Vly Ranch C 1P/FP-CS 960828Coppell, Texas 75019 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-OO22 August 28, 1996 Ms. Helen Miller PACIFIC RETAIL TRUST Suite 400 8140 Walnut Hill Lane Dallas TX 75231 Dear Ms. Miller: RE: Valley Ranch Center The entirety of Valley Ranch Center, as originally platted and recorded in Volume 88035, Page 1680, of the Dallas County Map Records, is located within the "LI" Light Industrial District as described in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell. In addition to light industrial uses, the district also permits any use allowed in the "O" Office, "R" Retail and ~C" Commercial districts. Therefore, of all the city's district classifications currently in place, the "LV District permits the broadest range of non-residential uses. A list of uses permitted in the "0", "R", "C", and "LI" districts is attached. In addition to these uses, certain uses are permitted by Special Use Permit, subject to review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and by the City Council and subject to site plan approval. A list of these uses is also attached. The "LI" District imposes no height limit, except when adjacent to a residential district. (Valley Ranch Center currently is not adjacent to a residential district.) The required setbacks from a street are 60 feet with front yard parking and 30 feet without front yard parking. The required setback from an adjoining non-residential property is 10 feet. The maximum lot coverage by building is 50%, with an additional 10% permitted for parking structures. Parking requirements vary by use. For the three types of uses most likely to occur in a facility such as Valley Ranch Center, the Coppell Zoning Ordinance requires 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of office use, 1 parking for every 200 square feet of retail use, and 1 parking space for every 100 square feet of restaurant use. Sincerely, Pert Virtanen ~ Assistant Director of Planning and Community Services attachments 25-1 SECTION 25 "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT General Purpose and Description: The LI Light Industrial District is intended to provide for commercial and light manufacturing uses. (Ord. 91500-A-129) Use Regulations: The following uses are permitted in the "LI" District, provided that such manufacturing or industrial operation shall not disseminate dust, fumes, gas, noxious odor, smoke, glare, or other atmospheric influence beyond the boundaries of the property on which such use is located and which produces no noise exceeding in intensity at the boundary of the property the average intensity of noise of street traffic at that point and provided that such use does not create fac hazards on surrounding property. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 1. Any use permitted in any of the "O" Office, "R" Commercial Districts. Retail, and "C" 2. Apparel and other products assembled from f'mished textiles. 3. Bottling works. 4. Carting, express, hauling or storage yard. 5. Contractor's yard. 6. Cosmetic manufacturer. 7. Drugs and pharmaceutical products manufacturing. 8. Electronic products manufacturing. 9. Fur goods manufacture, but not including tanning or dyeing. 10. Glass products from previously manufactured glass. 11. Household appliance products assembly and manufacture from prefabricated parts. 12. Industrial and manufacturing plants including the processing or assembling of parts for production of trmished equipment where the process of manufacturing or treatment of materials is such that only a nominal amount of dust, odor, gas, smoke or noise is emitted and not more than twenty (20%) per cent of the lot or tract is used for the open storage of products, materials, or equipment. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 62 AGC_O~ 25-2 25-3 SECTION 25 - "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL" 13. Musical instruments assembly and manufacture. 14. Plastic products manufacture, but not including the processing of raw materials. 15. Sporting and athletic equipment manufacture. 16. Testing and research laboratories. 17. Housing prefabrication. 18. General warehousing activities (including convenience storage or "mini warehouse"). 19. Veterinarian clinic (outside kennels). 20. Any uses permitted by Special Use Permit, Section 30-12. Above section (Ord. 91500-A-129) except where noted. Height Regulations: Office or industrial use - None except limited to thirty-five (35) feet on any portion of the site within one hundred f'dty (150) feet of property zoned or used for A, SF-ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF-7, SF-0, 2F-9, TH-i, TH-2, MF-1 or MF-2. (Ord. 91500-A-129) Area Regulations: 1. Minimum Size of Yards: (A) Front Yard: Thirty (30) feet with no front yard parking. If front yard parking is utilized then sixty (60) feet front yard setback shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (B) Side Yard: Ten (10) feet unless adjacent to property in residential district; then a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (C) Rear Yards: Ten (10) feet unless adjacent to property in a residential district; then a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A- 129) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 63 AGO09009 SECTION 25 - "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL" (D) For structures requiring railroad access, setback requirements from the center line of the Railroad Right-of-way shall be in accordance with applicable state laws. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 2. Minimum Size of Lot: (A) Lot Area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (B) Lot Width: Fifty (50) feet. (Ord. 91500-A-129) (C) Lot Depth: None. (Ord. 91500-A-129) Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than fifty (50) per cent of the lot area be covered by the main building and accessory buildings. An additional ten (10%) per cent coverage is allowed for parking structures. (Ord. 91500-A- 129) Floor Area Ratio: Maximum F.A.R. 2.0 to 1. (See Appendix nlustration No. 15) (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-4 Parking regulations: Required off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the special uses set forth in Section 31. All parking shall be located at least 30 feet behind the front property line and 5 feet from the rear property line. Parking may be allowed 15 feet behind the front property line provided that a landscape plan has been submitted and approved by the Planning Commission that clearly indicates the parking front setback reduction. (Ord. 91500-A-30) (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-5 Type of Construction: Exterior wall construction in districts permitting non- residential uses shall be of such material that is required to conform with the City of Coppell Building Code for the particular non-residential use or occupancy involved. All structures shall be eighty percent (80%) masonry exterior exclusive of doors and windows. Glass may be counted in place of masonry. (Ord. 91500- A-30) (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-6 Landscape Requirements: Landscape areas shall be provided according to Section 34. