Town C AddL2/SP-AG010911 T H £ C I T Y 0 F CO?FELL AGENDA R QUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEET~G: September 11, 2001 ~~EM ~ 1 ~ ITEM CAPTION: SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb STAF~I~~EN~)~..ector of Planning and Community Services Consider approval of the Town Center Addition, Lot 2, Block 3, Site Plan, to allow the development of an approximately 12,975 square-foot retail/office building on approximately 1.7 acres of property located along the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 475 feet south of Parkway Boul~PR0 yE0 BY CITY cOUNCIL ' E q.l -O/ c Date of P&Z Meeting: August 16, 2001 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (4-1) with Stewart voting in favor. Commissioner Halsey opposed. Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell and Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1) The front elevation shall be as reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 19, 2001 (plan dated July 3, 2001) with the notching of the canopy at the south end facing Denton Tap Road to create the appearance of a visual separation from Eleanor's Square, as discussed at the August 164 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. 2) Board of Adjustment action granting variances to Sections 12-34-8 and 9 of the Landscape Ordinance. 3) If variances are granted, then approval of off-site landscaping plan, subject to: (a) Prior to the installation of the off-site landscaping, irrigation plans shall be approved by the City and the irrigation system shall be installed by the applicant. Co) Prior to installation of the landscaping in the off-site areas, City staff shall approve the specific landscape materials. (c) City Staff shall approve all off-site landscaping after installation. (PLEASE SEE CONTINUED CONDITIONS ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE) DIR. INITIALS:~/I FIN. REVIEW:~ Agenda Request Form 0 CITY MANAGER REVIEW: @TC23sp TOWN CENTER ADDITION, LOT 2, BLOCK 3, SITE PLAN CONDITIONS CONTINUED: 4) The Leisure Services Department shall inspect off-site plant materials approximately 90 days after planting to ascertain their healthy and growing condition. (e) In the event the landscape materials proposed for the off-site landscaping are not adopted with the revised Plant Palette, the applicant shall replace the plantings with materials on the adopted Plant Palette. In the event the Board of Adjustment does not grant the variances, then: (a) Revise Site Plan and Landscape Plan to be in accordance with all provisions of the Coppell Zoning Ordinance. Initially, staff recommended this case be held under advisement due to a number of issues to be addressed. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: Town Center Addition, Lot 2, Block 3, Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: August 16, 2001 (first heard July 19, 2001) September 11, 2001 (originally scheduled for August 14, 2001) Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director Along the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 475 feet south of Parkway Boulevard. Approximately 1.674 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center) REQUEST: Site Plan approval for a 12, 975 square-foot retail building. APPLICANT: Alen Hinckley, Owner Univest Properties 12201 Merit Drive #170 Dallas, Texas 75251 972-991-4600 FAX: 972-991-7500 Randy Daniels, Architect Daniels & Assoc. 4320 N. Beltline Rd, 106A Irving, Texas 75038 972-255-1515 972-255-4141 HISTORY: Page 1 of 7 There has been no platting activity on this parcel. This property, as well as surrounding properties, was zoned TC (Town Center) in the mid-1980's. To the north of the property is Princeton Park, a two building office complex which was approved in 1997 and developed in accordance with the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance. In 1998, a site plan was approved for Eleanor's Square, the shopping center which abuts to the south. A combination of the landscaping provided on-site and within the medians