Stoneleigh 1P/FP-CS 97092609/30 '97 09:07 ]D:REPUBL]C PROPERTY GROUP FAX:l-214-691-4023 PAGE 2
September 26, 1997
Mr. Warner E. Stone
Coppell Apartments I, L.P.
8440 Walnut Hill Lane
Suite 800
Dallas, Texas 75231
Re: Stoneleigh at Riverchase,
Coppell, Texas.
Dear Mr. Stone:
The Riverchaze Owners Association Architectural Review Committee received on
September 26, 1997 the plans and sp~ifications dated September 5, 1997 for the above
referenced project. The Architectural Review Committee has approved the plans and
specifications as submitted, Attached is a set of plans and specifications marked approved
for your files. ~
JW j b
Verytruly yours,
Vice President