Town Center L2/PP-AG 950711Th~ C~ With A Bm,utifut F~r~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING: AGENDA REQUEST FORM July 11, 1995 ITEM # ~__ ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of Town Center, Lot 2, Block 1, Preliminary Plat, located on the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 523' north of Sandy Lake Road. APPR 7eD CO F, IL SUBMIT~~_.._Gary L. S~.~ , S~ TITLE: ..~-~.~-~.~'~'"of Planning & Community Services INITIAL STAFF CO~ENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: June 15, 1995 Decision of Commission: Approved (4-1) with Commissioners Wheeler, Thompson, Reyher and Stewart voting in favor. Commissioner Redford opposed. Commissioner Lowry was absent. A vacancy exists at the present time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION EXPLANATION: Approval ~ Denial Please see attached for conditions of approval. BUDGET AMT.$ FINANCIAL COMMENTS: AMT. EST.$ +/- BUD:$ FINANCIAL REVIEW: ~ Agenda Request Form - Revised 1/94 ~ "gol~m-od' popor b p~m~er- CITY MANAGER REVIEW: With ^ Beautiful AGENDA REQUEST NARRATIVE TOWN CENTER, LOT 2, BLOCK 1, PRELIMIN~Y PLAT Conditions for approval: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Correction of parking space size and peripheral buffer widths if changes in the current requirements do not occur; placement of the monument sign no closer to the north or south property line than 75 feet; relocation either of the existing fire hydrant or of the proposed exit drive to Denton Tap Road and revision of the drawings so that the site plan and landscape plan are consistant as to location and configuration of the driveway; provision of green space between the dumpster site and the first diagonal parking space; and provision of an easement for the proposed off-site sanitary sewer line. Agenda Narrative - Revised 1/94 Sl~lIC~k and Sa~ Documma ~ Remem~r to attach narrati~ to oHsiaal Al~n~ Requmt. ~ CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: TOWN CENTER, LOT 2, BLOCK 1, PRELIMINARY PLAT (WENDY'S) P & Z HEARING DATE: June 15, 1995 C. C. HEARING DATE: July 11, 1995 LOCATION: East side of Denton Tap Road, approx. 523' north of Sandy Lake Road SIZE OF AREA: .934 acres CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center) REQUEST: Approval of a preliminary plat. APPLICANT: HISTORY: Wendy's International, Inc. (Applican0 4545 Fuller Drive, Ste. 404 Irving, TX 75038 (214) 717-0165 Teri Jones (Engineer) Dowaey, Anderson & Associates, Inc. 16250 Dallas Parkway, Ste. 100 Dallas, TX 75248 (214) 931-0694 In 1994 the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial and City Council denied a special use permit for a Wendy's restaurant on property immediately adjacent to the south. Subsequently, the City and The Parks of Coppell Trust entered into a settlement agreement entitling the Parks of Coppell Trust to construct and operate 2 restaurants with window service on two specific locations in Town Center. The Wendy's site is one of the two specified restaurant sites. One of the terms of the settlement is that no special use permit shall be required as a condition to the issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy on either site. Item 10 TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six-lane divided thoroughfare built to standard in a 100 foot right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East - West - vacant; Town Center vacant; Town Center "TC" vacant; Town Center 'TC" Woodside Village of Coppell; Commercial "C" COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The 1987 Plan showed Town Center uses. DISCUSSION: The Town Center zoning district requires no front, side or rear yard setbacks. Consequently, for the purpose of constructing a building or installing pavement, tree removal is permitted anywhere on the site without replacement. The accompanying site plan does, however, show some sensitivity to tree preservation. Thc plan preserves 3 post oak trees ranging in size from 15" to 17" caliper. Only 3 post oak trees will require removal. They range in size from 10" to 17" in caliper. All remaining trees are hackberries. The trees which have grown up around the existing windmill on the site are 9" and 12" hackberries. They, along with the windmill, are to be removed. Without the development of adjoining traffic circulation facilities; accommodating 45 parking spaces and adequate stacking space for a drive-through window is particularly difficult on this site. The City Engineering Department worked extensively with Wendy's consultants to devise a workable solution, although an exit driveway shown conflicts with an existing rue hydrant location. The parking spaces shown anticipate a reduction in the required minimum size. The proposed monument sign is cast stone on a brick pillar with a cast stone cap. The total area of the face of the pillar is to be 60 square feet. Although we would prefer a sign of 40 to 50 square feet in size, the proposed sign is acceptable if located 75' from the side property lines in accordance with the Sign Code. Landscaping shows cedar elm as the predominant street tree, and screening of parldng areas and driveways with photinia on the north and east and with holly on the south and west. A 20' Item 10 landscape buffer is provided adjacent to Denton Tap Road. A shared driveway is placed on the south side of the property separated from .the parking area by an 8' landscape strip. The north and east sides of the property have 5'-wide landscape buffers in anticipation of a reduction in the current requirements. Recent conversations with members of Council have suggested no reduction in the 10' landscape strip, so the dimensions shown on the plan may require Board of Adjustment action. The Commission cannot approve 5' buffers. RECO~ATION: Although staff questions whether fast-food restaurants are appropriate for the Town Center area, legal counsel has declared that argument moot. The use is allowed by right. That being the case, staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat, subject to the following site plan changes: 1) correction of parking space size and peripheral buffer widths if changes in the current requirements do not occur. 