Town C AddL4/MP,SP-CS000425TRANSMITTAL Date: 25 April, 2000 To: Marcie Diamond Company: City Of Coppell From: Kyle A. Bruns Via: Courier Reference: Town Center addition Lot 4 nca Job No: 9950 Remarks: Subject to comments from the Planning and Zoning Meeting dated 24 April 2000: 4. 5. 6. Letter of approval from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee. Letter has been received by the planning department per our phone conversation on 17 April 2000. Need to provide description (color and font) and the elevations of attached and detached. Font of the signage is Times Roman in SW 1100 Fresco Cream this has been noted on Sheet 701. Spelling errors need to be corrected on Elevation Sheet. Spelling errors have been corrected. $4,400 is due to the Coppetl Reforestation Fund. Appropriate amount will be paid when required. Need to submit details on proposed building and site lighting. Included as attachment. Roof top equipment must be screened. Parapet height is 5'~6", mechanical equipment will be held under 5'-6" height in all areas as required. Need to revise the 10 foot utility easements adjacent to Town Center Drive and Denton Tap Road to a sidewalk and utility easement on the Site Plan and the Landscape Plan, Items have been revised per the request of the Engineering Department. Minor plat issues to be addressed by Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc. Page 1 of 9 6500 Greenville Ave. Suite 307 Dallas, TX 75206 214.361.9901 Fax 361.9906 nca@ncaarchitecture.com DENTON TAP RD. ~NE UTILJT', 4 ] , COPPELLTc~N ~ LOT 4RETAIL CE~'I'ER COPPELK TEXAS WOLF CAMERA RETAIL RESTAURANT RETAIL I RETAIL BIBBENTUCKER 02F.,~T ELEVATION 1 ]vlO~ ~N EL,EVA'IION 0~ MO~ SIGN ~TION J LJ 0~2 MONUME2~ SION PLAN 0~ M~ ~GN ELEVATION 04 MONUMENT SIGN SECTION DUivIPSTF.~t E~'qCLOSURE [ Co~~p~l~l Retail Center LJ L TEA L I G !--t 1-S MODEL 9132/91"32S A clear, classic statement In architectural lighting. The ~*~-~,~ ~~m- ' sconces are hand formed and welded of heavy gauge steel, and fitted with formed frosted acrylic diffusers to provide an elegant accent to a number of architectural styles from the traditional to the eclectic. These designs are available In bofl~ incandescent and compact fluorescent configurations, and are crafted to provide enduring beauty wherever wall lighting is needed. B DIMENSIONS ,,MODEL A B C' LAMPING 9132 14" 7.25" 6.25" ~0WA-~91NCAN~SC~NT ('~U,de~,r.,~ OR~ Laboralorl~r Inc.,, 9132s 10' 7.25" 6.25" ~W~UO~C~N~ Wel Location Listed rice Usfs fc~ all avalloble finishes, © 1~91 Ultrollghts orcHtecfura~ lighting, Inc, /. / FE TURI:$ HOUSING -- Rugged, die-cast, soft oorner aluminum housing with 0.12' nominal wall thickness. Ex. trudad 4' soft corner arm for pole or wall mounting is standard, DOOR FRAME -- Die-cast door frame has irnpact- resistant, tempered, glass tens that is fully gasketed with one-piece tubular silicone. OPTICS- Anodized, aluminum hydroformed/seg- mented reflector. Four lES cutoff distributions available: Type II (asymmetric)', Type III (asymmet- ric); Type IV {forward throw); Type V (square). ELECTRICAL SYSTEM -- High reactance, high power factor ballast for lO0W. Constant-wattage