Town C AddL3/SP-AG010814F COPP-EKL AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: August 14, 2001 ITEM # ~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Town Center Addition, Lot 3, Block 3, Site Plan (First American Bank), to allow the development of an approximately 4,995 square-foot bank building on 1.13 acres of property located along the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 325 feet south of Parkway Boulevard. TITLE: ~ Directq~nning and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: APPROVED BY CiTY CouNCIL D~TE ,,/,:~- _,..~..,.:,,, ~ Date of P&Z Meeting: July 19, 2001 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (4-0) with Commissioners McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, and Halsey voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, subject to the following conditions: 1\ the r ,,..a .......a c,-..,.,., ..... r~,.a; ...... (CONDITION MET) ncn .......... ,....;.,o rc~,c~ ;~ .m0/_ (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 4) Staff recommended this case be held under advisement till the above-mentioned conditions were met. DIR. INITIALS: . Agenda Request Form - Revised 5/00 FIN. REVIEW.~'~k/ CITY MANAGER REVIE ~TC33sp The sign be the one that City Staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission indicated with the muted colors. Councilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion and Councilmember Tunnell voting against the motion. 16. Consider approval of awarding bid (~-0501-01 for the Justice Center Renovation project to K. C. Construction Services, Inc. in the amount of $252,093.00, as funded through CIP, and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve awarding bid Q-0501-01 for the Justice Center Renovation project to K. C. Construction Services, Inc. in the amount of $252,093.00, as funded through CIP, and authorizing the City Manager to sign. Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem York and Councilmembers Garcia, Peters, Raines, Tunnell, Stover and Herring voting in favor of the motion. 17. Update on the Daily Water Conservation Plan. Presentation: Ken Griffin, Director of Engineering, made a presentation to the Council. 18. Necessary action resulting from Work Session. There was no action necessary under this item. 19. City Manager's Report. A. Performance measurements. A. Clay Phillips, Deputy City Manager, reported on the ICMA Center's for Performance Measurement Report that has been issued. cm08142001 Page 9 of 11 CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: First American Bank, Town Center Addition, Lot 3, Block 3, Site Plan P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: July 19, 2001 August 14, 2001 Marcie Diamond, Assistant Planning Director Along the east side of Denton Tap Road, approximately 325 feet south of Parkway Boulevard. Approximately 1.13 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center) REQUEST: Site Plan approval for a 4,995 square foot bank building. APPLICANT: HISTORY: Bruce F. Dunne First American Bank Welch Engineering 8401 N. Central 4109 Cagle Drive, Suite "D" Suite 500 North Richland Hills, Texas 76180 Dallas, Texas 75225 817-589-2900 972-419-3509 FAX: 817-589-0990 FAX: 972-419-3334 There has been no platting activity on this parcel. This property, as well as surrounding properties, was zoned TC - Town Center in the mid 1980's. To the north is Princeton Park, a two building office complex which was approved in 1997 and developed in accordance with the requirements of the Landscape Ordinance. In 1998, a site plan was approved for Eleanor's Square, the shopping center which abuts to the south. A combination of the landscaping provided on-site and within the medians of Town Center Boulevard and Town Center Drive fulfilled the landscape requirements. Most recently approved within the Town Center area (April 2000), however yet to be developed, is the approximately two-acre site between Comerica Bank and the Tom Thumb Shopping Center. Item # 7 Once again, the site and landscape plans were in accordance with the provisions of the Landscape Ordinance. TRANSPORTATION: Demon Tap Road is a P6D, six lane divided thoroughfare within a 100 foot right-of-way. Town Center Boulevard has 28 foot wide pavemem within a variable right-of-way. Adjacent to the subject property there is 37 feet of right-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- South East - West - Princeton Park Offices - "TC" -Town Center - vacant land and Eleanor's Square Shopping Center - "TC"- Town Center Coppell Justice Center - "TC"- Town Center Huntington Ridge Subdivision; SF9-PD129R COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail uses. DISCUSSION: This request is to allow the developmem of a 4,995 square foot bank building, with drive through facilities, under an approximately 1,500 square foot canopy. The from of the building will face Denton Tap Road, and the five drive-through lanes/windows will be located to the rear of the building, along Town Center Boulevard. An additional single drive-through window is planned for the south side of the building. Per regulations of the Zoning Ordinance 17 parking spaces are required to serve this use, and 21 parking spaces are planned. This site will have access from Denton Tap Road via a driveway close to the northern property line and the proposed mutual access with the proposed retail building to the south. Along Town Center Boulevard there will be one driveway and additional access will be provided through the proposed retail. Staff has several concerns with this site plan as presem ed. First, there is a deficit in the required landscaping, in addition, signage, lighting and building materials are not in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Landscape Plan While it appears that an attempt has been made to address the requiremem s of the landscape ordinance, this is significantly deficiem in all three levels of landscaping. First, perimeter landscaping is required adjacem to all property lines. Per Section 12-34-8(C)2.c of the Landscape Ordinance, where a mutual access driveway