StoneleighP2/PP,SP-AG 980512(2)AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 12, 1998 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Stoneleigh at Riverchase II, Preliminary Plat and Site Plan, to allow the development of 322 multi-family units on approximately 20 acres of property located at the southeast and southwest corners of Riverchase and Fairway Drives. APPROVED BY' CITY COUNCIL -- DATE TITLE: ' ~ng and Community Services STAFF RECOMMENDS: APPROVAL STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: April 16, 1998 Decision of P&Z Commission.: Approved (7-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, Stewart, Kittrell, Lowry, McCaffrey, Turner and DeFilippo voting in favor. None opposed. Approval subject to the Site Plan and the following recommended conditions: 1) 5) 6) 7) 9) 10) 11) Board of Adjustment approval of.' a) A special exception to reduce the number of parking spaces from the required 817 to 734. b) A variance allowing two 36-cubic yard compactors. c) A 15 foot variance from the required 60 foot setback for 2-story units adjacent to single-family zoned property to the east. 9, ..... +~: .... ~*~ plat +.hz --^* .... ~ ~' .... ~ ~-~p"~ ~:~-~ p-^p~:./ (SUBMITTED ON SEPARATE 81/2 X 11 SHEET) No certificate of occupancy will be issued until Fairway Drive is constructed as per the January 27, 1998 agreement. C:-W': app:'-"-;':d pla=*, p,-':;*.c (CONDITION MET) apm~mont c~mp!oxo: on F~;.~-:;ay D.'4-;m (CONDITION MET) Provide elevations of the screening wall, + ....... k~;.a.; .... ~. -; .... ~ *~-~ two sight ~ (REPLACED BY ONE (1) MONUMENT SIGN) E>' ";~':'~' *~ o~..~, ~ ~,~-^,^:-~ ~+ o; ..... ~.~ (CONDITION MET) S~vcn'= Hz ...................... ~ (CONDITION MET) Any encroachment into the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Right-of-Way, including drainage, will require a permit from DART. A letter needs to be provided to the City from the Trinity River Authority (TRA) granting permission to allow the developer to construct on their easement this includes paving and trees. Park development fees of $1,285 per dwelling unit are required. ADIR..INITIALS: ~~' genaa Request For~- Revised 11/98 FIN. REVIEW~ CITY M.~2qAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ~stnlgh.pps CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: STONELEIGH AT RIVERCHASE, II, PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SITE PLAN P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: April 16, 1998 May 12, 1998 LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: APPLICANT: Southeast and southwest corners of Riverchase Drives. Approximately 20 acres (322 multi-family units). MF-2 (Multi Family-2). Preliminary Plat and Site Plan approval. Developer: Republic Property Group 8440 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 800, LB-3 Dallas, TX 75231 (214) 373-6666 and Fairway Architect: WSI Architects 6320 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 228 Dallas, TX 75240 (214) 458-9999 HISTORY: No platting history. TRANSPORTATION: Riverchase Drive is a C4U, 4 lane undivided collector street in a 60'-wide right-of-way. Fairway Drive is shown on the Thoroughfare Plan to be built as a C4U, 4 lane undivided collector street in a 60'-wide right-of-way. No certificate of occupancy will be issued for this project until Fairway Drive is constructed as per the January 27, 1998 agreement. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South - East - West - Riverchase Golf Course; "SF-12" Single Family-12 DART rail tracks; "A" Agriculture Riverchase Golf Club; "SF-12" Single Family-12 Stoneleigh at Riverchase I; "MF-2" Multi-Family-2 Item # 7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for multi-family uses. DISCUSSION: The second phase of Stoneleigh at Riverchase Apartments will consist of two properties both fronting on Fairway Drive. The applicant is proposing to build 151 apartment units on Lot 1 and 171 units on Lot 2 both very similar in appearance to Phase I of Stoneleigh at Riverchase. This submittal is requesting the following 3 actions from the Board of Adjustment: 1) A special exception to reduce the number of parking spaces from the required 817 to 734 provided; 2) A variance to allow two trash compactors in lieu of required ten 6-cubic yard dumpsters; 3) A 15 foot variance from the required 60 foot setback for 2-story units adjacent to single-family zoned property to the east. This 60 feet setback requirement affects only the eastern portion of Lot 2 which is located adjacent to the Riverchase golf course. To comply with fire regulations, the applicant is providing two ways in and two ways out for both sides of the project. All buildings will have to be fully equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system. As stated on the Site Plan, all access gates will be equipped with an Opticom and Knox override system. Relative to the construction of Fairways Drive, on January 27, 1998 City Council authorized the City Manager to sign a developers agreement between the City and RPG Estates, Ltd. for the Fairway Drive extension from Riverchase to Belt Line Road. According to the agreement, the City will receive right-of-way dedication and a roadway built from the DART railroad line north to Riverchase Drive. The City will be