Town C AddL1/PP,SP-CS 970930TO:
(972) 931-0694 FAX (972) 931-9538
City of Coppell Planning Staff
Attn: Pert Virtanen
Assistant Director of Planning & Community Services
Town Center Addition, Lot 1, Block 3
Preliminary Plat and Site Plan
Response to Letter dated September 19, 1997.
1. Revision of landscape plan. Addressed by landscape plan.
2. Revision of landscape plan was addressed by landscape architect.
3. All three medians are shown on the landscape plan.
4. Delineation of the location of electrical service meters on the building elevations, in
inconspicuous groupings: agree to do with final architectural plan.
5. Town center architectural review board: agree, will send final plans for approval.
6. Agree, to use a brick color similar to Overton Bank.
7. Agree with sign color comments to be prepared with final plans.
8. Agree, to screen all rooftop mechanical equipment.
DRC Comments
August 28, 1997 & September 4, 1997
Mike Martin PE, Assistant City Engineer
Site Plan
1. A 4' sidewalk has been added to the east and south side of the site.
2. A 12x200' street easement has been added to the site plan.
Preliminary Plat
1. Utility easements have been added for vaults and meters.
Utility Plan
1. Mike, we will revise the utility plan with the final plat and plans, and relocate all public lines
outside of paving.
Landscape Plan
1. Visibility triangles have been added.
2. Sidewalks have been added.
// CASE FiLE NO: .SP -
VI. BUILDING DESIGN CHECKLIST: (this is a tummsry only, refer to Ord. no.//O-95-1013)
The Collewille zoning ordinance requires building facades of new construction to contain design comple~ity features that
achieve a certain minimum score for each type of zoning dis~ct (see Section G below for required scores). This checklist
is in the format of a worksheet, since the ordinance requires computations of the building facades. Please show all
calculations and the final result at the bottom of this page at Section F. If not familiar with this ordinance, applicant is
encouraged to trlilize the 'Co~ Bu/k~g Des/gn Booklet' available at the Community Development Department.
A. facade Articula~on Variables:
1. L = Length in feet of building pedmetor visible from the sa'esL '~(;:) It.
2. F= Lengthof icngest horizontal slreight seclicn of the extericr facede visible from the street,~O ft.
3. A = Arliculation ratio = L/F .
__4. Ka= Ar u a onscore= tx2 · ( ).
8. Vertical Departure Variables:
1. P - Total surface area of a projection of all surfaces visible from the street and which are relative to the four
vertical planes of an imaginary cube which would enclose the building ~ =5 ~'~ o s.f.
2. R= Total surface area of a projection of all siol:ing or vedical departure surfaces of the building relafive to the
four verlicel planes of an imaginary cube which would enclose the building I '71 q- s.f.
.3. V= Vertical departure retio =R/P = ~ 't;~ :[~4~5~+1~&~
4. Kv = Vertical Departure Score = fO x V = ( l, :5 ).
C. Shade Coverage Variables
1. S = Total covered but unenclosed structural exterior area attached to the building as measured in square feet
on a horizontal plane, z~% 0 (/ s.f.
2. G = Total area of the interior ground floor of ~e b~Jlding. '7, ~ ~(~'Cc2 s.f.
3. C = Shade coverage ratio or S/G · , ['~ ~ .
4. Kc. Shade Coverage Score - 100 x C - ( \~,-~ ).
D. Horizontal and Diagonal Roof Planes Variables:
1. Z = Crenelatlon spacing factor = *F' as previously calculated in subsec. A(2) above X S% =
2. E = Total via131e horiz. & diag. esve planes, rid{;e planes and/or parapet top planes on the building = 1 ~ ·
~ 3. Q = Total number of test cube vertical surface projections (1,2,3 or 4) visible from the street as identified in
subsection B(2)(d) of Ordinance O-95-1013. (see design booklet). No. of test faces ·
4. H = HorizontailOiagonaiPlanesRalioofE/Q= E= ~- IQ= ~ =
5. Kh = Horizontal I Diagonal Planes Score · H if total floor area is less than 50,000 sf. For floor area greater
than or equal to 50,000 sr., 'Kb' shall be not more than 10 points ( ~ ,~'~ ).
