Town Center W/PP-CS001221Jim Witt - Your new location ~n Co From: To: Date: Subject: "Dave & Carolyn Nelson" <dccr@ earthlink.net> Allegro5.hub 05("rene @childrenscourtyard.com") Thu, Dec 21,2000 9:03 AM Your new location in Coppell Rene, I just dropped my daughter off at the High School in Coppell and saw your sign for a new location on West Town Center Street in Coppell. I don't know what the city had in mind granting you a permit at that location, but it might be something you need to re-examine. Every school day from about 7:30 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. there is a constant flow of traffic on West Town Center for the High School carpool line as this is one of only two entrances to the the school. This is also a school bus approach, albiet not the only one. There is still a fair amount of traffic until 9:30 a.m. as some seniors have a late start time. Afternoons, a carpool line begins to form from the entrance of the High School back to Denton-Tap at 3:00 p.m. It doesn't get real bad until about 3:45 p.m. but is slow until 4:30 p.m. After school activities create traffic until at least 6:00 p.m. most days and much later on "game days". As I drove through this morning I thought of the frustration and discouragement your customers and fellow High Schooler parents will have when there are more cars added to the mix. If I were a parent with young children to drop off at day care before work in the morning, I would definately reconsider a traffic situation that made my mornings more tense. In the afternoons when the students are leaving campus the traffic hazards are a nightmare. There is foot traffic to Sonic and many drivers far exceed the 20 mph limit. Again, more cars added to the mix at the precise times when the traffic is already crowded will only make matters worse. I strongly encourage you to survey the traffic flows on school day mornings and afternoons for a week and then consider if your business could overcome the situation to still be attractive to your clients at the end of that week. 2000 Pa( Sincerely, Carolyn Nelson Carolyn @ dccr.com phone: (972) 315-1678 CC: City_of_CoppelI.Town_Center(jwitt)