U-Haul/SPAm-NR010315 (2)FROM : LONSDALE PHONE NO. : 972 899 4928 Mar. 14 2081 07:47PM P01
Mr & Mrs David M. Lonsdale
603 Cenemount Lane
Coppell, TX 76019
Tel: 9?2 899 4929
Fax: 972 899 4928
City of Coppell Planning Department
proposed $-~tory U-Haul Truck, Trailer & Storage Rental at the corner of Denton
Tap and Spur 121
As citizens of Coppell, and homeowners In Magnolia Park, we wish to strongly state our
opposition to the building of this facility at the corner of Denton Tap and Spur 121.
Our decision to build a home in Coppell was based on the City's outstanding reputation as a
community which is committed to excellence. The superb school district, fine sports facilities, a
strong community spirit and the way in which the appearance of our city has been developed ancl
protected have all contributed to making Coppell a desirable place to live and invest in a home.
The building of this 3-story warehouse and the pad<lng lot are entirely inappropriate for this site
for the following reasons:
1. This is the North West entrance to the City of Coppell. A 3-story warehouse structure,
with it's truck and trailer parking lot and, no doubt, Invasive security lighting, does not
create the type of image Coppell should be projectfng to the Metroplex.
2. There is no doubt that such an 'Industrial' building and truck lot by the entrance to a
neighborhood like Magnolia Park will have a negative effect on the resale value of
the homes. We would certainly not have built our home here had we thought the City
would even consider allowing a 3-story warehouse and truck lot so close to the
entrance. One of the areas for which our City leadership deserve commendation is
the way Coppeli has been protected from the blight of multi-story development,
particularly close to residential neighborhoods.
3 There ia a definite safety concern for our schoolchildren who attend Denton Creek
end CMS North. Every day, many Middle-schoolers in particular walk to and from
school on Denton Tap (which is, indeed, one of the reasons for the desirability of
building a home close to the school). Denton Tap Road is busy enough, without the
added hazards created by trucks and trailers entedng and exiting a parking lot.
The City of Coppell has done an outstanding job in developing a community to be proud of- we
urge the Planning Department not to allow this proposal.
David & Kirtle L0nsdale