Town Center SC/FP-CS 980316PLEASE DELIVER TIlE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: copsNu. T~ (972) ,,162-4X)22 Fu ~ (972) ,,~)~-..3570 ~ Or I*&GiS mqCI,UDEqG COVil SilEET), ~ DIAL NUIMmn ftfl~n, ~ ~fO(;. The City With A Beautiful Future RO. BOX 478 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 RO. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-0022 March 16, 1998 Mr. John Maggiore Vice President Ewing/North American Properties Suite 2200 16660 Dallas Parkway Dallas TX 75248 Dear John: re: Town Center Shopping Center, Coppell On Friday I explained to Eric that City Council's ordinance requires that the trees to be preserved be enclosed behind chain-link fencing. Therefore all the trees you have tagged in green need to be surrounded by chain link. On the east side of the property, you need not fence along the property line, but on the south side, I suggest you fence along the right-of-way you dedicated for Sandy Lake Road. This will leave trees outside the fence on the south side, but that way people will be able to see that they are not on your property. Also, this will result in enclosure of your trailer site, and you will need to leave an opening for a walkway to the door of the trailer. However, it will keep people from parking cars and tracks on top of the roots of the trees to be preserved on your property. As we discussed previously, some trees will be quite close to the fence. Because the grading and pavement you plan may damage the roots of these trees, some may not survive. In fact, some may end up at the top of deep cuts in the earth, but the public cannot visualize this at this stage. I think it is better that we leave those trees for now. If they have to be removed later, it will be more obvious to people at that time why that had to be done. Sincerely, Pert Virtanen Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services Attachment cc: Greg Jones, Building Official Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services east of Denton Tap Rxu~d and more particularly, descn'bed in ExWoit "A~' attacl~ hereto and made a part hereof for all purpose~. SECTION 2. That the property shall be developed and used only in accordame with the Site Plan, Exhibit "C", reflecting the following special con~,..'tions, and tho Landscape Plan, Exh~'oit '~Y': (A) The Utility air conditioning units located on the top of any building on the property 0~) shall be screened fi'om public vievr, Utility boxes or units at the rear of any building on the property shall be painted to match the color of such buildin~ whenever pothole; i. The loading and unloading of any merchandise or mater, s on the pwperty shall not be permitted during the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 ~m., dailT, (E) Owner to provide the City with forty-five (45) days written notice of its intent to remove trees that are not to be saved. City shall then hav~ thirty 00) days to remove (a) any trees it so desires for transplantati'on; All new and existing landscaping shall be kept in a healthy and growing condilion; All existing and newly planted tre~ shall be maintained in a healthy and growingi condition for & period of three (3) years commer,~ from the date a certificate of occupancy is issued; and any dead or dying existing trees shall be replaced during said period with trees of a minimum of three inch (3'9 caliper, twelve ~ above the ground and seven (7) feet in height when planted, selected from the list of approved replacement trees in accordance with the City landscape regulations at the ratio of 1:3. S,Slgg0 2