2) placement of the monument sign no closer to the north or south property line than 75 feet. 3) relocation either of the existing fire hydrant or of the proposed exit drive to Denton Tap Road and revision of the drawings so that the site plan and landscape plan are consistant as to location and configuration of the driveway. 4) provision of green space between the dumpster site and the first diagonal parking space. 5) provision of an easement for the proposed off-site sanitary sewer line. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the Preliminary Plat 2) Deny the Preliminary Plat 3) Modify the Preliminary Plat AT FACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary plat 2) Site plan 3) Landscape plan 4) Monument sign elevation 5) Departmental Comments Item 10 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COM .......... ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Town Center, Lot 2, Block 1, Prel~nar~ Plat, to allow the opera,on of a Wendy's drive-4hrough restaurant, located on the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximale~ 523' norlh of Sam~ ~ Road, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc. DRC DATE: May 25, 1995 aad June 1, 1995 CONTACT: Ken Griffi~ P.E., As~ City Manager/City Engineer ~304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ~ oo~., .a..,,~ ~ ov /FINAL Site Plan: 1. Various on-site directional signs will be required. You should coordinate the locations and types of signs with Atul Patel in the Engineering Department. 2. The 'exit only' drive should be more restrictive to prevent vehicles from entering at that location. Driveway should be consistent with streetsc~pe plan. 3. Greenspace should be provided for the area between the dumpster site and the first diagonal parking space on the north side of the site. 4. The northern exit drive should be consistent with what is shown on the landscape plan. Preliminary Utility Plans: 1. An easemem will be required for the proposed off-site sanitary sewer line. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Town Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Preliminary Plat, located at the northeast corner of Denton Tap Road and Sandy Lake Road provided that the four conditions have been met and to direct that the Planning and Zoning Commission have approval of the final plat. Councilmember Sturges seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmember Tunnell voting against the motion. 18. Consideration and approval of Town Center, Lot 2. Block 1. Preliminary_ Plat, located on the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 523' north of Sandy Lake Road. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Watson inquired regarding the buffer, the windmill, and parking spaces. Tim West, representing Wendy's addressed the Council concerning the building design. The Applicant agreed to have the plat state that 10' landscape buffers will be provided on the north, south and east sides of the plat and that there will be no variance requested on the buffers. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Town Center, Lot 2, Block 1,. Preliminary Plat, located on the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 523 feet north of Sandy Lake Road with the following conditions: 1) correction of parking space size and peripheral buffer widths if changes in the current requirements do not occur; 2) placement of the monument sign no closer to the north or south property line than 75 feet; 3) relocation either of the existing fire hydrant or of the proposed exit drive to Denton Tap Road and revision of the drawings so that the site plan and landscape plan are consistent as to location and configuration of the driveway; 4) provision of green space between the dumpster site and the first diagonal parking space; and 5) provision of an easement for the proposed off-site sanitary sewer line and provided that the note at the top of the plat state that all the 10-foot set-back requirements will be met and no variances will be requested from the Board of Adjustments, a copy of the color rendering of the exterior of the building be attached to the plat as Exhibit A, and that Planning and Zoning will have final plat approval. Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Tunnell, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. 19. Consideration and approval of a recommendation by the Telecommunications Board requesting Council to communicate written objection to Paragon Cable regarding bleedover of transmi~ion programming without subscribers' consent. City Attorney Peter G. Smith addressed the Council with a proposed letter to be sent to Paragon Cable. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve the recommendation of the Telecommunications Board and authorize the sending of the proposed letter with corrections noted to Paragon Cable with a copy to the Federal Communications Commission. Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmember Tunnell voting against the motion. CMOT1L05 Page 6 of 8 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: AGENDA REQUEST FORM July 11, 1995 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of Town Center, Lot 2, Block 1, Preliminary Plat, located on the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 523' north of Sandy Lake Road. ~,)?1~ ~~~ SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE~ Director of Planning & Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: INITIALS~, Date ~$ P&Z Meetinq: June 15, 1995 Decision of commisSion: Approved (4~ with Commissioners Wheeler, Thompson, Reyher and Stewart voting ~favor. Commissioner Redford opposed. Commissioner Lowry was absent. A vacancy exists at the present time. Please see attached for conditions of approval. VOTE TO ALLOW THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TO BE THEFINALAUTHORITYON THIS PRELIMINARY PLAT, ~'~ ,~.~ ;./~fa FINANCIAL REVIEW: Agenda Reque~ Form - Revised 1/94 CITY MANAGER REVIEW: