Stonemead Est/Re-CS 950816HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the owner of Lots 10, 11, Block A, of the Replat of Stonemeade Estates, Coppell, Texas, (Centex Real Estate Corporation and Stonemeade Estates Homeowners Association) understand and acknowledge that the fence which is located on their property encroaches onto the City of Coppell's Water Line easement as recorded in Volume 85070, Page 2970 and the sanitary sewer easement as recorded in Volume 75142, Page 1372. ~ WHEREAS, the owners understand and acknowledge that in case repairs or improvements are required to be made to the City of Coppell's Water Line or Sanitary Sewer easements which would require removal of the fence in order to effect such improvements; and WHEREAS, the owners recognize and acknowledge that such fence was installed desPite knowledge of the City's Water Line or Sanitary Sewer easements. Owners hereby agree to remove such fence at their own cost and upon request by the City of Coppell, and if owners fail to remove the fence upon request by the City, then City will remove such fence and owners hereby indemnify and hold the City harmless from all claims of damage to the fence which arise from the City's removal of such fence while repairing, inspecting, improving or in any way seeking access to the water line or sanitary sewer easements, additionally, owners agree to reimburse the City for reasonable costs incurred in removing the fence. Centex geaF Estate Corporation Bento~H. Kay,es St6nemeade Estates Homeowners Assoiation Derek Earle, P.E. Board of Directors COUNTY OF .~/~;.' ~ BEFORE ~fE, the undersigned, Notary ~lic_,~n an~.f,o,r the said County and State, on this day personally appeared ~ ;~"~'~own to me 'to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. 1995. STATE OF T~ COUNTY OF~/~Z~-- ~ Notary Publdin and for the Sta? ~..~~%,~ i ' State, on this day personally appeared ~/~/~~~_ known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to t~e foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he execUted the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. 1995. MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this ,,h~'l~dL~___ of