au- totransformer for 175-400W. Ballast is copper wound and 100% factorV tested. FINISH -- Standard finish is dark bronze {DDB} poly- ester powder finish, with other architectural col- ors available. SOCKET -- Porcelain, horizontal, position-oriented, socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. Medium base socket used with 100W and mogul-base socket used with 175- 400W. UL listed I500W-600V, LISTING -- UL 1572 listed for wet locations. Listed and labeled to comply with Canadian Standards {see Options). ~ 5' STEPlo ASSOCIATED PAGE .. Fa~ ~ Fax ~ Standard dimensions EPA: 1,2 ft.z Weighl: 41 lbs (18,6 kg) Length: 17-1/2' (44,5 cra) Width: 17-112' (~4.6 cra) Depth: 7-118' (18.1 cra) {10.2 crn) KAD METAL HALIDE 100W, l~]W, 17§W, 200W, 250W. 320W, 350W, 40DW 20' to 35' Mounting 17-1/2' I (44.5 cra) 7-II~)' (18.1 cra) ORDERING INFORMATION Choose th$ boldfaoe catalog nomenclature that be~t suits your needa and write It on the appropriate Ifn~- Order accessories aa separate catalog flurnbe¢. KAD.400M .... KAD 150Mi K~D 1?SM IO~O 200Me KAl) 2,~Ma ~D 3~M~ ~D ~Me ~O ~M~ Di~ributlon R2 lES P/pc II asymmetric R3 lES type III asymmetTi¢~ R4 lES type IV ~orward throw] R55 lES type V squ~re Example: KAD 400M R2 120 SPD04 NOT~3: House ,~ide ~hield available. 0pl~ionai multi-tap bellaet {120, 208, 240, 277V}. The SPOt, RPO~ or ~D~ mu~ be used whet1 ~o or more lum~aires 8re oriented On 8 ~ dri,ing po~erfl. May be ordered as acces~o~, Reduced jacket ED28 lamp mu~ be u~ed. ~dd~ensl architectural criers ~veibble; pl~se see flejnt brochure. MeV be ordered with SCWA or LLRPSL. Mu~ be or~ere~ with S~A or LLRPSL. Cona~ la.ow fo~ avallabili~ in Canada. I I I 1Z~! SPDM Square pole {4' arm) Shipped Inst~lled Arohitectu~el ~8~ ~.._~arrl! ~ SF Single fuse (1Z0, 277, 347V, nla TB) S~ _ Z~, ~ Square pole (9" arm}~ OF Double fuse {Z08, 240, aEOV, Wa TB) RP~ Round pole (4" arm) PER NEMA ~st-Iock receptacle 277 RPD~ R~und pole (9" arm~J only {no photocontrol) DWH White 3~7 ~0~0 ~DO~ Wood pole or well (4' erin) ~S Gua~z rastrike system {2~ maximum. O~L 6leck ~OO~ Wood pole or wall (~ arm)3,4 tamp not included) Cla~i~ Colgm T~ WaDe4 Wall bracket (4' arm) C~ Listed and tabeled to eomplv with ~MB Medium bronze ~Am (When ordering Canadian Standards DNA Natural aluminum KMA, 0A0tZ) RJ Socket position for high pedormance DSS Sandstone Shipped separably optics (R2 ,R3, RSSp K~ Meet arm adaoter ~ Super CWA Pulse $te~ 8allast{TB only) eGO Charcoal grey ~B Twin mounting bar LLRPSt Low Loss Raa~tor PulSe Ste~ (2WV ~TO Tennis green DAOIZP 0agree krm (Pole) only) gar Bright red gsa Steel b~e OAOI~B Degree Arm {Watll Shipp~ separ~l~ PEt NEMA ~ist-lock PE {120, ~0~, 240Vl P~3 NEMA ~ist-lock DE (347V~ PE4 NEMA ~i~t-Iock PE (4~V) PET N~MA ~st-toek PE [2~} H$ House side shield {R~R3, ~) KADVg Vendel guard KADWO Wire guard Orde~ ss eeperMg catalog number. Numar ~ fi~ureS One Two'IS0" T~ ~reg~120' ~re~)" Tenon 0.0. '" KAO 400M Arm-mounted Coefficie~ of Utilization ....... I.iti. I Footo~adle~ ...... KAD R2 Test no. 1193083101 214-35~-6497 Soft Square Cutoff C0£¢FICIENT OF UTIU~,TION 0 .1 .Z 3 .4 ,5 6 0,1 ---,--,--r , ~ 0 t Z 3 · $ o 400W Metal Halide lam.