StoneleighP2/PP,SP-DR 980326(2)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Stonelei~h at Riverchase IL Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review. to allow the development of 322 multi-family units on approximately 20 acres of property, located at the southeast and southwest corner of Riverchase and Fairway Drives, at the request of Republic Property Group. DRC DATE: March 26, 1998 andApril 2, 1998 CONTACT: Mike Martin, P.E., Assistant City Engineer (304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ,,"PREL~ARY Since the property is adjacent to the floodplain the entire floodplain paragraph needs to be provided. Any encroachment into the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) fight-of-way, including drainage, will required a permit fi:om DART. A letter needs to be provided to the City from the Trinity River Authority (TRA) granting permission to allow the developer to construct on their easement this includes paving and trees. Show the sight visibility triangle at all ingress/egress points and at the intersection of Fairway Drive and Riverchase Drive. The proposed water easements needs to be dimensioned. 6. Impact Fees will be required. Preliminary Drainage Plan No fill will be allowed in the floodplain unless a flood study is provided and approved. Therefore, will a retaining wall be required on the south and east side of the development? 2. Provide a drainage calculation table showing the drainage area size, 1 O0 year storm Q-value, etc. It may be necessary to do some type of drainage improvement on the south side of the p[operty. ~ii!~ MAR2-/1998 ,! ;: Preliminary Utility Plan 1. All fire hydrant locations must be approved by the Fire Marshal. 2. As per the City of Coppell Water Distribution Master Plan, a 12" waterline is required adjacent to Fairways Drive. This would need to be installed when the adjacent property is developed. Site Plan 1. The proposed sidewalks along Riverchase Drive and Fairways Drive must be located 1' offthe property line. 2. If this development is to have control access gates, show the location of the access control box. Need to provide a minimum of five vehicle stacking distance without the vehicles backing up into Fairways Drive.