of Town Center Boulevard and Town Center Drive fulfilled the landscape requirements. Most recently approved within the Town Center area (April 2000), h~ C.C. PACKET Item # 5 is the approximately two-acre site between Comerica Bank and the Tom Thumb Shopping Center. Once again, the site and landscape plans were in accordance with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six lane divided thoroughfare within a 100-foot right-of-way. Town Center Boulevard has 28 foot-wide pavement within a variable right-of-way. Adjacent to the subject property there is 37 feet of right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Princeton Park Offices - TC (Town Center) South - Eleanor's Square Shopping Center - TC (Town Center) East - Coppell Justice Center - TC (Town Center) West - Huntington Ridge Subdivision; SF9-PD 129R COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail uses. DISCUSSION: Page 2 of 7 On July 19, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission hem this request under advisement to allow the applicant additional time to resolve issues relating to site plan, landscape plan and elevations. Revisions to the initial staff report are noted in italics. This request is to receive site plan approval for a 14,080 square-foot (the building size has been reduced to 12,975 square feet) retail/office medical building to be located adjacent to Eleanor's Square along Denton Tap Road. The site plan indicates that there will be 94 (the parking has been reduced to 83) parking spaces and a 10-foot-wide drive-through traffic lane along the northern side of the building. At a ratio of one space per 200 square feet (as would be required for retail), 71 (65) parking spaces would be required. It is assumed that the additional parking would allow for leasing to medical office (1 space per 175) or restaurant (1 space per 100) uses. However, if office is desired, then less parking would be required (1 space per 300-square feet). The applicant has not specified what the drive-through is intended to be. The resubmission provides a more detailed tenant mix, specifying 9,375 square feet of retail and 3, 600 square feet of restaurant, thus requiring 83 parking spaces. The restaurant will require a SUP. The site plan indicates that the proposed building will be located on the south property line. The TC (Town Center) district does not require side- yard setbacks, unless adjacent to single family. However, there would be Item//5 Building Code issues with abutting a new building less than 10 feet from an existing building on a separately platted property. Specifically, for a minimum of 10 feet from the property line, both the proposed and existing buildings (Eleanor's Square) would have to be protected with a g-hour fire wall. Therefore, no openings (windows or storefronts) would be permitted within 10 feet of the property line. Eleanor's Square currently has a store front within 3 feet of the property line, and the construction of this building on the common property line would impact the existing elevations of Eleanor's Square. A new development which ignores its abutting neighbor by causing major alterations to that neighbor does not promote compatibility of use and is not appropriate. Since the original publication of this staff report, the Chief Building Official has determined that there will not be building code issues as herein described. However, both the staff and Commission expressed concerns with the attaching of these two buildings in terms of aesthetics, as well as the lack of opportunity for pedestrian circulation between these two retail buildings. The site plan indicates four lighting fixtures on this site, including a flood light pointing towards the building. The lighting is specified as 1000 watt metal halide for both the down lights and the flood light. The note also states that the 30-foot poles will be mounted on 3-foot concrete bases. Section 12-36-2.3 of the Zoning Ordinance specifically states that the height of the mounting of the luminaries shall