StoneleighP2/PP,SP-DR 980326(3)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE FIRE PREVENTION COMMENTS ITEM: STONRLRIGH AT RIVERcHASE H DRC DATE: March 26, 1998 CONTACT: TRA¥I$ CRUMP, FIRE MARSHAL. (214) 304-3503 COMMENT STATUS: l~"'r~Lr pRRLIMINARY 1. Provide a minimum of two ways in and two ways out for project on east side of Fairway. 2. Maximum spacing for fire hydrants is to be 300 feet on center along fire lanes. 3. All portions of buildings are to be within 150 feet of a fire lane. 4. All buildings are to have a fully automatic fire sprinkler system. 5. All access gates are to be equipped with an Optic. om system with a Knox override system.