Stuart O'Neal/SP-DR000224ENGINEERING COMMEN ITEM: Stua~ O'Neal O[~ce Budding, Site Plan R~i~, to allow the d~elopment of a 4,267 square foot office building on .5 acre of prope~ located on the no~h side of ~ Sandy Lake Roa& approximately 1,100' west of N. Denton Tap Road, at the request of Cornerstone Architectur~ Semices, Inc. DRC DATE: Februa~ 24, 2000 and March 2, 2000 CONTACT: Mike Ma,in, P.E., Assistant Ci~ Engineer 072-304-3679) COMME~ STA ~S: ~PRELIMINAR Y 1. Show adjacent driveway locations. The minimum driveway spacing for a 35 mph street is 100'. 2. Provide a location map. 3. Locate the dumpster outside of the utility easement.