be "measured vertically from the horizontal surface of the nearest parking pavement." Therefore, the additional 3 feet in height would not be permitted. Additional information is also needed as to the type and color of the proposed lighting fixtures, as well as the need for a flood light in addition to the other fixtures. The light poles have been reduced to 30feet in height and the fixtures have been specified. This site will have access from Denton Tap Road from the existing driveway which is jointly used by Eleanor's Square. There is also a mutual access with the proposed bank to the north. Along Town Center Boulevard, one driveway will align with the existing driveway into the Justice Center and additional access will be provided through the proposed bank site onto Town Center Boulevard. Page 3 of 7 Landscape Plan The Landscaping Plan is not in accordance with the current Landscape Ordinance. Specifically, the plan, as submitted, is not in compliance with: · Section 12-34-9, the Non-vehicular landscape requirement whereas 8,826 square feet of landscaping is required, and none is being provided. The Landscape Plan has been revised to provide 6,314 Item # 5 Page 4 of 7 square feet of the required 8,992 square feet of landscaping. To compensate for this deficit, the applicant has offered to landscape two City-owned areas within Town Center, nearby this site. The first area is the median of Town Center Boulevard,. south of Parkway Boulevard, between the Fire Station and Eckerds. This median is approximately 1, 800 square feet and is proposed to be landscaped with shrubs and grasses. The second area is adjacent to the Town Center entry feature sign at the southeast comer of Town Center Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard. This area contains 900 square feet. Therefore, this 2,678 square foot deficit is proposed to be addressed through the provision of approximately 2, 700 square feet of landscaping off-site. The plants selected for these areas are a combination of plants currently on the City's Plant Palette and those proposed to be included in the revised Plant Palette, which is scheduled for review and adoption over the next several months. If these plant materials are installed prior to the adoption of the revised Plant Palette and these plants are not added to the Plant Palette, then the applicant shall be responsible for replacement with approved plant materials. The City will be responsible for maintaining this off-site landscaping. Therefore, prior to installation, City staff shall approve the specific landscape materials. The City staff shall also sign off on the landscaping after installation. Neither of these areas are currently irrigated, although 8" waterlines traverse both tracts. Therefore, an irrigation plan shall be also be approved by the City and installed by the applicant in these two areas. If this off-site landscaping is deemed appropriate by the Planning and Zoning Commission, then prior to forwarding this site plan to the City Council, Board of Adjustment action will be required to grant a variance to the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance. An application to this Board has already been submitted, requesting relief for this 2,678 square feet of required non-vehicular landscaping. Section 12-34-8(C)2.c, which requires the provision of a 10 foot landscape area on each side of a shared driveway, none is being provided. The applicant has challenged staff's interpretation of this provision of the Landscape Ordinance, whereas the provision states that when a driveway is less than 27 feet wide.., then this buffer is required. The applicant has increased the driveway width to 27.5 feet to eliminate this requirement. Staff feels that the intent of the 27 feet dimension was to define what a mutual access driveway is, not to limit it. While the applicant's interpretation of this ordinance Item # 5 suggests elimination of the requirement for this buffer, staff is of the opinion that there would still be aesthetic benefits to