~, 32,000 rated lumens, FootCandle values based on 30' mounting height, Distribution Type Il. curse. ICAD R3 Teethe. Il92040902 0 .1 0 1 SYSTEHS Ao.- O~,IATE.~ 400W Metal Halide lamPr 3Z,000 rated lumen., Footcandle valuea baaed on 3o' mounting height, Distribution Type ltl, cuto~- KAD R3 RJ Test no. 1192041502 CO EF~ICI~N? OF UTILIZATION ,1 2 ,3 .4 5 4 0 1 2 3 4 $ a PAGE KAD R4 Test no. 1191110101 COEFtqCITNT Off UTILIZATI(3 N 0 .l .Z .3 ,4 .$ ] 0 1 ~ 3 4 5 KAD R4HS Test no. 119206t101 .6 0 400W Metal Helfde lamp, 32,000 rated lumens, Footcandle values be~ed on 30' mounting height, Distribution Type IV, cutoff. COEf~FICIENT OF UTILIT. ATION .2 .3 ,4 .5 .6 2 z 400W Mete{ Halide lamp, 32,000 r~l~ed lumens. .G 400W Metal Halide lamp, 32,000 rated lumens. !~ootcandie values based on 30' mounting height, 'Distribution Type III, cutoff. KAD RSS Test no. 1193111901 0 .I 0 t Z 400W Mete[ Halid~ COeFPIcIENT OF UTILIZATION ,3 .3 F~otcendle values baaad on 30~ mounting height, Distribution Type IV, lamp, 32,000 rated lure,ms, Footcandle valUeS baaed on 30' mounting height, Olatribution Type V, ¢~te~. Electrical Characteristics Line current Primary Primary (Amps) dropout Input Power Re§ulatien Mounting Height Correction Factor Waffa§e/baflast v01ta~e Start/Operating voltage watts factor (%) Line V = Lamp lumens 120 2,50/4.00 55 (Multiply the lC, level by the correCtion factor) a00CWA 208 1.a5/2.30 95 Peak-lead 240 1.25/2.00 ~10 455 gO+ +10% r, +10% 3e fL, = 0.73 Autotransformer 277 1.10/1.75 125 40 ft. = .Sa 480 ,73/1.00 Te~ed to current lES and NEMA standards under mtablllzad laboratory conditions, Various opetatlng factors can cause differences be~en lab~ratO~ ~eta and e~uel field meemummen~. Oimension~ and without notice. ~2 Notes: Photometric dele for other distributions ~an be accessed from the Lithonie LigMlng webs{ts. (www. Lithonie.coml ~111~ LIthonle Lighting, Rev. KADM 1 .P86 Olmrm~ai P~q~ml OutOo~ tJ~ll~t~ . P.O, I~x A. Conwm. SA ~2. IT~-e~-9ooO, Fax - ". ~04/~ q_/200~ ].1:25 2:14-351~-E, 4cJ7 $¥STEH$ A$~O.,TATE.~R ~' ~' PAGE 05 'General Information --- Poles _111111111! All Iumineire/pole assemblies require proper ~?vnlu. alien to ensure that the structural integrity of the assembly is not, compromised when applied in spe- cific wind conditions. Therefore, the basis for pole selection in this catalog is total weight and effective projected area, EPA (ftc), Shown on the individual pole catalog pages. Determination of maximum EPA (fl~) and weight loading must include ail luminaires, bracketry, signs, decoration, overhead wire or other equipment that will be mounted to the subject pole, Lumlnaire EPA (fl~) and weight data are found on their respective product pages, The (mai effective projected area of the luminaires and brackets shall not exceed the EPA (fl~) listed for the pole selected at a given wind velocity. Poles that are to be located in areas o~ known abnormal con- ditions will require special consideratlon. The map on page 25B gives the wind velocities to be used in determining luminaire pole compatibility. Consult factory for information concerning wood, fiberglass or concrete poles, NOTE: Ii' during the pole