is planned, the required 10 feet of Item # 7 landscaping needs to be provided adjacent to the driveway. While the landscape plan indicates sufficient landscape buffers along the north, east and west property lines, only a portion of the required buffer is indicated along the southern property line. Ten feet of landscaping is being provided adjacent to the queuing for the drive-through lanes, and adjacent to Town Center Boulevard. However, only 3 feet of landscaping is shown adjacent to the building and the single drive-through lane. Also, perpendicular to Denton Tap Road, the buffer is not provided. The deficiency in these two areas could be remedied. First, by increasing the island adjacent to the single drive-through lane on the south side of the building from 3 to 10 feet, which may result in the reduction of the building size or the elimination of this single drive though lane. Second, one of the landscape islands proposed adjacent to Denton Tap could be relocated to the southern property line. This would serve not only to provide for the required buffer, but would also eliminate the parking space which currently straddles the property line. In terms of parking lot landscaping, the correct number of islands is provided, however trees are needed at the ends of the islands at the southwest corner of the building and at the west end of the 6 car parking lot adjacent to the drive-though lanes. The non-vehicular landscaping is significantly less than required. Per Section 12-34-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, 6,612 square feet of non- vehicular landscaping is required, 3,306 square feet is required to be provided in the front yard. Even though the table on the Landscape Plan indicates that this is being provided, staff calculations indicate that closer to 3,412 square feet is shown on the plan, and approximately 700 square feet of it is in the front yard. This deficit could be remedied by the reduction in parking, building size and/or elimination of the single drive through lane. Finally, the Landscape Plan indicates Live Oaks along the frontage of Denton Tap Road, planted approximately 30 feet on center. Per the Streetscape Ordinance, the trees along Denton Tap Road are recommended to be Cedar Elms. Elevations The elevations indicate that the building will be a combination of face brick, cast stone, stone wainscoat and EFIS with a dark grey cement fiber shingle roof. While the elevations appear to be in keeping with the recommendations of the C.I.V.I.C. report in terms of colors and materials, there are some Zoning Ordinance violations in terms of percentage of materials and signage. In the table detailing the percentage of materials Item # 7 proposed, EFIS is stated as being planned for 22.47 percent of the building. Per Section 12-24-8 in the Town Center District regulations, non-masonry materials (including EFIS) are limited to 20%. Signage The attached signage proposed for this building is a 5 foot diameter, fluorescent back-lit aluminum and acrylic can sign, with the First American Bank's red, white and blue logo. While can signs are expressly prohibited as monument signs in the Sign Ordinance, they are not prohibited for attached signs. However, per recommendations of the C.I.V.I.C. report, attached signs should consist of individually mounted letters and be black, white or neutral colors. The monument sign is requested to be 52.6 square feet and a height of 5'7". Per Section 12-29-4.(B)ii, signs for lots less than two acres in size are permitted to be a maximum height of 4 feet and a maximum size of 40 square feet. The area calculation for monument signs includes the structure as well as the sign face (refer to Exhibit 16 in the appendix of the Zoning Ordinance). The faces of this sign are proposed to be internally lit, white acrylic. As stated above, the Zoning Ordinance expressly prohibits back lit (internally lit) plastic signs for monument signs. Individually mounted letters and/or etched are recommended for monument signs. The lighting plan indicates four lighting fixtures on this site. A note on the lighting plan states that the "30 foot poles will be mounted on concrete pedestals 3 feet above grade for a total mounting height of 33 feet." Section 12-36-2.3. of the Zoning Ordinance specifically states that the height of the mounting of the luminaries shall be "measured vertically from the horizontal surface of the nearest parking pavement" with a maximum height of 30 feet. Therefore, the additional 3 feet in height would not be permitted. It was stated that these fixtures will match the proposed retail center to the south. Additional information is needed as to the type and color of the proposed lighting fixtures. Finally, given that this proposed development is in the Town Center area, an approval letter from the Town Center Architectural Control committee endorsing its design is required. While staff is in support of this use at this location, there are too many technical issues that need to be addressed prior to forwarding this request to the City Council. Therefore, staff is recommending that this request be held under advisement until such time that these issues are resolved. Item # 7 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending this request be HELD UNDER ADVISEMENT until the following issues are addressed: 2. 3. 4. 5. Revise site plan and landscape plan to be in accordance with all the provisions of the Landscape and Streetscape Ordinances. Revise the materials proposed for the building elevations so that the maximum non-masonry materials (EFIS) is 20 %. Reduce the height of the light poles to be in accordance with Section 12- 36-2.3. of the Ordinance. Revise both the attached and detached signs to be in accordance with the Sign provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Receipt of a letter from the Town Center Architectural Control Committee expressing their approval of this site plan. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request 4) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Landscape Plan 3) Elevations Item # 7