U-Haul/SPAm-CS010323MAR 26 200! 09:23 FR NICHOLS JACKSON - Mar-23,-'ZOa1. 04:59em Fram4/INSTEAD SECHREST & MINICK/I ' NSTE DILLA4 9G5 0010 +214-74~-?1390 TO 972304-?092 T-44~ ~. DDUO02 P.02/02 F-~3 VIA FAX (214) 965-0010 Robert £. I-lager, Nichols, Jackson, DAllard, Hailer · Smir_h 500 N State 1800 DalLas, TX 7520~ U-Haul International Denton Tap Cd S.H. 121 Bypass Dear Bob: In ¢~se the City h~ nor tecesvcd an appeaJ letter from U-Haul, pl~e ~vise Sieb ghat U-Hlul ~pp~is ~e P&Z deai,l of its sire plan If you have any qaes6ons ot ~eed addigio~l infotmatmn, pleg~ Anhm j. Anderson AJAtpig Atrz~.hment Ca, din (vi: 6x,) J e_ff l~'wns (via, Fa.x) ~t ] NSI'EAD ,(. O~