Town Center SC/PP-CS 970220TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Larry Davis Pert Virtanen MEMORANDUM Ewing Development Project - Northeast of Denton Tap/Sandy Lake Intersection DATE: February 20, 1997 So the fight hand will know what another hand is doing, I went up to the site this morning with a resident of Chaucer Estates. The resident's concern was that the orange fence along the east side of the property was 42 feet off the property line instead of 50 feet. I agreed with him that there might be 4 trees west of the orange fence that did not have to be removed in order to construct the service drive and screenwall. I then called Bill Anderson and asked him to mark those trees or move the orange fence to include more trees. Bill explained that those trees would probably not survive because of the grade change between them and the service drive, but agreed to mark them and leave them. If they die, they will have to be removed later, but at least we can say that we gave them a chance to survive. After a telephone conversation with the resident, I called John Maggiore and left a voice mail. I asked him either to mark additional trees to be saved with green tape or to move the orange fence to include them. cc: Gary Sieb