Town Center L2/PP-CS 950517MAY-- 1 r~--9 ~ T U E ~ MAY-12-1995 13:57 DOt~DEY,ANDERSON & ASSOC. 2.~ Parkway ~Ivd. (214) 394-]678/Fax (214) 304-3673 l~e: ~a~ are ~-~d~or ~m~a~ p~r ~o t~ m~e. rne fu. g ~m prior to tht ¢/~le ~ tAc Piing and Zonlng Commi~lon tn~tin$ at w~ich tht app~ Filing Dat~: 5-17-95 Name of Applicam: WENDY'S INTERNATIONAL, INC. P. 0~ 214 931 9538 P. ~4 SubdivisionS. . ir rq-95 Tel%uhone Number: ~ZI4]'-/[-~- O~(D~ Fax Number: _~ZJ4)~4 t- OF/aY Firm Preparing Plat: '[3oI,VD~ ~t, JDSF{;~ {k{~b &.~__.. ~C, Ail Correxpondence relaave to this application should be directed w; Address: I~'~,a::_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_~ "iZ~~~~W? ~iT[~ {00 'ba~..s,'~ ~_5'Z_~__e, __..: .......... Telq)lwncNumb~r: 95!rO~/ Fax Number: N~e of Sut~ivision: _ 'TOWN 6~'~__¢ .tOT 2, ~U:~C~ }