Stoneleigh 1P/FP-CS 970925propo Positive Board Recommendation
Issues FinanCial
1. Fair~ay Crossing
City pays for the arms and signals at the crossing $150,000
City pays for the upgrade of the rails at the crossing $18,000
City pays for traffic li~t Fairway ~ Beltline $80,000
City constructs Fairway from Beltline to north Dart ROW ~.. $42,500
2. Dart Issues
Execute license agreement for Fairway Dr. -0-
Execute easement a~reements for Coppell & Moore Rd. -0-
City maintains Fairway Dr. crossing (not arms or signals) -0-
Set aside money for other safety improvements $50,000
3. Johnny Thompson Crossing
Execute agreement to make crossing a city crossing -0-
Upgrade entrance to City standards ie, concrete $15,700
City pays for the arms and signals at the crossing $155,000
City pays for the upgrade of the rails at the crossing $18,000
Try to restrict exits to right turn only -0-
4. Riverchase Developer Issues
Provide credit for Roadway Impact Fees $23,800
City to reimburse for oversizint~ of Fairway Dr. -0-
Total Pro~ected Financial lm~t $553,000