Stratford Mnr/AmP-DR 991028 (5)DEVELOPMENTREViEWC
ITEM: S~ford Manor, Amen~ng PI~, to ~low modifications to the sight v~ib~i~
easements and the recordatDn of a common are~ u~iW, w~l maintenance and
landscape e~ement on 15.13 acres of prope~, located Mong the no~h side of
DeForest Ro~, approximately 1,000' e~t of Ma~hur Boul~ard, ~ the
request of Dowdy, Anderson and Associates, Ina
DRC DATE: O~ober 2& 1~ and November 4, 1~
CONTACT: Mike Ma~n, P.E., Ass~tant Ciw Engineer (~72-304-36 79)
COMME~STA~' vvvr r~ra ov ~FINAL
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