the provision of this buffer and the applicant is stretching the interpretation of the ordinance. Section 12-24-8(B)3, which requires that landscaped islands (with one tree) not being separated by more than 15 parking spaces, there are two rows of parking (one which contains the loading area) which does not comply with this section. The Landscape Plan has been revised to add the required landscape islands. Elevations The elevation of the building will be essentially the same as the Market at Town Center, located along the west side of Denton Tap, as well as similar to the architecture of Eleanor's Square. The attached signs will be individual ivory channel letters with bonze trim caps and dark bronze returns. The elevations and signage is in accordance with the recommendations of the C.I.V.I.C. Report. At the July 19, 2001, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, there was significant discussion as to the "architectural transition' between Eleanor's Square and this proposed building. The applicant has revised the elevations to relocate the articulation of the building elevations to the south, to be approximately 10 feet from the existing building. The intent of this relocation is to give both buildings a more balanced look; however, the architectural transition between the existing and new buildings is still awlovard. The embellishments in the brick have also been revised from "diamonds" to EFIS bands to differentiate this building from Eleanor's Square. Finally, given that this proposed development is in the Town Center area, an approval letter from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee accepting the design is required. This letter has been submitted. While staff is in support of this use at this location, this site plan, as submitted, cannot be recommended for approval because of a lack of adherence to the Landscape and Lighting Ordinances (the lighting ordinance issue has been resolved). In addition, the building code issues need to be resolved, he Building Official does not have building code issues with this site plan.) It appears by reducing the size of the building, increasing the building setback from the south property line, eliminating the drive-through and/or the amount of parking provided, these issues could be easily resolved. Therefore, staff is recommending that this case be held under advisement until these concerns have been properly addressed. As detailed above, the applicant has slightly reduced the size of Page 5 of 7 Item # 5 the building (by 1,105 square feet), eliminated 11 parking spaces, and provided additional landscaping (both on and off-site). RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: There are far too many loose ends and unresolved issues for staff to recommend this case. We recommend this request be HELD UNDER ADVISEMENT until the following issues are addressed and resolved to staff's satisfaction While staff still has concerns with the attachment of this buiMing for architectural and pedestrian circulation issues, ordinance interpretation, and the provision of landscaping off-site requiring a variance, staff can only recommend APPROVAL if strict adherence to the following conditions are met: Board of Adjustment action granting a variance to Section 12-34-9 of the Landscape Ordinance, prior to forwarding this request to City Council. Prior to the installation of the off-site landscaping, irrigation plans shall be approved by the City and the irrigation system shall be installed by the applicant. Prior to installation of the landscaping in the off-site areas, City staff shall approve the specific landscape materials. City Staff shall approve all off-site landscaping after installation. In the event that the landscape materials proposed for the off-site landscaping are not adopted with the revised Plant Palette, then the materials shall be replaced, by the applicant, with materials on the adopted Plant Palette. Revise site plan and landscape plan to be in accordance with all the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance. 