Town Center SC/PP-CS 960418APR-18-SS 17:11 FROM: EWlNG PROPERTIES 214 2S0 3236 PAGE Ewing_ (2 I t~ ) 250 Apri118,1996 Mr. Pert Virtanen Assistant Director of Planning & Community Services CITY OF COPPELL 25S Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Town Center Shopping Center - Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Virtanen: Per our discussion, Ewin'g Properties, Inc. as applicant for the above referenced case wishes to withdraw the application as it is necessary to address areas of concern by the (:haucer Estates Homeowner Association due to a meeling with the Association last nighl. As you and I discussed we wish to reappear before the Planning and Zoning (:ommission on May 16th with the revisions to the site plan. I understand we will need to provide City Staff ample opportunity to review the revisions before the above referenced meefinR. We appreciate your assistance in Ibis matter. . .~.~"~Sincerely, ~ 'Kev,n Caldwell Vice President- Retail KC/cs