1. W=
2. Q=
3. N=
4. Kn=
Total windows, doom, and other openings into the structure through which light may pass =
As previously calculated in subsection 0(3) above :~
Fenestration Ratio = WI Q= ', :~
Fenestration Score = N if total floor area is less than 50,000 sf.
50,000 s.f., "Kn'° shall be not more than 10 points ( , ~'~
For floor area greater than or equal to
F. Total Design Score:
Kt = Ka + Ky + Kc + Kh ,, Kn =Totalscore
G. Minimum Design Scores (Kt ) by Zoning District:
Zone- CN CPO
Score- 25 25
30 25 20 15
VL BUILDING DESIGN CHECKLIST: (this b a summary only, refer to Ord. no. #O-9~-1013)
The CoHeyville zoning ordinance requires building facades of new construction to contain design complexity features that
achieve a certain minimum score for each type of zoning dis~ict (see Section G below for required scores). This checklist
is in the format of a worksheet, since the ordinance requires computallons of the building facades. Please show all
calculations and the final result at the bottom of this page at Seclion F. If not familiar wilh this ordinance, ~ i~
A. Facade ArUcu/a6on Var/ab/es:
1. L = Length in feet of building perimeter visible from the street. ~ ~ O lt.
,2. F = Length of longest horizontal slralght section of the exterior facade visible from the streeL 1 3 o lt.
'3. A= Articulationralio · L/F ·
,4. Ka = Arfi_m_~lation Score = A x 2 · ( , ~E ) .....
B. Vertical Departure Variables:
---. 1. P · Total surface area of a projection of all surfaces visible from the street and which am relative to the four
vertical planes of an tmaginar/cube which would enclose the building 7.. I ~ ~ ;~f.
2. R= Total surfaca ama of a projecllon of all slol;ing or verllcal departure surfaces of the building relalive to the
four vertical planes of an imaginary cube which would enclose the bu~ing { ~ ~'z_ e.f.
.. 3. V= Vertical departure ratio · R/P = , o ~
'-4. Ky= Vertical Departum Score =lOxV =( ,~ ).
C. Shade Coverage Variables
__ 1. S · Total covered but unenclosed s#uctural exterior area attached to the building es measured in square feet
or[ a horizontal plane. L~o s.f.
2. G= Total area of the interior ground floor of ~e building. '~"~J/° '~-~° s.f.
.3. C = Shade coverage ratio or S / G = , \"1 ~
,.4. Kc= ShadeCc......e:.uge~_e,,.n__re=f00xC. ( \-~,._C ).
1. Z=
.2. E=
3. Q=
Horizontal and Diagonal Roof Planes Variables:
Crenelalion sparing factor = 'F' as previously calculated in subsec. A(2) above X ~/, = $.~
Total visible horiz. & diag. eave planes, ~lGe planes and/or parapet top planes on the building = ~ ~ ...
Total number of test cube vertical surface projecllons (1,2,3 or 4) visible from the street as idenlifled in
subsection B(2)(d)of Ordinance O-95-1013. (see design booklet). No. of test faces =
.4. H · Horizontal I Diagonal Planes Ralto of E/Q = E = I~' I Q = at-- ·.~,~.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.~.
.5. Kh = Horizontal ! Diagonal Planes Score · H if total finor area is less than 50,000 sr. For floor area greater
than or equal to 50,000 sr., "Kh' ~hall be not more than 10 points ( ~ ,~ ).
Fenestration Variables:
W = Total windows, doom, and other openings into the structure through which light may pass = \
Q = As previously calculated in subsection D(3) above
Fenestration Ratio = WI Q= ,
Fenestration Score = N if total floor area is less than 50,000 sf. For floor area greater than or equal to
50,000 s.f., "Kn" shall be not more than 10 points ( ,/.~' }. --
F. Total Design Score:
Kt=( ,d~.)+( ,~.~ )+(l~,~'.)+~3.~' )+(,25 )= ~,~
~ = Ka + Kv + Kc + ~ + ~ =To~l~m
G. Minimum Design Scores (Kt) by Zoning District: Zone- CN CPO CC1
Score- 25 25 30 25 20 15