Taco Bell/PP-DR 950928 (4)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTE ,",,'i,I SE~ Z 9 199! ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Taco Bell Addition. IVelimina~_ Plat, to allow the development of a drive-through restaurant located on the west side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 145 feet north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Huitt-Zoilars, Inc. DRC DATE" September 28, 1995 and October 5, 1995 CONTACT: Ken Griffin, P.E., Assistant City Manager/City Engineer 004-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ,,"PRELIMINARY FtNd~ Preliminary Plat Comments: 1. An access easement should be provided across the front of this site west of the proposed utility and sidewalk easement. 2. Show adjacent zoning. 3. Necessary Roadway Impact Fees will be required. 4. Does the proposed 32 foot wide access easement also need to be a fire lane? 5. The Floodplain administrator signature block should be provided. Site Plan Comments: 6. The driveway radius for the northern driveway should be 30 feet. 7. It appears as though the proposed location of the fire hydrant will be in conflict width the relocated inlet. 8. You cannot connect to the water line in the shopping center because it is a private fire line. You will need to bore under Denton Tap Road and connect to the existing water line on the east side of Denton Tap. Planting Plan Comments: 9. Note that this plan should be consistent with the site plan in regards to brick pavers, sidewalks and relocations of various existing features.