StoneleighP2/PP,SP-CS 980508(2) 14 · MAY-08-1998 09:25 CITY OF COPPELL 14 P.O1 500 Southwestern Blvd., Coppell, TX 75019 Tel: (972) 304-3500 Fax: (972) 304-3514 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: MayS, 1998 NO. OF PAGES: 3 (including cover) TO: Isabelle Planning FAX#: 304-3570 FROM: Mary Beth Building Inspections SUBJ: Results of Board of Adjustment I promised to let you know, first thing this morning, of thc outcom~ of last mght's Board of Adjustment me,ting, as follows: I) Park West Commerce Center: Variance request to allow six monumcn! signs of 120 sq. ff. each: variance deni_ __ ed 2) Ston¢l¢igh at Riverchas¢ (Phase II): a) Request for 45-ft. variance to thc 60-ft. setback for construction of a two-story building x~¢rc MF zomng district adjoins SI: zoning district: varianc anted b) Special exertion to r~duce the number of parking spaces from 817 to 734 parking space: C) Variavce to allow two 36 cubic yard trash compactors in lieu of the required 11 dumpsters: variance iranted, with stipulation that door-to-door pick'un be conducted 3 times per week Thanks! MAY-08-1998 09:25 CITY OF COPPELL  COPPELL. TEXAS 75019 AGENDA CITY OF COPPELL BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 7:30 P.M. - MAY 7, 1998 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 255 PARKWAY BLVD. 14 P.02 PO. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-4~2-0022 ITEM 1: ITEM 2: ITEM 3: ITEM 4: ITEM 5: Call to Order - 730 p.m. Invocation Approval of Minutes from April 2, 1998 Meeting Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance from Section 29-4-2(B) of the City's Zoning Ordinance, which concerns the number and size of monument signs, for the Park West Commerce Center, located at Airline Drive and Beltline Road Mr. Steven D. Sears, representing Insignia Commercial Investments Group, Inc., is requesting a variance to allow six monument signs of 120 sq. fl. each. The City's Zoning Ordinance currently allows one monument sign, not to exceed 60 sq. ft. Public Hearing to consider a three-part request for Stoneleigh at Riverchase, Phase II, located at 1315 Kiverchase Drive. Mr. Brian Selbo, representing Republic Property Group, is requesting the following: l) A 45-ff. variance from Section 18-3(D) of the City's Zoning Ordinance to allow for the construction of two-story apartment buildings facing the golf course. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires a 60-ff. setback from adjacent property lines for buildings in excess of one story in height, where an MI: zoning district adjoins an SI: zoning district. 2) A special exception from Section 18-4 of the City's Zoning Ordinance to reduce the number of parking spaces from the required 817 spaces to 734 parking spaces, in this MY-2 zoning district. 3) A variance from Section 18-9 ofth¢ City's Zoning Ordinance to allow two 36 cubic yard trash compactors in lleu of the required eleven dumpsters. ITEM 6: Other Business. 1) Discussion of Code of Conduct. M~Y-08-1998 09:26 CITY OF COPPELL 14 P.03 ADJOURNMENT. Thc City of CopI~II acknowledges its re~onn~ility to comply with thc Americans With Dis~bffities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special ~-a-vices (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audioA, isual devices, and araanuenses) for participation in or acce~ to Ihe City of Coppeil-spon~ored public programs, services and/or meetings, the City requests thal individuals make requests for these services forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, servic~ and/or meeting. To makc an'angements, contaci Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA.Coordinator or other designated official at (214) 462-0022, or (TDD 1.800-RELAY TX, 1.800-735-2989). IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF COPPELL ORDINANCE NO. 9~724 Carrying of a concealed handgun on these premises or at any official political meeting in the City of Coppell is illegal. Es tlegal l|~va~ c~igo un arma de fuego oculta, adentro dc este cdificio, o cn cualquier junta oficial de Ix)lit/ca en la ciudad d~ Copp~ll. on the City ofCoppell Bull~f~in Board by 5:00 p.m., April 27, 1998, by Gr~ $on~ TOTAL P.03