07~is condition has been met pending Board of Adjustment action.) Revise the site plan to increase the building setback from the south property line a minimum of 10 feet or submit a letter from the abutting property owner stating that they agree to the building modifications as necessary to adhere to the building code requirements when buildings on adjacent properties are built within 10 feet of the mutual property line. (This is no longer a Building Code issue) Reduce the height of the light poles to be in accordance with Section 12- 36-2.3 of the Ordinance and provide a rationale as to the need for the flood light. (This condition has been met) Receipt of a letter from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee expressing their approval of this site plan. (Received) Page 6 of 7 Item # 5 ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: Revised Site Plan Revised Landscape Plan Revised Elevations Page 7 of 7 Item # 5 0 n~ Z 0 LLI © Z I._d Z .< o [ ~ v m - --- ( TOUJN CENTEf~ ZONING ) N 88'59'02" E 311.72' I// TA I~-- 75' X ~ 114-¢' ? RETAIL / OFFICE / MEDICAL 12,975 S.F. LOT 2 <[ 0 F- 0 MUTUAL FIREL~NE :)RIVE-THRU LANE ACCESS 331.1 5' ,,.®' f ,4-'t S 88'5~'02' W 33~.60' A U ,Fy A > BL VD © ct: PARKWA N '-m SANDY LAKE ROAD 1 VICINITY MAP ~ Not to Scole PLAN -' ~1 ~A~ ~ONZE CAST METAL / ~ CAST 5TONE LETTE~ (TIME5 ~OM~N FONT) ELEVATION MONUMENT SIGN SCALE · 1/4" = 1' - 0" ZONING: USES: SITE DATA SUMMARY SITE AREA: BUILDING AREA: PARKING REQUIRED: (BASED UPON .3,600 S.F. REST. @ 1CAR/lO0 9,.375 S.F. RETAIL @ 1CAR/200 TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING: PARKING PROVIDED' TOWN CENTER RETAIL, RESTAURANT, OFFICE, MEDICAL 1.674 ACRES (+) 12,975 S.F. ESTIMATED TENANT MIX) S.F. = 56 CARS S.F.= 47 CARS 83 CARS 85 CARS (1'156) NOTES 1. FIRELANE RADII INSIDE OUTSIDE 2. BUILDING TO HAVE AUTOMATIC FIRE 50.0' 54.0' SPRINKLER SYSTEM &: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM PER CODE REQ. 20 50 40 50 75 1 O0 SCALE : 1 "= 20' - 0" SITE PLAN · ow. ADDITION LOT 2, BLOCK 3 ~ EXISTINcG AE)JAOENT PAYING ,: d I.I 1,~¢ UJ. METAL NALIE)E LAMf=5 IN C~T-OFF TYf=E FIXTURE5 MOUNTED ON /~25 FT. POLE5 ~ITN 3 FT. CITY OF COPPELL " ~' SITE LIGHTING LEGEND: (LIGHTING 5HALL COMPLY ~ITH OF T~E ZONtN~ O~I~NOB) DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS OWNER: UNIVEST PROPERTIES INC. 12201 MERIT DRIVE, SUITE DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 972-991-4600 DANIELS & ASSOCIATES 4320 NORTH BELTLINE IRVING, TEXAS 972-255-1515 75058 , TRUSTEE 170 ARCHITECTS ROAD, SUITE A-106 JUNE 12, 2001 a JUNE20,2001 z~ JULY5, 2001 Z~ JULY10,2001 z~ JULY25,200l DATE: REVISIONS' ARCHITECT: METAL HALIDE FLOODLIGHT A AUG. 27, 2001 5~b BP61N6 74 LIN, biN, ~ 5': ¢~IP~R ( TOWN CENTER ZONING ASIAN JASMII',I¢ i.~6 -16,~,./.6"0,¢. TOWN CENTER ZONING N $8°59'02'' E 5tl 72' oeo ~ FOR REFERENCE C)N~.Y REFER ~ B~NK ~-U-~ITTA~L / __ N=88~59'02" E MUTUAL -IRELANE & SHARED ACCESS ASIAN JA.SMIN~ =~ ~ ~1~85 ' I f.¢l.,, I¢,"o,¢, co / %, / L_ 51'P. VP..N5 H~LY CP-,/NcB MYEI'b~ I - 8-10' Hr, 6i~F.N 160 ~" 0,¢, EXISTI O LI~ O~ ADJACENT P blYl¢~ 12-1~,,I DRIVE- THRL~ LANE RETAIL / OFFICE MEDICAL 12,975 S.F. LOT 2 EXISTING ADJACENT BUILDING ( TOWN CENTER ZONING ) 8-10' hT, 160 ' 16M.,, I¢"o,c, LI~ (IN11flqOR bl~ O~ N~R~POINf ¢2 N~ 5$VP. N5 :12 -I~,, NR ¢¢~N5 H~LLY 57 - ~ ~,, ~'0,,,~ POSER H~LY ~ 12 - 7 6,~,, o SITE LIO½TILIQ f¢~L. ~P61N6 1¢8 L.IN, PF,0¢0¢~ LI. OCNION -I Z ( U) © -- u5 - > Z LIN~IM~R'5 MLHLY 61~.BN LIRICB INPlAN HAW~OI~ 26 ' ~ ~AI.,. 50"o,c, 7 LINI~I~R'5 MLI-ILY 16 - .~ SA.,. 50"o,c, PARKWAY BU VP ¢1.~ Iq~ JUNIP~E I 88 ' I (.~,. 18"o,c, I 55~L I~P. P61Nd 78 biN, Ff, OPP TIS ~,~99 ~ ~,~0 ¢P ( lOX ) ~,8~0 ~ PI~RIMI~11~R bANP%~P. TOWN C'P. NI'P.R ~ VP, 220 bP fO .fi)l/IH ~0 9" C/~-, i1~P.5 PROVI~P 220 bP .. ~ - 9" CAI., 11~5 ~OVII~P ¢0 fOfAI. F"Clq/V~_.I'¢I~ I.