Town Center SC/PP-CS 960620Harold Spiegel & Associates CONSULTING ARBORISTS 660 PRESTON FOREST CENTER SUITE 137 DALLAS. TEY~S 75230 (214) 991-8448 (214) 991-8449 fax June 20,1996 Mr. Pert Virtenan Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Pert, As you are aware, I met with Kevin Caldwell of Ewing Properties and Bill Anderson of Dowdy, Anderson & Associates at the Town Center property to review the bee survey and proposed development of this site. I want to give you feed back from this meeting. 1) Relative to the 38" diameter Post Oak at the nOrth end of the property: A) I believe a compromise could be struck such that this tree could be preserved through construction. The building could encroach somewhat on the east side of the tree. With some relatively minor pruning the western most end of the building could be positioned beneath the canopy. A protective fence must be erected and be maintained through construction. The fence should be at twenty feet (20') from the trunk on the east and north, at the drip-line on the south and at the curb line on the west. B) In order to accomplish the preceding, a variance from plans will be needed for the north service lane. 2) I would advise the following staking and prior to grading for development: A) Check trees in islands for quality and likelihood of survival, for aeration needs to preserve root systems beneath the pavement, for adjustments in island configuration and location. Trees which are indicated for preservation at this time may not be the most likely candidate and an alternative selection could be adopted, !~) Tag all trees which are slated to remain with green ribbon for ease in identification. C) Allow sufficient time to select trees for transplanting. There am some trees in this community, other than the oaks, which could potentially be moved, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONSULTING ARBORISTS iNTERNATiONAL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE NATIONAL ARt~ORISTS ASSOCIATION Coppell - Page June 20, 1996 3) The buffer at the back of the property will accommodate the hike and bike trail quite well. As best as can be seen at this time, it does not appear that the canopies of the trees to remain will overhand the fire-lane to any extent, Please give me a call if you have any questions. ! wilt be talking with you soon. /, ~'f-lar<~ld A. SPi~e~ ~ ,~ulting Aden"St" ¢oppelll .doc 062096 TOTgL P.03