Vly Ranch C B1/Re-AG 921013AGENDA REQUEST FORM October 13, 1992 ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: To consider approval of a replat of Valley Ranch Center, Block 1, Lots B-R1 thru B-R3, located at the southeast corner of 14acArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of United C~ercial Realty. SUBMITTED BY: (D~e~to~s Signature) EVALUATION OF ITEM: Oate o[ P & Z Meeting: September 17, 1992 Decision of P & Z Commission: Approval (5-0) OTHER RE~ DATE: Please see attached staff report for further details. BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: N/A AMT. ESTIMATED ..-,k .4 FINANCIAL REVIEW BY LEGAL REVIEW BY: REVIEWED BY CM: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT VALLEY RANCH CENTER - REPLAT - BLOCK I_~LOTS B-RI THRU B-R3 P & Z HEARING DATE: September 17, 1992 C. C. HEARING DATE: October 13, 1992 LOCATION: At the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road. SIZE OF AREA: 4.67 acres of land REQUEST: Approval of a replat of Block 1, Lots B-RI thru B-R3 of Valley Ranch Center. APPLICANT: United Commercial Development Mr. Scott Morway 7001 Preston Road Suite #222 Dallas, Texas 75202 214-526-6262 HISTORY: Subject property was previously platted as four lots; Lots A, B, C and D. TRANSPORTATION: This site is served by MacArthur Boulevard as well as Beltline Road. ITEM 6 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - Vacant; R & MF-2 South - Vacant; LI East - Vacant; LI West Commercial uses; LI zoning ANALYSIS: United Commercial Realty is seeking approval of a replat of Lot B; to change the lot to three lots instead of one. The Company wishes to purchase the subject parcel, but must subdivide it in such a way, in order to receive financing. Staff has no objections to the approval of the replat. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the replat 2) Deny the replat 3) Modify the replat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Replat Document 2) Letter vrcrep.stf September 9, 1992 UNITED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Mr. GarySeib, Director of Planning and Community Services City of CoDpell 255 Parkway Boulevard CoDpell, Texas 75019 RE: Request for Replat Valley Ranch Centre SEC Beltline Road and MacArthurBoulevard Coppell, Texas Dear C~ry, I appreciate your taking the time to call me this past week in order to discuss the above-referenced z~plat. As you are aware, our sole purpose for requesting the replat is that we are purchasing all of Lots B and D, as indicated on the existing plat, but because we have two separate lenders, the secured properties for the loan are being separated out as follows: First Lender Second Lender Lot B-R3 Lot B-Ri Lot B-R2 Lot D I have enclosed a copy of the propose plat for review in this discussion. Additionally, as you have requested, I have enclosed an 8-1/2x14 copy of Exhibit "E" out of our Reciprocal Easement AGreement with Tom Thumb. This agreement runs with the entire land (exclusive of the Mobil site only) and defines certain development parameters and ar~as. As you can see by the drawing, the only additional develop~entwhich we are allowed on the site is the L-shaped area surrounding the Mobil station, the future development "wins" between Tom Thumb and Beltline Road, and a small ki6~k-location fronting ~cArthur Boulevard. -- I have also enclosed a large site plan and have highlighted the future development areas which are allowable pursuant to the agreement with Tom Thumb. As a simple rule of thumb, it would be best to say that all the grass pad areas at the site represent the<possible.future develop,~nt sites, with the exception of the possible kiosk site, ~ich has been discussed and may or may not be bui!.t alpng _Beitli~e As I mentioned, we are ~questing the replat for financing purposes only since almost any lender will require that their secured property under a loan be separately platted rather than having just a metes and bounds legal description of the property. Obviously, we would still be required to meet all building, parking, and other code requirements enforced by the City of Coppell, as well as The Valley Ranch Master Association, at the time any developments were proposed. 7001 Preston Road, Suite 222 · Dallas, Texas 75205 · (214) 526-6262 · Fax (214) 522-4614 Mr. Gary Seib Page 2 September 9, 1992 I would very much appreciate your assistance on getting this property replatted and if I can provide you any additional information, please call me. at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Scott Austfn Morway Executive Vice President SAM/nvh Enclosures CC: David Dunning Gene Abbey 30.26~ SI: VALLEY RANCH CENTER 01.,INNING C)~VEL01qd~NT COIRP addressed the Council. Mr. Sieb notified the Council that the representatives of the Subway Restaurant will apply for a variance from the sign ordinance for their sign. Following discussion by Council, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve this zoning change as submitted, but will not include any variance to the sign, which will come back to the Council later. Councilman Robertson seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 23. PUBLIC HEARINQ; To consider approval of a replat of Valley Ranch Center, Block 1, Lots B-R1 thru B-R3, located at the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of United Commercial Realty. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made the presentation to Council. Councilman Weaver moved to approve a replat of Valley Ranch Center, Block 1, Lots B-R1 through B-R3, located at the southeast corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road, at the request of United Commercial Realty. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 24. Citizens appearance by Walter Pettijohn to discuss with the Council the Donald R. Markey vs. City of Coppell lawsuit. Walter Pettijohn, 525 Oak Grove, Coppell, made a presentation to Council. He thanked the Mayor and Council for opening up communications, and apologized for requesting an item being put on the agenda, and then asking to remove it from the agenda. He stated he was hoping for a transcript of the hearing. Four hearings were held on this item, and Mr. Pettijohn expressed several questions: 1) Why was it brought back the third time?, 2) Why did the District Court not settle this case?, 3) Why did the District court send it to mediation?, 4) How did Arthur Kwast cause this to go to court when he was not on the Board of Adjustments until several months after the case was filed? The case was fried on July 18, 1989 and Mr. Kwast was appointed to the Board of Adjustments in October, 1989. City Attorney Larry Jackson responded to Mr. Pettijohn's questions. 25. Citizens Appearances Johnny Thompson, 1780 E. Beltline, CoppeI1, expressed a complaint concerning the treatment of him by the City Staff. Walter Pettijohn, 525 Oak Grove, Coppell, thanked the City for paving Oak Grove Road. He also asked why the Citizens Appearance is at the end of the agenda. He would like to request it be put back at the first of the agenda. Michael Walsh, 309 Phillips Drive, Coppell, and Volunteer Coordinator for Kid Country, requested permission to use a speaker phone and advertise throughout the City Saturday and Sunday, October 17 and 18. Consensus on this item was given under the Mayor's Report. 26. Mayor's Report ho Mayor Wolfe gave an accolade to Fire Chief Clay Phillips for singing five (5) songs at the National Fire Fighters Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. Mayor Wolfe stated a Certificate of Achievement went to the Finance Department and Frank Trando for excellence in financial reporting for the third time. Mayor Wolfe stated the City of Sugar Land used the same materials that the City of Coppell's citizens used in defeating the Civil Service. CM101392 Page 6 of 10