~PS(::FI~ AI~A PROVI~P ,6,4~ 5P PAI~,INd / ~HICLI./~ ~ 5CI~BNING TOWN C:F:::NI'P.R I~, ~D" Hi', ~P. GI~P.N ~I~N CP-fl~ N~.PlAN CP~ 5t6N AqUA 1¢,669 5P for~ LANP~R~ AI~A 8,992 .SP 6,914 5P ~9,079 ~ UFkPLI~ ~ 2,678 ¢ 1,800 5P 9GO ¢ 22 ¢ x\ e VICINITY MAP iii ¢ 20~.0011 Not to Scale 6 LANPSCAFIN5 I"- 20'-0" APPLIC~LB CITY I~QUII~MI~NI'5 MIN, ,6X ALL I~.QUI~P FAI~.I~ kl~A5 5HAI. L I~. LANPSCNT. P 98,599 5P I,f~'~Q ¢ 1¢,669 ¢ 1,6,669 5P PROPO~P PAJ~.,II'~ I~QUII~P LAI',,tP~.API~ ( CY. ) PROVII2¢.P P/~KING AI~A bANP~API~ ( 40,6 X ) PROVI~P ~AI~I~ 511~ LANP~/,~¢ ( :2~,~Y. ) APPlflONAI. L~P%~ TAPLILAqON5 TOWN CP. NfP. E 1%VI2, 220 LP ¢0 991 LP ~0 220 bf · -.6 - :~" CAl., 11~1~5 PROVI~P '7 ' 9" C/~, 11~f-,5 ".6 ' 9" CFI-, 11~1~5 PROVI~P I~NfON f~ I~, .6O MAIl, RI,Al. ONlY 51ZI~ HI' 5P N01T:: 5 LI~ 0/~. 14 9" CAI., 10-12' .6-6' N6 OlJ~I~CIJ5 VIP.61NIANA C~P~ BLM I0 9" C~, 10'12' .6'6' N6 ~M~ ~P~IA 5WI~BT6LLM 7 9" CAi., 10-12' LIQLIIPNVD/~ 51YF./~IPL~ ~ MYleltB 2 8-10' Hr, 8-10' LN;iP. R511~¢MIA INPlEA ' WA11~P../V~LON t~P' PO51'P.R HObLY 12 ¢ E.V~L, 4' 2-9' PLLL ILI~X, ^1'11~NUA1'A NR 511~N5 HObbY 9.~ ,6 f-~L, ~9" 24" PLLL ILl'Y, ~ '~LLII~ I% :5'1~N5' ~BI21.P. POINf HObLY 64 .6 6,~1., ~" 24" PI.Lb ILBY, COI~',,lUfA 'NI~I~I2LP..POINf' 12WP YAIPON HObbY 94 9 6kL, 1,6' 1,6" PLLL Ibex VOMIfOR1A 61~..~N LIEIOPP.. 1'::)8 1 6Ab, I0' I0' PLLL LIRIOF~ M!JSC~I ASIAN ..IASMINB 999 1 6,~b, MIN, ,6 - 18" k:i.NNP. I~5 ~b05t~M ,K%~'rlCLIM 511~BL I~P61N6 968 LIN, Pf, ~VISION5 6-12-01 6 z \\ \ \\\ (~ \\ \ \\ \ C.C. PACKEllI , el.k, III ................ I I · i i 1 J I i[ II ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I 11 NOTE; 50ME LUALL AREAS ON REAR MAY I~E SOLIID (ERICK OR E.IF.S.) INSTEAD OF GLASS, (EXTENT OF E.I.F.S. TO t~E /IMITEE> E~¥ ~C~% I"'1A~©NR"r' t;;~Ulf;~EMENT,)//~ EAST (REAR) ELEVATION~ SCALE · 1,/8" = 1' - 0" FACE BRICK SPLIT-FACE C.M.U. MORTAR CAST STONE E.~.nS. (STUCCO STOREFRONT ROOF AT TOWERS ATTACHED SIGNS MATERIALS TO MATCH BORAL BRICKS "OXFORD RED" OFF-WHITE' FEATHERLITE "CREAM" OR "WHITE" OFF-WHITE OFF-WHITE ( TO MATCH C.M.U. COLOR ) ( TO MATCH C.M.U. COLOR ) OFF-WHITE DARK BRONZE ALUMINUM/CLEAR GLASS FAUX SLATE ( GREEN ) INDIVIDUALLY MOUNTED LIGHTED CHANNEL LETTERS WITH IVORY PLEX FACES, BRONZE TRIMCAP 84 DARK BRONZE RETURNS. TOWER ESE¥ON[~ =====================================:::::: :~:_.:f: :::::::!:!:!:!:!:!:i:i:i;!!:!:!:!:!;!:!:!:!:!:!:!::!:!,.!:!:!:!:!:!:!: ~ '_: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : ', ', ,',,'..~,'., I ~~~:~~~:~:~~~~~~~:~:~:~~~~:~~~~:~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`:~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:}:i:i:i:i:::','.','.:'.:'.. , , :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ,, ~:~:~:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:.:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~;~:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i :.:.:.:.:-:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.::.:,:.:.:.:.:,:,:,:.:.:-:.:.:,:,:.:,:.:.:. ~ ' ::':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'::::!:!"!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!:!::!;!;!;!;' ~ i ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: II1 I "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"' ................................... '"'"'" , , '"'"'""'"'"'"""'"'"'"""'"'""""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'""' , AA MASONRY CALCULATION E.IF.S, CAST STONE 5PLIT-FACE C~.LL FAUX SLATE t~0OFING E,IF,S. C. Ot;~[ICE NORTH (END) ELEVATIONA SCALE ' 1/8" = 1' - 0" WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION ADJACENT EXISTING t~L~TAIL C, ANTILEV'ERE[P CANO! SCALE · 1/8" = 1' - 0" BRICK/GLASS/CAST STONE 88 SPLIT FACE C.M.U. 7 E.I.F.S.. 5 ELEVATIONS OWNER' TOWN CENTRE ADDITION~-~'~,~:x LOT 2, BLOCK 3 CITY OF: COPPEL. L. DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS T R ARCHITECT: DATE: REVISIONS' UNIVEST PROPERTIES INC. 12201 MERIT DRIVE, SUITE DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 972-991 -4-600 DANIELS &: ASSOCIATES 4-320 NORTH BELTLINE IRVING, TEXAS 75038 972-255-1515 JUNE 12, 2001 A JUNE 20, 2001 ~x JULY 5, 2001 /},,JULY 25, 2001 170 ARCHITECTS "/"/"' I AUC 'n~ ',,~'~ ,/aX AUG. 27, 2001