Town Center SC/PP-DR 960328 (4)DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMM ENGINEERING COMMENT ITEM: Town Center Shoreline Center, Prelim'___~__~ Plat, Lot 1, Block 2, to allow the development of a shopping center on 8.945 acres of property located at the northeast comer of Denton Tap and Sandy Lake Roads, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. DRC DATE: March 28, 1996 and April 4, 1996 CONTACT: Mike Martin, E.L T., Assistant City Engineer 004-3679) oo~r ,~,~A ov ./'FINAL COMMENT STATUS: · ·..~..·,,~·, Preliminary Plat 1. Show visibility sight triangle easements at all ingress/egress points. 2. Dedicate sidewalk and utility easements along Denton Tap Road. 3. Show metes and bounds description for deceleration lane at Wendy's on Denton Tap Rd. 4. Impact fees required. 5. Need to provide 15' x 15' utility easements for all double check vaults and meters. 6. Provide additional right-of-way for deceleration lane for the middle driveway on Sandy Lake Road. 7. Label the existing 10' water line easement with the volume and page nmnber adjacent to Denton Tap Road. 8. Provide drainage easement across Parcel 3 for the storm drain system. Site Plan 1. Show brick pavers on all approaches off of Sandy Lake Rd. and Denton Tap Rd. 2. Label 5' sidewalk along Denton Tap. 3. Close off the driveway opposite Wendy's near Denton Tap and relocate it eastward to the end of Spine Road (Town Center Blvd.). 4. An easement is needed for the driveway radii off of Town Center Blvd. behind the proposed retail building. 5. Show location of future deceleration lane for the middle driveway on Sandy Lake Road. Water & Sewer Plan and SWrm Drainage 1. Provide a vault for the 8" water line at tapping location off of Sandy Lake and Town Center Blvd. Must be located in an easement or right-of-way and outside of paving. Landscape Plans 1. This plan should be revised taking into account the comments made on the site plan. 2. A 5' sidewalk is required along Denton Tap. 3. Provide irrigation plans.