wan'nary period of one ~ar, the product proves defe~:tive in m,~teriil or workman. ship, the company shall correct, at its option, ~lr repa~nngor feplacln_q m ~ cha~ lo the pu~fisser, if the put, assr ~mm~y nmlfles t~e compaq, This wa~a~ spec~fi~lly excises fati~ ~allum or simil~ p~na result~ from i~duC~ vibrMt~ h~[c oscillation or ra~na~e ss~cieted with the m~e~ of air cu~ around ~ prod~ Catalog Number SSA ErA Round tapered aluminum PgA Round all'night aluminum RSN4 Round s~'algh! aluminum hinged SSA Square straight aluminum $SAH Square straight aluminum hinged RTS Ro~ee~ ,STT'~uere tape~ ~'i-~i ~quare tapered steel hinged Round straight steel Square straigt~t stee~ Square .~traight fiberglass Round tapere~ ~berglass RTFDB Round lepere~ fil~er~as$ direct burial SPRTC Round ~apered concrete sportsll~htln~ gTC Square tapered concrete SPIll'S Round taperecl steel sportsllghUng 8-50 feet SportSllgllting poles up to 115'. See sul)mi[i;al sheet5 for specific Information. Il . UI.I Ill III Pole Selection Procedure Step 1. Select the luminalre and decide how many will be mounted per pole, Determine the Effective Projected Area, EPA [ftc), which is given on the dimensional information table, Step 2. Determine the appropriate mourn, lng method for the luminaire. Options include arm, bracket or walt moun~ing. Step :~. Add together the EPA's (fl~) of the tuminaire and arm/bracket. Multiply by number of fixtures to be mounted on one pole. Step 4. Consult the Wind Map on page ~$5 to determine the basic wind velocity for your area. Slap $. Select the material (steel or aluminum) and shape (square or round) of the pole, Refer to the "Technical Information" cf~art on the appropriate pole page. A, Find the desired nominal mounting height in the second column. B. Verify that the fixture weight does not exceed the maximum number listed. C. Compare your total EPA (fl~) loading with the maximum EPA (ftc) value found in the wind spee~ column for your area. Check that the equip- ment you are using will not exceed this value, D. If both the weight and EPA (fl~) values do not exceed for which th~ pole is rated, you have selected the correct pole. If, however, either one of those numbers exceeds the maximum rated values, compare the EPA (ff~) and fixture weight loads to the next larger po~e of the same mounting height. CAUTION: This Dole selection process is a guf(~ell~e rely. Lithoni. Lighti~lg assumes no re.~ponsibility [or sel~ctiofl eno recoml~enos cOnSUl~tion with qualified individuals for v.rificafim'~ el' lumlnelrelpole as~{)ly selection, Ordering Information Example: SSA 16 4G DM19 OMB 4G DM19 OMB ~~ !::~~::i::~ ~iiil  S.. peg* Architemur. I Colo~', 0.125 0.156 square and KKR (4-1/2' 0.188 round) lumlnalres OWH D~L 9lack 0.250 Tenon Mounting Cla~sb T2~ ~-~' O.D. (2' NF~) O~ Medium bronze T2~ 2-7/F O.D. (2-1/~' NPS) DNA Natural aluminum ~ T30 3-1I~'O,D.(3"NPS) ~ Sandstone T~ 4" O.O. (3-1I~ NPS) ~ Charcoal gray Drill Mounti~ ~G Tennis grin ~ 2 at ~ * Cl~ 1 ~ 4 at ~ * ~ 3 at 120'(Round Poles) ~ Natural 4 $ 6 1 8 9 10 · Addi~lonM amhltectursl ArcitecflJeet Co/o/~ brochure, ~ LITHONIA LIGHTING IIII _ __Ill I. II 103-POLE Rev. S/98 103.POEE,