U-Haul/SPAm-CS010622 (2)Jun-2~-2001 11:41~m From-WlNgTEAD SECHREST & MINICK/Z 214-745-53g0 T-1Z? P.002/002 W NSTEAD June 22, 2001 direct dial- 214 745 5745 ~andrrson(~wm>re~l.com VIA FAX (972) 304-3673 Mr. Jim witt Coppell City Manager 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 U-Haul International Sire Pl~n Denton Tap @ S,H. 121 Bypcas Dear Jim: Our client's site plan w~ denied last night by the Planning & Zoning Commi~ion on the ground that the site plan does nor comply with the new HC Zoning. We hereby appeal this denial to the City Council. It is my understanding this item will be considered on Tuesday, July 10. i would appreciate yours and Mr Hager's review of the Council vote requirement on rhi~ item. Section 211.006(0, Tex. Loc. Gov't Code authorizes thc triggering of a 3/4ths vote reqmremenr only for zoning changes. Because U-Haul's site plan request is not a zoning change, a 3/4tbs vote cannot be legally imposed. If you have any questions or need additional information, please let me know. Sincerely, AJA/plg Gary Sieb (yin fax 9721304-3570) Bob Hager (via fax 972/965-0010) Randy C3rlin (via fax 602/277-1026) Jeff Evans (via fax 602/277-1026) Arthur J. Anderson oo2~2oo,. 5-~00 RI~N~I$$AN¢£ TO'~aIZ& l_/u1 [Llg STREET DALLAS. TEXAS 75270