Stratford Mnr/PP-AG 980414AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: ITEM CAPTION: A~ril 14, 1998 ITEM# Consider approval of an extension of time as it applies to the expiration date of the Preliminary Plat of Stratford Manor, property located west of The Estates of Cambridge Manor, north of DeForest Road, granting a six-month extension to allow for Final Plat submission within 15 months after City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat. IT¥ SUBMITTED BY: ~(~r~I~ sieb-~ 0 AT E TITLE: ~ Director of~ning and Community Services STAFF REC OMMEND~.~-~-'APPROVAL APPROVED BY COUNCIL STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting. N/A Decision of P&Z Commission: NIA SEE ATTACHED LETTER FROM BRENTWOOD BUILDERS, INC., DATED MARCH 10, 1998. Agenda Request Form - Revised ~J98 FIN. REVIEW:~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ®STRATEX/DO~ BUILDERS, INC. March 10, 1998 City of Coppell Attn: Isabelle Moro Planning & Zoning 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Stratford Manor Preliminary Plat Dear Ms. Moro: We understand that our preliminary plat for Stratford Manor that was approved June 12, 1997 by the Coppell City Council will expire on March 12, 1998. At this time we respectfully request a six momh extension of the above referenced preliminary plat. We are currently finalizing the Wetlands investigation and the six month extension provides us the necessary time to prepare our final plat for your approval. For our files, will you kindly provide us with written confirmation of said extension? If you should have any questions, please contact me at (972)248-2250. Sincerely, Robert Delsanter President Brentwood Builders, Inc. Hand Delivered 3/10/98 cc: William A. Anderson DOX.YYDE-Y, ANDERSON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS 5225 VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE SUITE 200 PLANO, TEXAS 75093 (972) 931-0694 FAX {972) 931-9538 July 17, 1997 Mr. Wayne Lea Chief Regulatory Branch Corps of Engineers 819 Taylor Street P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300 Wetlands Investigation/'or a 15.0 Acre Tract of Land, Strat/'ord l¥lanor, located on tile north side of De[brest Road, 1200+ feet east of MacArthur Blvd., Coppell. Texas Dear Mr. Lea: We are currently plarming for the development of the above referenced tract of land. The property lies immediately south and adjacent to Denton Creek. The subject property (see attached exhibits) is immediately west of a parcel that we designed in 1994 referred to as The Estates of Cambridge Manor (Project No. 199300675). That project was reviewed by Mr. Stan Walker and IVlr. Barry G. Osborn. It is our intent to create a common area along the northern end of the development. The proposed common area would be approximately 1.3 acres in size. We intend to preserve the trees in this common area. The only improvements anticipated in this area is a future 8' wide sidewalk that the City of Coppell might construct in the future. The balance of tile 15 acre site vdll be developed as low density single family homes. \Ve are requesting that you review the data and issue a jurisdictional determination. I£ a field determination is necessary, please contact me so that we can have a representative present. Il'you have any questions, please contact me. ~incerely, William A. Anderson, P.E. DO~X/DEY, ANDERSON ~D ASSOC~TES, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS S225 VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE SUITE 2~ P~NO, T~S 7509~ (972) 931~694 F~ (972) 931-9538 Novembcr 7, 1997 Ms. Mary Flores Regulatory Branch Corps of Engineers 8 i 9 Taylor Street P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, Texas 76102-0300 C.O.E. Case No. 199%00423 Wetlands investigation for a 15.0 Ac ± tract of land, Stratford Manor, located on the north side of Deforest Road, 1200 ft + east of MacArthm' Blvd., Coppell, Texas Dear Ms. Flores: I initiated communication with Mr. Wayne Lea of the Corps of Engineers on July 17, 1997. Attached in that letter was inlbrmation about the proposed development. Since that time, I have spoken with you to attempt to obtain a jurisdictional determination. Per our conversation a couple of weeks ago, you were going to request permission from Prestley Hatcher to meet us on the site to make a field determination of any wetlands that might affect the site. Since July, we have finished "on thc ground" topographic survey and a tree survey. Attached is the results of the tree and topographic data. Wc would like to meet with you as soon as possible so that we can begin development of the property. If you have any information pertinent to this development in your file, it would be helpful for us to review such information, so that we can assist you with a determination. Please contact me at my office as soon as possible so that wc can meet. -l-hank you for working with us on this project. Sincerely, William A. Anderson, P.E. TOTAL P.02 KIP H. ALLISON L^w OFFlCES OF Kl~ H. ALLISON, P.C. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW A Professional Corporation 7610 STEMMONS FRWY., SUITE 125 - DALLAS, TEXAS 75247 TELEPHONE: (214) 637-5800 FACSIMILE: (214) 637-9331 January 28, 1998 VIA REGULAR MALL: Mr. Wayne Lea, Chief Regulatory Branch Corps of Engineers 819 Taylor St. P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, TX 76102-0300 Re~ C.O.E Case No. 199%00423 Wetlands Investigation for a 15.0Acre Tract of Land, Stratford Manor, located on the north side of Deforest Road, 1200feet east of MacArthur Blvd., Coppell, TX Dear Mr. Lea: This law firm as been retained by Stratford Development who is the applicant for a designation of the above referenced property. The developer's engineers, Dowdey Anderson & Associates, Inc., first made contact on the project on July 17, 1997. The subject property was exhibited with an attachment and information was conveyed relating to the project. You were asked for a jurisdictional determination. On November 7, 1997, additional correspondence was fbrwarded by the engineers to Mary Flores after telephone communications had led them to believe a time would be established for an on site meeting. Through contacts with Mary Flores since then, it is now our understanding that the applicant is to make their own determination and the Corps will review it and either agree or reevaluate. Our core site samples, provided by a geotechnical lab, appear to show there is no hydric soils in the area. Said samples are being forwarded to Ms. Flores. My concerns in writing you are the time involved in getting through this process. I understand that recent change in the law and government policies have created a landslide of new projects for your office. The seller of the land in our project is a very elderly lady who has a handicapped child and feels tremendous pressure to get this transaction to close. My client would like to get it closed and pay Ms. Edwards, but is also compelled to be methodical and careful not to make any mistakes in his investigation of the land. I am aware that your department was contact by a small group of citizens of Coppell who were interested in preventing the development of Ms. Edwards land, in particular Mrs. Aurbach. Mr. Wayne kea January 28, 1998 Page Two As I am sure you are also aware, there were hearings on the issue and the City Council of Coppel passed the zoning request unanimously. In that vote an agreement was reached that a total of 50 feet on either side of the development would be set aside for a no fill/no build zone to enhance the development and the surrounding neighborhoods. To our surprise Mrs. Aurbach then immediately moved out of the state after being in Coppell for only 8 short months. We have no knowledge of any detrimental information regarding the project or the site other than what we have provided in our request for a determination. If you are privy to any adverse information I would appreciate it if you would forward same to the engineers on this project at Dowdy, Anderson and Associates, Inc., 5225 Villages Creek Drive, Suite 200, Plano, Texas 75093. Because our first contacts with the Corps were in July 1997, both parties of this transaction are trying to establish a reasonable time line in which they can expect to complete this project. Understanding this correspondence is not a complaint as to Ms. Flores or the agency, any help you may provide in the way of information to the engineers or to Ms. Flores would be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, LAW OFFICES OF K~P H. ALLISON, P.C. KHA/wvs CC: Mr. Tim Sorenson Mr. Bob Delsanter Mr. Bill Anderson By: Kip H. Allison