Town Ctr BP/SP,Re-AG000808~T H E C I T Y0 F' COPPELL AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: August 8, 2000 ITEM # !1~ ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Town Center Business Park, Site Plan and Replat, to allow the development of an office building on approximately 1.398 acres of property located along the south side of Parkway Boulevard, approximately 200 feet west of Heartz Road. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: July 20, 2000 ~ Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, McCaffrey, Clark Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. A PPg 0 l,/£O ,..iTY COUNCIL DATE Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: SITE PLAN CONDITIONS: (COND~ION ~ (CONDITION_.---,MRT~ A~ REPLAT CONDITIONS: ~ r-u .... ,4.~.. · .... a. v.~..~...~ T ... ~ v (CONDITION MET) c5, ...... +~,;~ ........* ........ ;.....~ v... 'vvtt (CONDITION MET) 2) Staff recommends approval. DIR. INITIALS:. e~v~se~ FIN. REVIEW:~ Agenda Request Form 5/00 CITY MANAGER REVIE/,~i~/ Document Name: ~TCBPrs CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: TOWN CENTER BUSINESS PARK SITE PLAN and REPLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: July 20, 2000 August 8, 2000 Along Parkway Boulevard, roughly 200 feet west of Heartz Road. Approximately 1.398 acres of property. CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Cemer) REQUEST: Site Plan and Replat approval for a 12,650 square foot office building. APPLICANT: K. Jordan Investments 2639 Walnut Hill Lane Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 353-9058 Fax: (214) 351-2828 Engr.: Dowdey/Anderson 5225 Village Creek Drive Suite 200 Plano, Texas 75093 (972) 931-0684 Fax: (972) 931-9538 HISTORY: The only developmem history on this parcel is a final plat approved in March of 1995. Two lots were approved for development and one currently has the Primrose School of Coppell on it. The second lot is the subject of this application. TRANSPORTATION: Parkway Blvd. is a C4D, improved concrete four lane divided thoroughfare at this location with a 90 foot r.o.w. I II Item # 8 ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- single-family residences; SF-7 South - Town Center Elementary School; TC East - Primrose Day Care Center; TC West - City hall; TC COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail uses. DISCUSSION: This is a dual request--one for site plan approval, the other a replat application. With regard to the site plan request, the proposed office use for this property is compatible with the Comprehensive Master Plan. In general, the approximate 13,000 square foot office fits into the Town Center area quite nicely. Siting the building back from Parkway Boulevard is admirable, and with a bit more landscaping--particularly in the center island--the site design could be quite striking. The architecture of the building is complementary to Town Center with subtle detail in windows, cast stone elements, and varied height. In addition, an office use at this location adjacent to Town Center will generate activity in harmony with that carried out in our city center. There is one parking bay containing three parking spaces. As you are aware, all required parking must be in bays of five spaces or more. This office building requires 63 parking spaces and they are providing 66. Therefore, the three-bay parking area above code requirements is permissible. The request for replat delineates where the required fire lanes are to be placed on the ground. As such, staff has no technical comments to be made, although there are two conditions to be addressed. The fire lanes comply with City requirements. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of the site plan subject to the following conditions: -light standards not exceed 25 feet -landscape with trees at ends of all parking bays -brick pavers be shown on landscape plan -dimension typical parking space; if less than 19 feet long additional landscaping is required--see Zoning Ordinance -show additional landscaping in center parking bay area We also support the approval of the replat subject to: -change title to: Replat of Lot 1-R -show utility easements as required by TXU Item # 8 ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Recommend modification of the request ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Site Plan Landscape Plan Irrigation Plan Floor Plan/Elevations Replat Document Item # 8