Stratford Mnr/FP-CS 990225ALLISON Fei)mary 25, 1999 Approved No Fill/No Build Statement for plat Per our conversation today, the following language has been approved to bc placed on thc the plat and will be deemed sufficient to meet the condition for the PI). "For the purpose of preserving trees, there shall be a particularly described area on certain lots, as indicated on this plat as "no fill/no build zone", which the landowner shall be restricted from filling or constructing in the designated area, except as to provide proper drainage or as may required by other govemment~ agencies. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to Bill Anderson and Gary Sieb for placement on the final plat. Very truly yours, LAW OIrFICI-~ OF I(IP !I. ALLISON, P.C. KH~/wv$ cc: David Whitsett Via Facsimile 214-490-9676 V'm 972-931-9538