U-Haul/SPAm-NR010313 (3)03/13×01 14:53 POSTNET POSTAL AND BUSSINESS SERa 99?2304?092 N0,979 QO1 L O. Off EVLIILYNE MBIIgali ¢o~,'~-~ 7~ Va~m~ Phone 469 46~051P F. mnil EMor~nn'/12.aol. com FAX COM1VH.INICATION TO: 972-304-709:2 City of Coppeil Copp¢ll, Texas 75019 M F! 1 3 2001 Mm'~h 1.3, 2001 Gentlemen: We would like to s~renuously object to the builcl/ng of a tlu'ee-sto~J mini warehouse K the comer of Denton Tap and Spur 121. Tlds location is p~ar our ~uanceto our nei~,hbofhood ami will seriously affm't the value of all tim homes in this development. We purcha~d this home with tho assurance it would be a urdque d~velopmont ofluxury horn,s wi~ limhed access. If we had ~own this h~du~trial buildinl~ was a poss~ility, it certainly would have affeaed our decision to come to this area. Aside ~ora the type image a 3-story mini warehouse with U-Haul trucks and trailers parked facin6 Der~ton Tap would project, there is a ltrong poss~ility it might prove to be a ~g~i¢ hs_~,!rd oD Denton Tap ~ being so close ~o u'~ met~bx$ of Denton Tap and 121. Cop. sider'alien should also be ~ivcn to the fact that a kftddle School is intbe same block with t~o traffic light ~t the enmutce to r. he school. A large amount of tracks and u'ailers ent~rins a~d Icavin_~ the ares would pose more traffic congestion that our neighborhood nor the school definitely does not need. A building or this type should be erected in an industrial neighburlu~od, not ~ residential one. We respectfu~ request that veil/stronl~ censideration be ~ivcn to denli, n~ the ri§bt to build this business. Very trul? ?ours, Evc~lyn¢ and g.D. Mor6an