Town Ctr BP/SP,Re-DR000706 City of Coppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Town Center Business Park, Site Plan and Replat Parkway Boulevard, west of Heartz Road Site Plan 1. Three handicapped parking spaces are required. 2. Dimension setbacks shown on plan. 3. Show existing 10 foot landscape easement along Parkway Blvd. 4. Site plan and landscape plan do not match. 5. Indicate total height of building and parapet. 6. Color Board specifying all colors/building materials needed. 7. Square footage of building does not match on landscape plan and site plan. 8. Parking spaces must be in groups of no less than 5. 9. Show setback of monument sign and parking from Parkway Blvd. r.o.w. 10. Show brick pavers in western entrance to property. Elevations 1. Specify color/type/font style/size/etc, of any attached signage. 2. Detail where brick work and cast stone is located on all elevations. 3. Indicate total height of building and parapet. 4. Insure any roof top mechanical is screened from view. 5. Letter of approval of building design by TC Arch. Review Board Landscape Plan 1. Dimension all landscape setbacks on plan. 2. Required landscape calculations incomplete. Need: 3. -interior landscape required and provided 4. -perimeter landscape required and provided -non-vehicular landscape required and provided 3. Parking spaces shall be in groups of no less than 5. 4. A tree shall be provided at the ends of each parking bay. 5. Indicate type of turf being proposed. 6. Show location of 5 foot sidewalk on landscape plan. 7. Landscape plan and site plan do not match. Replat 1. Retitle drawing: Replat of Lot l-R, not Final Plat of Lot 1-R. 2. Show existing 10 foot landscape easement south of Parkway Blvd. 3. Show r.o.w, of Parkway Blvd. 4. Show zoning designation north of Parkway Blvd. 5. Show volume and page number on plat. 6. Show acreage of Lot l-R, Block "A" within the lot area. Page 1 of 2 DRC Date: July 6, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commination Meeting: City Council Meeting: August 8, 2000 July 20, 2000 Note: A. Co Please revise plat~, site plans, landscape plans, and building elevations based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the July 6 th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and plans to the July 6th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, July llth to resubmit eighteen (18) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to the Planning Department Page 2 of 2