Town Center SC/PP-CS 960508 214 965 0010 05/08/96 15:J8 NICHOLS SACKSON DILLARD HAGER... a CITY OF COPPELL NO.G66 P001/003 Nichols, Jacksom Dillard, Hager & Smith, L~P. 1800 Lincoln Plaza .~00 N. Akard Strut Dallas, Texas 71201 pl~) ~-~oo (2~4) ~s-OOlO (~) FACSIMILE .COVER SI-I~F~ FLEASE DELIVER TO: NAME: Jim Witt FIRM: City of Coppell FAX NO.: 304-3623 FROM: Peter G. Smith TRANSMITrED BY: Thuy Le DATE: May 8, 1996 NUMBER OF PAGES (Including Cover Page): 05×08×96 15:58 NICHOLS SACKSON DILLARD HAGER... a CITY OF COPPELL N0.666 P00~×003 ROeE'l~ E. HAGEFI I~'Efl O. sMr114 OmJCE A. NICHOLS. JACKSON. DILLARD. HAGER & SMrrH. L.L.P. i~lt.,~ Texas 75201 (Z~4) 96~-9900 F~x (214) 96.~010 J01414 P. I~OEHM III J~MldllS~lll IR', OI~"'I=Z~ JA,~3N C. ~ H. L~J~ May 8, 1996 VIA FACS~ 304-3623 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Town Center Shopping Perimeter I,tndseaping ~t to your request, the undersigned provides the followin~ opinion relafin~ to whether the perimeter landscaping requirements of the Comprehemive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell apply to the proposed lots to be platted in the Town Center Shopping. Section 34-1-8 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppeil provide the mi_n_!_m_~_~m landscaping for off-street l~rking at.d vehicular u~ areas. Subsection C of that section provides the perimeter landscaping requirements. Subsection 2 of that subsection provides all off. street parking, loading, driveway~ and vehicular use areas shall be separated from alley fights-of-way and other property by a perimeter landscape area. Accessways to non-residential alleys and between lots may be permitted through all perimcter landscape areas. The maximum width of acce,ssways shall I~ twenty-five (2~) f~ct. All off-street parking and loading areas shall be separated from alley rights-of-way and other property by a perimeter landscap area of at least (10) feet in width. Ail drivmr, y and vehicular use areas shall be separated from alley rights-of-way by a perimeter landscape area of at least ten (10) feet in width. Shared driveways less than twenty-seven (27) feet wide, and of which at least forty-five (45) percent of its width is shared by an adjoining property owner must have a landscape area of at least ten (10) feet in width provided on each side of the driveway pavement. Mr. Jim Witt May 8, 1996 Page -2- Essentially, you ask whether the lot lines of the proposed lots are subject to the perimeter landscape requirements. Section 34-1-8 requires nil off-street parkin~ loadix~ driveways and vehicular use areas to be separated Rom alley rights-of-way and other property by a perimeter landscape area. Thus each of the proposed lots must be separated by a landscape screen or barrier meeting the requirements described above even if the lot line traverses a shared driveway. Section 34-1-8(C)(2)(c) requires a perimeter landscape area of at least ten (10) feet in width ~mless the shared driveway is less than twenty-seven (27) feet in width and at lea~t forty-five (45) percent of its width is shared by an adjoining property owner in which case the landscape area must be at least ten (10) feet in width on each side of the driveway pavement. A~:es.vways between the lots however is permitted through all perimeter landscape areas. Therefore, the proposed lot lines which traverse shared driveways are subject to the perimeter landscaping requirements except those areas which are accessways between the lots. In .~l,mmsry, the proposed lots of the Town Center Shopping are subject to the perimeter landscaping requirements, A lot line which transverses a shared driveway, is subject to a landscape area of at least ten (10) feet in width on each side of the driveway pavement. Only accessways between the lots are exempt from the perimeter landscape requirements. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions in this re~ard, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, NICHOLS, JACKSON, D~, HAGER & SlVtlTH, LLP. POS/ta NICHOLS, JACKSON, DILLARD, HAGER & SMITH, L.L.P.