Stratford Mnr/FP-CS 990208VIA FACSIMILE P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-0022 February 8, 1999 Ms. Tracey Garman 707 Cambridge Manor Lane Coppcll, Texas 75019 In order to supply as much information as possible for Tuesday night's meetin~ we are providing you these following responses. The staff lure at~empted to answor your questions as clearly as possible regarding your concerns you expressed in your letter of last week. Construction Safety at Prince Edward ~ 1. Yes, thc "construction stage" refers to the home construction stage also. 2. The City will not place a tempmmT barricade on Prince Edward during the initial construction stage duc to thc need for emergency vehicle access. 30 ft. 20 ft. No-Fill/No-Bill Easements. 1. The existing trees will be pmtectecl in accordance with the Tree Ordinance in effect at the time this development was submitted for consideration by Council. The State Law provides the developer with that righL And, that Tree Ordinance, not the new Tree Ordinance, regulates. 2. Section 34.-1-2 of the former tree preservation ordinance exempted single family from this requirement 5. Yes, we will request that snow fence or appropriate barricades around existing trees, but we cannot require the developer to comply and cannot withhold subdivision approval based on this request. 6. This easement should be shown on the grade pla~ 7. The easement sheuld be shown. 8. In regard to your interpretation of the P & Z requirement for easement on any lot with existing trees, plat reflects the no build easement as approved by council during the zoning process. 9. In regard to the no-fill/no-build easement, if se direci~ by owner, this will be corrected in the restrictive deed coverents and will,.be shown in the face ef the plat. I'-. Il:: " ; . ' The previous Tree Ordinance, provided that single family zoned areas were exempt therefore many of yeur questions are not applicable. Mr. Reid has visited with you regarding the champion trees and specimen trees tt~t are included in this development. Wetland Mitigation Avoidance I know you have spoken with Mary Flores of the Corps of Engineers, and I spoke with her on Friday on last week regarding your concerns, as addressed in Section 4 of your let~r. Ms. Flores, as you stated to me, did tell me flint the~e were additioml conditions that needed to be met by the developer. Therefore, they have issued a conditional permiL The permit has been cirod~u~l to council. The is~amnce of a conditional permit is not unique subdivision approvals in CoppeH. Most, if not all subdivision in CoppeH receive a conditional permit when dealing with the Corps of Engineers. The City's approval of a fina! plat cannot be withheld upon them meeting all conditions of the Army Corps of Engineers. Moreover, the Corp requirements will meet or Street ConstructionOver 30 ft. Wood Easement Prince Edward Lane, the "tree easement" as you call it is not part of thc dedicated public right-of-way. The engineering depal~ent will be meeting with the developers engineers to finalize construction plans which will address those issues tl~ are of concern to you. Let me state that the no-fill/no-build will be maint~ined~ even though it might create what we consider substandard drainage on the rear side of the properties between Stratford Manor and Cambridge Manor. Miscellaneou~ 1. Pavers are not required at the main entrance of Stratford. 2. A subdivision mine and idmfificafion sign will be installed at the rn~in eillrallge of Stafford Manor during the public works construction phase. If you have any further questions, please contact my office. wiu Mayor and Council Ken Grimn~ City Engineer Brad Reid, Park Plan & Landscaping Mannger