Town C AddL2/SP-CS010719unlvoGt PROPERTIES INC. 12201 Merit Drive, Suite 170 Dallas, Texas 75251 (972) 991-4600 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Company: Phone: Fax: Date: From: Phone: Fax: Pages Following Cover: Jim Witt, City Manager City of Coppell (972)304-3672 (972)304-3673 Thursday, July 19, 2001 Glen Hinckley 972-991-4600 972-991-7500 Comments: Attached is the documentation I mentioned last week that we had with Matt Malouf. Note that prior to his construction in 1998, he asked for and received approval for a sanitary sewer easement to be place on our property. At that time I secured consent from Matt to attaching or abutting to his building on our common property line. Further I granted him limited access to our property for the purpose of constructing his building, and we obtained the same rights. And note item 2) in the 1998 letter where we obtained the right to construct a building that would be compatible and similar, but not identical. Note in his letter dated today, he is withdrawing his objection to our project and to connecting to his building. Verbally he said he was satisfied we would not be detrimental, but his letter does not go quite that far. Now I trust you can see that we really did cover our bases with him. This is the reason we were so surprised to receive a copy of his letter addressed to Marcie complaining of the very things to which he consented when he filed the easement we granted to him. Also note on his attached site plan (reduced for faxing), that if the city required his access from Denton Tap to bisect the property line as usual and the sanitary sewer easement were on his property, he would be short 14 parking spaces. Our present design only gives us a few spaces above code if we attract the expected tenants. Coppell needs more high quality restaurants and we want to bring them to the city. We can not hope to accomplish this with out some relief. Other wise we are forced to look at 2-3 pad sites for the "Grandy type" users, which we have consistently turned down. We may still need another meeting to resolve these outstanding issues. Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this facsimile transmission is confidential and/or privileged and proprietary information. The information is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (other than to the addressee named above), copying, or the taking of any action because of the information is strictly prohibited. If you have received the information in error, please notify us immediately by telephone to arrange for the return of the documentation. Thank you. Please call 972/991-4600 if you have any problem with this transmission. ~7/19/2081 14:11 9723938337 CLEMENTS_ALLEN PAGE 81 HMH Harry M. Hargrave Investments 3811 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 1800 Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 651-6245 Phone (214) 651-6221 Fax IsabeUeMoro City ofCoppell 255 Patkway Blvd. Coppe~ TX 75019 19, 2001 RE: Plans for First American Bank & Adjacent Strip Shopping Center Dear Ms. Moro: Members of the Architectural Control Committee for Town Center have reviewed the plans as submitted for the First American Bank and the adjacent small strip shopping center. As of this date, three of the tour committee members have approved the pla-s, leaving one committee member who has yet to respond to the chairman. Therefore, because there is a majority approving the plans this leuer shall serve as our approval. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Cc: Glen I-fi. nckley Sincerely, Centurion Eagle, Inc. 12201 MeritDrive, Suite 170 Dallas, Texas 752S1 (97'2) 991-4600 August 3, 1998 Mr. Matt Malouf 3811 Turtle Creek Blvd ' Suite 1800 Dallas, TX 75219 Re: Grant of Sanitary Sewer Easement and Common Property Line Dear Matt We are delivering the access easement on our property you have requested with the express understanding that: 1) Centurion Eagle, Inc. will be permitted to abut or attach to thc building you arc constructing along our common property line. (That is to say, you will have limited but reasonable access to a portion of our property during the construction of your building and we also would have limited but reasonable access to a portion of your property when we construct our companion building using our common property line as a point of connection). 2) As the City of Coppell is insisting that there be Some commonality of construction design and materials, you do not object to our building a compatible and similar building design to your project. 3) At the conclusion of construction of the north wall of your building and the sanitary sewer connection, within thirty days from each of those dates you will cl~an up and remove all construction debris from our property and restore its surface to its previous condition. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me immediately. Very truly yours, Glen A. Hinckley Chairman Centurion Eagle, Inc. CC: Bill Anderson Dowdy Anderson Engineers THE'STATE OF TEXAS } ({: ';:: KNOW Al L blEN BY TIIESE RESENTS COUNTY OF ?;2{ · . -,,. . :. .~4i ': '> :'i". 'il TI IAT CENTURION EAGLE, INC. ;:=! ,] ..... · ~C¢:':iii:i of Dallas County, Texas ,in consideration of tbe sum of i"'i~ One Dollar ($.1.00) and other good and valuable consideration .~i in Il;md paid by the City of Cop~ll, Texas receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by ~c;~[~ these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey unto to the City Cop~ll, tile free' ~:¢' and unintern~pted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon and across the following ~.~>:~:lownetl by Grantor , Situated in Dallas County, Texas, iu the ~-~ ~.