Town Center L1/FP-DR 950629 (7)DEYELOPMENT ~¥1EW COMMI~~ ji' i ENGINEE~NG COMMENTS I~M: Town Ce~r ~t 1~ B~k I. ~ ~, ~ ~w ~e o~n ~e~n ~ ~ ~, ~d ~ ~e ~e~ comer of ~n T~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~e ~e~ of ~w~, ~~n ~s~s, Inc. DRC DA~: June 29, I995 ~ Ju~ 6, 1~5 CO'ACT: Ken ~, P.E., ~~ ~ M~er/~ En~eer 0~679) ~R P&Z 2. 3. 4. Show width of proposed mutual access easement/Cue lane on the east side. All adjacent zoning should be shown. Please provide sidewalk/landscape easemem along Denton Tap Road. Roadway impact fees to be assessed.