council when the
Ordinance was written regarding the number of required parking spaces. Greg Jones
indicated that he was not aware of the history behind establishing the requirement, and that
Board of Adjustment
January 9, 1997
Page 4
until the arrival of JPI, such an application hadn't been received. He noted, however, that
the parking ratio at JPI appears to be working, as no parking problems have been reported to
the City.
Commissioner Glasener asked whether overflow parking would go onto Riverchase, and
Greg Jones indicated that parking would not be allowed on Riverchase Drive. If that
happened, it would be handled through the Police Department.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hymer to grant the special exception for a reduction in
parking from the require 912 to 830. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Frnka, and a
vote was taken. Motion carried, 4 to 1, with Commissioner Glasener voting in opposition.
Special exception granted.
Commissioner Frnka noted that the idea of twelve dumpsters distributed around the property
would be an unsightly distraction to the quality of the development, noting that dumpsters are
a continual maintenance problem, as well as a health hazard. Chairman Bizzell asked if it
would be necessary to require some type of policing of the proposed curbside pickup, and
Greg Jones indicated that the last time this type of issue was heard, the enforcement issue
was written into the motion. Commissioner Stonecipher noted that he originally had a
concern with the walking distance from the middle of the complex out to the compactors,
but the assurance of curbside pickup eliminates that concern.
Motion was made by Commissioner Stonecipber that the variance allowing two 36-cubic yard
trash compactors be granted, with the stipulation that the three-times-per-week curbside trash
pickup be maintained. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Hymer and a vote was taken.
Motion carried, 5 to 0. Variance granted.
Public Hearing to consider a request for an appeal from Section 41-3(2) of the
City's Zoning Ordinance, which concerns the powers and duties of the Board
of Adjustment to hear and decide appeals regarding an interpretation of zoning
regulations made by the Chief Building Official. Mr. Peter Kavanagh of Zone
Systems, Inc., is requesting consideration of an appeal of the Chief Building
Official's interpretation of Section 23-1(9), regarding the installation of a radio
signal transmitting antenna in a "C" and "LI" zoned district.
Greg Jones explained that this cellular transmission tower, for placement along Sandy Lake
Road, is being requested by Sprint. In addition to this appeal before the Board of
Adjustment, he noted that the applicant is currently going through the SUP request process.
Having discussed this issue with Director of Planning Gary Sieb, regarding the actual
classification of this use, Greg Jones noted that these requests normally'require a SLIP, and
that the use that is allowed "by right" would allow for a receiving satellite dish or tower. He
noted that the City has heard several similar requests lately through the SUP process, and
various restrictions have been placed on each one. He further explained that this request
would also most appropriately be handled through Planning and Zoning as a classification of