Town Center SC/PP-CS 970514 214 965 0010 MAY 14 '97 16:16 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 9?230455?0 P.01/03 NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLA HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1800 Lmcol2q I~.A 500 N. AXAm~ DAI.L~ TEXAS 75201 (214) 965-9900 (214) ~-0010 Pix FACSIMILE COVER SmCET PLEASE DELIVER ~ FOLLOWING TO: NAM"E: Gary Sieb Pert V~-t~men COMPA2qY: Ci~ of Copp~ F~ NO.: DATE: May 14, 1997 FROM: Peter G. Smith TRANS~D BY: Thuy Le NUMBER OF PAGES (Including Cover Sheet): _~-~ CO~S: IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL 'I'H]5 PAGF..S, PLEASE CAI.L: THUY LE AT (214)665-3325 ~ IHPO~.~ATION CONTAIHED IN TI-~$ PA(~IMIL~ I~ ATI'ORI~ PB~/II.F23P. D AND CON~u~I~NTIAL INFORMATION INT~ID~ ONLY FOR THE USE OF TI~ D~rVIDUAL OR ~l~ ~ J J f NAMY. D A~OV~ 1~ TR~ ~ i~ NOT THB I1VI'ENDED RBCIPII~FF, YOU A]~ HP. RgBY NOlu'u~D THAT ANY DIgl'~BI~r~oN, DI~Ebf~qATION OR COP'l'ilqO OF ~ COMMUNICATION I~ STRICTLY PROI41BrrF~. IP YOU HAVE RF, CF2VED ~ IN I!~ROR. PLgA~ NOTIPY t.~ IMMBDIATEL¥ BY PHONE AND RETURN TH~ OPdGINAL IViF.~SAOE TO US AT ~ ABOV~ ADDRP,~ VIA THE U~. PO~I'AL SERVIC~ MAY 14 '97 1G:l? FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 9'7230435?0 P.02/03 LAW~ENC,~ W. JACKSO~ ROB~FII' L OILL~RO III ROBERT E ~ I~-'rER G, ~411'H OAVID 14. BI[RMAN 8~CE A, S'I'OCKARO NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. 1800 Lincoln Plaza $00 North Aiuml Dallas, Texas 75201 (214) 96~-9900 Fax (214) 965-0010 ~ t~. NOB,IM III JENNIFt~ ~. ~ May 14, 1997 VIA FACSIMILE 972/304-,3570 AND FIRST CLASS MAIL Mr. Gary L. Sieb, A.I.C.P. Director of Planning & Commun~r Services Mr. Pert V'trtanen Assistant Director of Planning & Community Services City of Coppeil 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 lug,: Coppell Tawn Center LP-Pla~ of Lot I, Bloelt 2, Town Center.,4dd~n Dear Gentlcmen: On April 22, 1997, we enclosed for your review and appropriate comment, correspondence from Mark M. Sloan, Esq. dated April 17, 1997 requesting c, ertitication regarding compliance with plat requirements pursuant to §212.0115 of the Texas Local Government Code. On or about April 24, 1997, the unde~igned received by facsimile transmission a memorandum of same date from Pert Virtanen to Gary Sieb presumably in response to the inquiry by Mx. Sloan. It appears from that memorandum that there is a misunderstanding among the parties as to the development of the subject property. In such event, wouldn't be prudent to contact the appropriate representatives of the developer to discuss this matter?. In any event, a request has been made for certification pursuant to §212.0115 of the T~. Loc. GOv'T CODE which should be responded to in accordance with the statute. Accordingly, please have the appropriate personnel take the necessary action to have either the Planning and Zoning Comrnission or the City Council make the required determinations and issue an appropriate certificate. MAY 14 '97 16:17 FR NICHOLS JCKSON DLLRD 214 965 0010 TO 9?230435?0 P.03/03 C. mry Sieb Pert Virtanen May 14. 1997 Page -2- Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, I-lAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. PGS/ttl cc: Jim Witt VIA FACSIIVI~LE NICHOLS, J~ACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P. ** TOTAL PPCIE. 03 **