~,~}~"~" S.A. & M.G.R.R. Su~ey, Abstract No. 1430 See Attached ~ibits "A" and "B" Xb~ And it is further agreed that tile said Grantor in consideration of tim benefits above set out, will remove from tim property above described, snch fences, buildings and other obstructions as may now be found upon saki property. :.r~ For thc I*urposeof constructing and ~intaining a 15.00' x 15.00 wide sanitary >:¢~ sewer easement in, along, upol] aud ?:~,~ across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, ::~';~:~ employees, worklnen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress iu; along upon and across said 3::¢~ premises for the pufl¢ose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said oasemnt or :-r~ any part thereof. :.:~:'r~>:<4 TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD unto the said Gran[ee as alBresaid for :.:~ the lmrposes aforesaid the premises above described. Wituess my hand ~zge, this the 3 __ day of hu~usL , A.D. 19 98 >::~ C~ION EAGLE, INC. ACKNOWLEDGMENT TIlE ST,,'~TE (IF :I'F, XAS, ,~OIlNTYthis day Ola ~~llv appeared .~] e~..~.~ -I-~ ~, . ItI*H"O}tI'; MI:i, the ullder:;igned authority, klloWi1 {o nle to be tile person m whose name ~ . . . subscribed to tile foregoing inatnlnlellt, ami ~ekuowledged to lite that -- he.= executed theaame for the purpoaeanmleonsideratiun thereiuexpreased. GIVEN ~~~j_~ ~, [ Notary l'ul,lic, in aud for the State of Te ACI~OWLEDGMENT T~m STATE OF TEXAS, COUN'~ OF .......................... } BEFORE ME, the nmlerMgned authurity, on this day personully appeared .......................................................................... know~ to ale ~o be the person ...... whose name .............. subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ackuowledged tn me that . . he ...... executed the same for the purposes and considerathm therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OI~ OFFICE, This .......... duy of A.D. II~ (L.S.) Notary Public, iu and for Iho State of Texas. My Commission Expires ......................................................... CORI'ORATION ACKNOWLEI~GMENT TIIE STATE OF TEXAS, ~, n]~ORI~ ~m, thc u,,dersit:,,e,I a,,thor~ty, COUNTr m,'. ............................................. / on this day persoually appeared ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................ known ~ me {o he the person and omeer whose name ia subscribed to the foregoing iustrument and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of the said expressed, and iu the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This ........................ day of .................................... A.D. 19 ........ (b.s.) Nola~ Public, in and for the State of Texas. My Commission Expires ................................................................... CLERICS CERTIFICATE TIIE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ ~ ................................................................................... ¢ ..... ty COUNTY OF ........................................... 1 ' Clerk of the County Court of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing instrnment of writing dllted on the .................. day of ................................................................ , A. D. 19 ...... , with its Certificate of Authentication, '*'as filed for record in my off, ce on tho .................... day of .................................................. , A. D. 19 ....... , at ........... o'clock },I., and duly recorded this ................... day of ............................................................................ A. D. 19 .......... , at ........ o'clock .....M., in the ................................................................................................ Records of said County, in Volume .................. , on pages ...................... WI'I'NI.';SS MY IIAND AND SEAL dP TIIE COUNTY COURT of sam County, at oll~ce in ................................... ........................................................................................ , the day and year last above written. Conuty Clerk .................................................. County, Texas. (L. 8.) By ........................................................................................ Deputy. EXHIBIT "A" SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT BEING a 15.00 feet by 15.00 feet strip of land situated in the S.A. & M.G.R.R. Survey. Abstract No. 1430 in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas and being part of a tract of land as conveyed to the Parks of Coppell Joint Venture by deed recorded in Volume 83069, Page 3997 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point of intersection of the north line of Town Center Drive (a 66 toot wide right-of-way) with the west line of Tovaa Center Boulevard (a 66 foot wide right-of- way); Thence along the said west line of Town Center Boulevard the following courses and distances: N. 43°59'02'' E., 28.28 feet; Thence N. 01o00'58" W., 180.00 feet to the begim~ing of a curve to the right having a central angle of 13°29'50" and a radius of 275.00 feet; Thence along said curve 64.78 feet to the beginning of a curve to 'the left havi. nga central angle of 13°29'50" and a radius of 250.00 feet; Thence along said curve 58.89 feet to the end of said curve; Thence N. 01°00'58TM W., 24.39 feet continuing along the said west line of Town Center Boulevard to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S. 88059'02" W., 15.00 feet leaving the said west line of Town Center Boulevard to a point for comer; THENCE N. 01000'58" W., 15.00 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N. 88°59'02" E., 15.00 feet to a point for corner being on the said west line of Town Center Boulevard; THENCE S. 01000'58TM E., 15.00 feet along the said west line of Town Center Boulevard to the Point of Beginning and containing 225 square feet of land. Filc/97-064.ss cascmcnt PARKS OF COPPELL · .. JOINT VENTURE V~3L. 83069 , PG. 3997 N. 88° 59' 02 "E. -- I°00' 58"W. I::'"'//'~ - Z LLI 1t3 I"-- Z ',~ Ld U 0 Z m 0 Ld 0 0 -J 0 R= 250.00 T; 29.58' L-' §8.89' A-- 13°29'50H R= 275. 00' T: 32.54 ' L= 64.78' POINT OF COMMENCING~" bo LI_ o I.- z TOWN CENTER DRIVE EXHIBIT "B" 15'x 15' SANITARY SEWER ESM'T S.A.S CITY OF COPPELL M.G.R.R. SURVEY , ABST. NO. DALLAS COUNTY , TEXAS 143C L DOWDEY, ANDERSON & 5225 VILLAGE CREEK ORIVE ( 97.?. ) 9,31-0694 PLANO , ASSOCIATES,INC. SUITE 200 TEXAS 75093 SCALE 1"=40' DATE 7-21-98 JOB NO. 97- 064