Town Center SC/PP-CS 96040502:09PM PBA DALLAS PBA DALLAS 1:{221 Merit Ddvg #17~0 DMSo, Texu 752Jl.22~2 ("BPI") ~t e, mm~ 11:40 today in which Mr. IJpecomb advised me tint Mr. Kevin Caktwoll of' iIPl ,not with b Dnipt Rovk~ Commitm. or tb city of Cow~ Kmotimo earlbr k b dlm:~ or imFliad that :BPI would hr. m olxain m '~dP" ~ ctmm~ a ~mcm'y ~ in ~lt Dimflct ~ ~ an SUP for a ~x:ery store u~ in b Town Ceam. Zoninf ~ Mr. Lip,oomb inqufrod wbetha' our ",admmt'* with b Cfty of' Coppen hnpo, ed anO~ SUP mPtnm~nt for a IXocery ~e un in thc Town Cc:tier Zont~ D~. I hive exnmined ~ cmmnm~. I also recelvod &call cutler Mday from Mr. Bm Andm'son ~ mimued to me [brim bdifrve~ ~ Mr. Sieb and a bfr. Pert, who worb for Mr. Slob, are 8fmnpttnl m uso Ihe ~.~.~? 09' "cig 02: 09PM PBA DALLAS PBA DALLAS Ap~ ~, 1006 It eppeso to me tbst tho "~ 'Auct" rezontns app~ end the ~ or the remsbxSa~ or,he hnd bei~ Mid to 13~ ar~~ into rbo City of Coppell'p~ mfl"s · uever~" bad.