Town Center SC/FP-CS 960912FAX COVER SHEET P. O. Box 4.78 Cop~ii. Texas 75019 ~'~ 14) 462-4X)22 Fu No. ~2~41 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOW~G PAGES TO: FAX NO. TRANSMITr~BY: ~.~h.~. ~.hna. NUMBER OF PAGES flNCIJ.rDING COVER SHEEII: IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL QF THE pAG~I~: PL~_ASE CAI.I. BACK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE DIAL DIRECT TO THE PERSON SENDING THIS FAX BY DIALING THE DIRECT DIAL NUMBER LISTED. THANK YOU. Ewing_ Ewing Properties, Inc. 16660 Dallas Parkway Suite 2200 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 250-3236 Fax: (214) 248-6701 September 11, 1996 Mr. Gary Sieb Director of Planning CITY OF COPPELL 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Town Center Shopping Center Dear Mr. Sieb: This letter is to notify the City that by virtue of our final plat and site plan submission on the above referenced project we are proposing to alter the inside radius on the fire lane at one location. 30 feet inside radius is required and we have shown a 20 foot inside radius at the northeastern corner of the fire lane at the front of the shopping center as highlighted on the attached site plan. Our plat and site plan will reflect this 30 foot inside radius which we are seeking approval of by the Planning and Zoning commission on September 19th, and the City Council on October 8th. After your review of this information please feel free to call me with any questions you may have. drely, -- Vice President - Retail KC/cs encl TAiSULATIONS ANCHOR 58,800 294. RETAIL 24.,895 125 RESTAURANT 7,5Q0 75 TOTAL 91,195 4,94 PARKING PROVJOI~O 4-46 PARKING VARIANCE REQUEST 4-9 SPACES PERCENTAGE OP REQUEST 9.72X SITE AREA 9.943AC. ~WING PROPRIETIES 16660 OALLA$ PARI(WA Y #2200 OAL LA$, TEXAS TYP PARKING LAYOUT SIT~ PLAN .~