Town Center L1/PP-DR 950504DEVELOPMENT R VIEW COMMITTJ ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Town Center. Lot 1, Block 1, Prelimina~ Plat, to allow ~e operation O~erton Bank and Trust, located at the northeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Sandy La~e Road, at t~e request of Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc. DRC DATE: May 4, 1995 and June 1, 1995 CONTACT: Ken Griffin, P.E., Assistant City Manager/City Engineer 004-$679) COMMENT STATUS: / INITIAL ,°~v',.~,,,~,, Preliminary Plat: 1. Please show the sidewalk easement adjacent to Denton Tap Road. Also, show any easements necessary for drainage or sewer facilities on the site. Please show the necessary off-site easements to make this sight work. Those would include the fire lane easements on the east side of the site, the necessary sanitary sewer easement to tie into Chaucer Estates and any easements for off-site drainage facilities. Those may need to be dedicated by separate instrument. Site Plan: 1. Please show the width of the various mutual access easements and driveway openings and radius. The location of the proposed dumpster seems to have limited access for anyone trying to empty the dumpster. Is there not a location for better access to the dumpster? Preliminary Utility Plans: 1. Provide 21" RCP for all low point inlets. 2. The water service and meter size should be provided. As previously stated, easements will be required for proposed off-site sanitary sewer line.