U-Haul/SPAm-NR010313 (2)PM
Planning and Zoning Commission
225 Parkw~ Blvd.
Coppell, Texas
Dear Sim and Madams,
were lu~p~l~d to find out that me illul nas gone on
Coppell. We ere glad we am not too lal~ to expm~ our concerns.
We are a resident of Magnolia Park that i~ located ~t the. SW comer of 121 ?d Benton Tap.
When we moved In we were under me impm#ton tllat the frontage m~ aaJacent to our
eubdivllion would bi ulad for a nlighbo~hood ?,trip ce?~er .1:~.,
a highly vllible entmn<=e into Col~pell that the cw wouKI went no, ling ou~
businellel that would prllent a wll..~11!ng ~..lflng.to. our ,c~, ....A_P.i ~roP~~ 3 itoly building
painted in the traditional ~olom of U-Haut ina ma .1l~1. ng ~.t~.~a~u it~lt41da wouM not
bi a po~ibillty ~ we ~aw it and la not in the be~ Intemat ota' {=ay.
take into con~ideration the de~im~ of our family ~ well ~ llle d~rel ef other Ceppell
famille~ In thl~ matter. '~!' '"