U-Haul/MP-DR011129 City of Coppell Development Review Comtnittee Commenta Planning Department U-Haul Lot Block 1 Minor Plat DRC Date: November 29, 2001, December 6,2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: December 20? 2001 City Council Meeting: January 8, 2002 3. 4. 5. Revise Franchise Utilities Signature Block as follow: Combine signature line for TXU Gas and Electric (only one individual signs on behalf of TXU) · Revise GTE to read the current provider of Verizon. · Revise Paragon Cable to read the current cable provider of AT&T Broadband. Indicate the name of the Addition on the south and east sides of the subject lot, which is known as Coppell Middle School North Addition. More clearly indicate the dimension of the property line along S.H. 121. Show S.H 121 curb lines adjacent to property, including deceleration lane into the property. Provide a sidewalk and utility easement which incorporates the sidewalk along S.H 121, connecting to the drive into the property. (This is not needed east of the drive into the property, as the sidewalk will then fall outside of the subject property) Eliminate labels referencing zoning districts for the subject and surrounding properties, as zoning is often subject to change. Provide a Floodplain signature block. See the attached sample. Eliminate all text shown from "City Approvals:" down (including Floodplain Note), as this is an incorrect approval and signature block. Please see attached sample of appropriate approval and signature block. Ensure that all easements align with drives shown on the site plan. Note: A. C. Please revise plats, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. ShouM applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the December ~n Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring two new sets of revised plats and plans to the December 6th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain, and defend any revision. A representative for this project is required to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, December 11, 2001 to resubmit fourteen (14) folded copies of revised plans, three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) and a JPEG file or PowerPoint Slide of each exhibit to the Planning Department. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission City of CoppelI, Texas APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: Mayor City of CoppelI. Texos Dote of Approval Date of Approval The undersigned, the City Secretary of the City of CoppelI, Texos. hereby certifles that the foregoing flnolplot of the on Addition to the City of Coppellwas submitted to the City Councilon the day of ..,2001, and the Council, by formoloction, then 3nd there accepted the dedlcotlon of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth In and upon said plat, and sold Councllfurther authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof~.s!gnlng his nome os herelnabove subscribed. °X WITNESS MY HAND. this the ,..day of · 2001. Clty Secretory FLOODPLAIN NOTE: 1. Subject tract lies wlthln Zone 'X'. Zone 'X" shaded, and Zone 'AE'. Zone 'X' is defined os "Areas determined to be outside the 5OD-year floodplain. Zone "X' shaded Is defined os 'Areas of SOO-year flood:areas of 1OD-year flood with overage dep+h$ off= less thor~ I foot or with drolnoge areas less thom 1 sauore mile: and areas protected by levees from 100-year flood.' Zone 'AE' 15 defined os 'Bose flood elevations determined.' 2. All floodplain Information was provided by the FEMA Flood Insurance Rote Mop No. 480170-O135 d. stomped Prellmlnory and doted August 23. 2001 for ihe Dallas County. Texas and Incorporated Areas. FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE NOTE: Floodplain Development Permit Appllcotlon No. of CoppellFIoodplaln Administrator on has been filed with the City · 2001. Floodploln Administrator Dote