responsible to construct the crossing and signalization from the DART rail line south to Belt Line Road. The agreement specifically states that no Certificate of Occupancy for the multi-family uses will be provided until the roadway is constructed. This is a critical issue with several of the residents in the Riverchase area. The subdivision signs currently shown on the Site Plan do not conform to the city sign regulations. The ordinance specifies that a subdivision sign must should be located at the entry of the subdivision. The southeast and southwest corners of the intersection of Riverchase and Fairway Drives can not be considered as entries to the two subdivisions. The signs should be relocated to the screening walls on Fairway Drive at the entrances of the subdivisions. The applicant must provide elevations of the screening wall, subdivision entry signs and the two signs shown on the northeast corner of Lot 2. Also, the typical garage structure elevation must be modified to include vertical definition using a 6-foot high Nellie R. Steven's Holly, similar to Phase I of Stoneleigh at Riverchase. The building elevations included with this submittal are of the buildings adjacent to Riverchase and Fairways Drives. Item # 7 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan and preliminary plat subject to the following conditions being met: 1) Board of Adjustment approval of: a) A special exception b) c) to reduce the number of parking spaces from the required 817 to 734. A variance allowing two 36-cubic yard compactors. A 15 foot variance from the required 60 foot setback for 2-story units adjacent to single-family zoned property to the east. 2) Place on the face of the plat the metes and bound description of the property. 3) No certificate of occupancy will be issued until Fairways Drive is constructed as per the January 27, 1998 agreement. 4) Modify the following items on the Landscape Plan: a) All trees at the time of planting must be 3" caliper trees. b) Substitute the Japanese Black Pine with a planting material listed on the city's approved plant palette. 5) Relocate the two subdivision signs shown mounted on the masonry wall at the southeast and southwest intersection of Riverchase Drive and Fairways Drive to the decorative wall at the entry of each of the apartment complexes on Fairways Drive. 6) Provide elevations of the screening wall, two subdivision entry signs, and the two signs shown on the northeast corner of Lot 2. 7) Modify the Typical Garage structure elevation to include vertical definition using a 6-foot high Nellie R. Steven's Holly, similar to Phase I of Stoneleigh at Riverchase. 8) Eliminate from the Site Plan the existing street intersection apron along the southern side of Riverchase Drive. 9) Any encroachment into the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) right-of-way, including drainage, will require a permit from DART. (See Engineering comments) 10) A letter needs to be provided to the City from the Trinity River Authority (TRA) granting permission to allow the developer to construct on their easement this includes paving and trees. (see Engineering comments) 11) Park development fees of $1,285 per dwelling unit are required. (See Leisure Services comments) Item # 7 ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the preliminary plat and site plan 2) Recommend disapproval of the preliminary plat and site plan 3) Recommend approval of the preliminary plat and take the site plan under advisemem. 4) Recommend disapproval of the preliminary plat and take the site plan under advisemem. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat 2) Site Plan 3) Landscape Plan 4) Building Elevations 5) Departmental Comments Item # 7 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Stoneleigh at Riverchase IL Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review. to allow the development of 322 multi-family units on approximately 20 acres of property, located at the southeast and southwest corner of Riverchase and Fairway Drives, at the request of Republic Property Group. DRC DATE: March 26, 1998 andApril 2, 1998 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ~r.,rr ~,~rnra ~v F/NAg ,/REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. Any encroachment into the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) right-of-way, including drainage, will required a permit from DART. 2. A letter needs to be provided to the City from the Trinity River Authority (TRA) granting permission to allow the developer to construct on their easement this includes paving and trees. 05×2?×98 11:53 CITY OF COPPELL a CITY OF COPPELL N0.190 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMM/T/EE DRC DA~: Ma~h 26, 1~8 and Ap~l 2, 1~8 ~ ~ I1 II C~~~ STA~S: ~P~L~~Y ~ The de~eloper should be aware that this development is impacted b~t the Coppell Trail $~/stem Master Plan. On-road trail BR-95 runs north and south on Riverckase Drive and on Fatra, a~] Drive and ma~t require additional ILO. W. Park Development fees of $1,285 per dwelling unit are require~L A tree survey of the property is required Should there be any questions by committee members or representatives of the proposed development regarding these comments, please feel free to contact Brad Reid at 304 DRC3~Sd