U-Haul/SPAm-CS010314 (2)MRR !5 ' 00! 0g:47 FR Iq!CHOLS JACKSON gtar~.14-Z ~1 04:46~e Fram-t/INSTEAD SECHREST & LtlNICK/Z ..- % DILLA4 965 OD 1 0 TO 9723047092 P.02 T-O~I~ P.OOZ/O03 F-H6 .M~ch 14, 2001 VIA FAX (214) ~65-0010 Robert E, finger, Esq. Nichols. Jargon, Dillard, Hager& Sm,~h 500 N. Akard Suite 1800 l)~ll~, TX 75201 Dear Bob: 214 745.5745 :cm~cT~un~Cl$C~'ad corn U-Haul International Sire Plan Drmcon Tap @ $.H 121 Bypass Th~s icom is ~chcdaled for heanng tomorrow mght by the Coppell P~.. The purpose of'this letter is co address the sraffcummencs and sr.~'f rcpo/rs pertaining to the comfrany logo contained on U-Haal's vehicles. This ~ssue app~ co be governed by the foflowing provismns of the City's zoning ordi~ce: Sign. ~elde'klar; means my atgn on a vd%icle umving ~long me gromu.l or on any ,ehicle p~rked ~pofarfiy, inc~den~l m Irs pr~cip~l use for tnm~lmmdon. This definition ~11 nm inclu~ d~n~. which are being transported Io a sire of permanem crcc~ion Sr~flr has m&c~ced .n ic~ reports tier "there is no &since in the Coppell Zoning Ordlmnce (~h~ch) ~llows rh~s type of vehicular s~gnsge." Howler, ar ~e most r~cenc DRC meeting, [he Building Official scared ~nd confi~ed ~ac v6hlc,~ sig~ge is pe~icccd andre ch~ zoning &t [he sire. I~ spastic statements were char he h~ yet co decide whether the t~acks are perm~n~nr signs as opposed to vehicular s~gas. I ~ certain rh~t you wilt ~grcc zliac any inrcrptecarmn by ~e Building O~ci~ that ~ crocks are ~tmmcnr slgmge h moons;scene w]~ ch~ ~smblish~ sc~d~d char has ~re~y been ~mblishcd in the City of Coppcll. The avenge ram=ruund Ear the renal of a r~ck ~s a very short rime ~:lod. Th~, thc rrac~ can ~rdly be considered "perm~enc." In the present c~,e, ic is clear char the City wo~ld ~ singling-our U-H,ul and creating it differend~ chart ocher simil~'ly situated businesses should the Braiding O~ci~l dete~in~ ~[ U-HauI's vehicles conscicu~ p~nenc si~ge. Wr have token a pho~ogmphic invcncu~ of various busmess~ located throughout the Ci~ of Coppell ~ac e~rablls~ a city-wide paKem. N~eroas busia~ses h~w vehicles l~red ia ~e front ponlons of their sk~ w~rh com~ay locus and advertising chic ~ c~arly visible from C~ry srr~cs. We ~lso h~ve photographs ofm cresting b~,ness located in the City r~c condac~ a crack rcn~l usc rh2c pzt~ ~cs C~,Cks m the front potion of ~cs sire adjacent co the street. Ad&cmn~y, "Kent M~" is prummentl~ d~sptaycd on i~ c~ks U-Haul ~ acrid n0r co pl~e "r~nr-me" signs or ssgns ~hac advem~ th~ price of the rental on i= ~c~. MAR 15 ?.001 09:4? FR NICHOLS JACKSON DILLA4 9G5 00]0 TO 9723047092 P.03 Mar~J4-~:,O1 04:46pm Froe-~tlN,~TEAD SECHltEST i MINICK/Z Z14-'r45-5~O T-031i P 003/D03 F-3Zll Robert E. Hager, Esq Match 14, 2001 Page 2 Ir is cleirly forese~ble tu the City of Coppell, considering that the i~d~rry standard for ct~ck :encais is ~o ~dvenise ~he company's ~me on irs vehicles, chzc U-H~I's ~rucks would contxin the U-Ha~ logo. Th, ske ~erm~ a truck r~n~l ese ~ ~ m~ecer of right, The ve~ ~c~t~ oE the ~rack r~t~l ind~ ~s~ that this type of cr~ck design ~ allo~ed. ~s furc~et fo~e~ble co gh~ City of Coppell and ~pproptiace E~c U-Haul would park v~hicles on the s~ce conside:ing the asr of its clucks U-H$-I conducts business throughout the county. When dealing with chis issue in ocher jansdicrlons, c~tT attorneys h~e agreed with U-Hm~I duc ch~ prohibition of the U- Haut logo on ic~ v~hicl~s vsolares the lrttsr ~a~endment, unco~sotutson'dly ~ff~crs interstate commerce and violates U-H-,uPs equal protection tights. As the le~der m the do-it-yoar$~lf moving industry, U-Haul is concerned ~sszsring Large numbers of p~oplr move across since lines ~d pl~ys · critical role in cummerce. To prohib:r the U.H~ul logo on irs v~hicles would severely rc~rricr the number cracks U-~ would bc able co have on ~he ptoper~ ar ~ny given rime. Obvloas[y, ir would be an unreasonable harden ro ~cr U-Haul ro srrzp ~e dec~ls off ks vehicles every nec~ss~ ro ~rk in the spaces along S H. 12l. By limiting ~h~ n~b~r of p~es where crocks co~ld be parked, the C~ry would cr~ce a d~inc~nrive &r U-H~ co ~low customers bring rruc~ toro the Ci~. U-Haul controls cluck distribution through rices, a~d mccad r~r~s would d~ssu~e customers from brin&ing cracks into rh~ Cky. This ~ould have a chilhng ~ffrcr not only on the number of lO,pi= moving toro the City, bur would ~lso nesaovely ~pacr the awihbility of vehicles m the Ci~ for c~rome~ ~ceking co r~vel oursld~ uf Te~. The overall discrimination ~d buden on ;nre~sc~re co~erce &r outweighs the Ci~'s prohibition of the logo on U-Haul's ,eh~cl~s In our e~erience, ir is unprecedented for a c~cy co ~rtempr m chis ~nner to interfere ~kh the vit~l role of U-Haul in inters~re culotte. Therefore, U-Haul respectfully ~qu~ t~c ~e C~ry nor attempt to restrict or prohibit the U-Haul logo on irs vehicles char will be pa~ed in tM front pornon of the s~re. If you have any question~ or need additional int'onnmtion, please let me Sincerely. Arthur ]. Andenon cc: R~ndy Csriln (vi~