Town C AddL2/SP-CS01081488/14/2881 13:57 9723843514 COPPELL FIRE DEPT PAGE 81 City of Coppell Building Inspections Department 500 Southwestern Blvd. Coppeli, TX 75019 Phone: (972) 304-3500 Fax: (972) 304-:3514 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: TO: FAX #: FROM: SUB J: August 14, 2001 NO. OF PAGES: 3 (including cover) Marcie Planning Dept. (972) 304-7092 Mary B~th Building Inspections Lot 2, Block 3, Town Center Addition Bnclosed, as promised, is the application and checMist submitted by the applicant concerning Lot 2, Block 3 of the Town Center Addition. This item was accepted by Jim Witt for our Sep. 6m Board of Adjustment meeting. 08~1~72001 1~57 97~0~§~ ~OPPE~L F~RE DEPT P~GE 02 ~8.,'06/20~ ld,:13 9723043514 COPPELL FIRE DEPT PAGE 03/04 APPLICA~ON- RF.~UEST FOR VARIANCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CITY OF COPPELL ])ate: 8-~ 6 ~ O / located in the Ciiy of Copp,ll, Texaa, hereby make a~lieation for a requeat ~or a variance from the te'rro~ of $~oe~on of the City of Co~ll ~o~g Ordinanee. Th¢curre~tz~n~gofmypropettyb: ~tL~*~ Z(:~r-Y't~C- the e~cept~0a of feace variances. IX)CATION OF PROPERTY Addr ,, :2-,_ ,, ILEQU~T: Of there is additional information that you feet would be helpful ~o the, Board in making MformaLi~un in your A ~on-rertmdable application fee of $50,00 ~ reztuieed at tho time of application. A deposit of St00,00 i~ a~lff..qu~.~ at th.e tune appl;oation, Thc deposit i~ ehatge, d for the v~t~nee mien tha~ ~ be plae. ed in your yard, You ar~ r~spoOa.~bllSi~r l'~urn'mg the sign to ~e Building lnapectiona Dept., $00 Suuthweateru Blvd., following the besting. The deposit will be returned to the applicam Lf the sign hi teturne8 undamaged. have ~d t~i.~ application form and ~nderata~d that ~Lbl8 ~e ~.~:lLication and paying the feea do~ not guaran~ a~ a~ve~ action by ~le Boa//~~rdler undentand that ,t lea~t tout (4) aff'u~native vot~ muat be cast i~ o~ler to receive a vari.~mee. BOARD OF ADJUSTNIENT APPLICATION PACKET - PaRe 3 (Revi~ed ' ........ .'i;7 ....v .... .~, ~. ....;,:..,,t~+ UUt"t-'~.L.,L FINE DEPT PAGE 02/04 ~CI(LIST -REQUF, ST FOR A VARIANCE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT To a,simc tho Board of A~d~juatm,~t ~n ea~abliatdng th© iofn~rmtion n~W m m~ a d~iaion mga~g ~ ~u~t for · yahoo, pl~e / 1, I~ your ~d or your buUd~g dt~c~t f~m o~ around you? ~ NO ~ Ify~, ~p~ how. your land or building useful for any purpose without the varia~.~ r,:quemt~d? YF.~ NO, J If no, ~xplaio why not. them. prulrm~oy hardship usc~iau~l with ~ ~cu~r ~17 ~~ NO If y~, ~ ~ h~sMp. · .e~ ~y r~son ~at you would ~ unabl~ 5. Do~s thc pi'operty surrounding you have differrmt zol',ing r~quircmenu? YE5.._..~ NO. / If ye,% what arc th~y?~. any special conditionl where a U~I interpretation of the otdi~lancc wo.uld femur in mn unnecessary hardship? 7, Wi,Il traffio conditions be affcctc, d by time nm. uc,tud chanl:e? ~ NO Y if y~, how? Ia crd~r to bc assu.rcd of a faLr he, ring, it is impo~t that the applioamt furnish ,~ much information m thc Board ss possible in th~ form of mite plans, u{cvationa, photographs renOcringm, and a~ly other supporting ~viderlae. incomplete submEtals .,~UI re. su{t in r~ommendatioa by staff for denial. Economic hardship is inau~¢i,mt for approval ufa variance. Date BOARD OF A.I)JU$'I'M]~IM'r APPLICATION PACKET - Page 2 (Revised