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 25-7 Areas used for open storage shall be screened according to Section 33-1, 5. Open storage areas shall be confined to the rear 2/3 (two thirds) of the lot. '(Ord. 91500-A-129) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(O~d. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 64 A~ 20-1 SECTION 20 "O" OFFICE DISTRICT REGULATIONS General Purpose and Description: The "O" Office District is intended for offices and other selected non-residential uses predominately serving community and city-wide needs. Site development regulations and standards are intended to ensure that uses will be compatible and complementary in scale and appearance with a residential environment. (Ord. 91500-A-129) Permitted Uses: A building or premise shall be used only for the following purposes: 1. Professional and administrative offices where services are provided onl~ and no chattels or goods are offered for sale on the premises, including but. not limited to doctors, dentists, attorneys, architects, engineers, urban planners, insurance, real estate, banks and similar offices. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 2. Business or trade school. 3. Business support services. 4. Communications services. 5. Financial services. 6. Personal improvement services. 7. Restaurant located within office building. 8. Day nursery or day care center. 9. Nursing home or convalescent home. 10. Laboratory: Scientific, research, testing, medical, dental, or optical so long as all operations are not conducted outdoors. 11. Florist (no outside storage). 12. Barber and beauty shop. 13. Drug store or pharmacy. 14. Hospital. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 44 A~ 20-2 SECTION 20- "OFFICE" 15. Fraternal club or lodge. 16. Postal facilities. 17. Crop production. 18. Municipal buildings. 19. Telephone exchange. 20. Golf course or country club. 21. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of Section 30-7, Special Use Permits. 22. work on the Temporary buildings for use incidental to construction premises, which said building shall be removed. Above section (Ord. 91500-A-129) except where noted. '",ldei~ht Regulations: One hundred fifteen (115) feet nor more than ten (10) sto~, but limited to thirty-five (35) feet on any portion of the site within one hundreil~ty (150) feet of property zoned or used for A, SF-ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF-7~ TH-1 or TH-2. (Ord. 91500-A-129) 1. Minimum Size of Ya"td0: (A) Front Yard: Minimum~uired setback, thirty (30) feet with no' front yard parking. If front yard~k~king is utilized, then sixty (60) feet front yard shall ~ observed. (O~00-A- 129) (B) Side Yard: Minimu.m requi~d setbaL~f-ffteen (15) feet, unless adjacent to prop_e~y'm _a residential distn~t'xthen a minimum of twenty-five (25) fe.et shall be ~b~erved. (Ord. 9~129) (C) Rear Y~_.ds: Mi~ (10) feet, unless'Xa~jacent to property in a residential district than a minimm of twenty'C20,,) feet shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A-129) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 45 AGGO9009 21-1 SECTION 21 "R" RETAIL DISTRICT General purpose and description: The "R" Retail District is intended for neighborhood shopping facilities which provide limited business service and office facilities predominately for the convenience of residents of the community. (Ord. 91500-A-129) Use Regulations: purposes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. o A building or premise shall be used only for the following Any use permitted in the "O" Office District. Consumer Repair Services. Personal services. Pet services. Day nursery or day care centers. Dry cleaning and laundry. Other general retail sales of similar nature and character provided that the business establishment is subject to the following conditions: (A) That it be conducted wholly within an enclosed building. (B) That required yards not be used for display, sale or storage or merchandise, or for the storage of vehicles, equipment, containers or waste material. (C) That all merchandise be first-hand and be sold at retail on the premises. (D) That such use not be objectionable because of odor, excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar nuisance. Film developing and printing. Fix-it shops for such items as bicycles and lawn mowers but without outside storage. 10. Furniture stores. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 47 AGG09009 21-2 21-3 SECTION 21 - "RETAIL" 11. Hardware store. 12. Printing shop or company (retail only). 13. Meat market (retail only). 14. Moving picture theater (indoor). 15. Seed store. 16. Veterinarian or animal hospital (no outside kennels). 17. Auto parts sales (new). 18. Community centers (public or private). 19. Museum. 20. College or university. 21. Uses permitted by Special Use Permit according to Section 30-8. Above section (Ord. 91500-A-129) except where noted. '~,~oaXimum Height Regulations: Thirty-five (35) feet nor more than two and one- ries high. (Ord. 91500-A-129) Area ReguFal/qns: 1. Minimum S ~'~'0f,~Yards: (A) Front Yard: Th~ feet, with no front yard parking. If front yard parking is utilized,~ sixty (60) feet front yard shall be observed. (Ord. 91500-A-129~,~.~ (B) Side Yard: (adjacent to a street or pro"pen~ line); thirty (30) feet. (C) Rear Yard.: ~cent to a res'~e'l~zoning district in which case twenty (20) feet minimum be observed, d. 91500-A-129) ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 48 AGG-09009 23-1 SECTION 23 "C" COMMERCIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS General Purpose and Description: The "C" Commercial district is intended predominately for commercial activities of service nature which typically 'have operating characteristics (limited outside or open storage) or traffic service requirements generally incompatible with office, retail shopping and residential environments. Use Regulations: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Any use permitted in the "O" Office and "R" Retail District. Building material sales. Carpentry, painting, plumbing or tinsmithing shops. Automobile and truck rental. Equipment sales. Funeral services. Limited warehousing and distribution. Boarding or rooming house. Radio, television or micro-wave tower or micro-wave receiving dish. Motorcycle sales and service. Auto parking lot or garage (commercial). Tire dealership. Bus terminal. Heating and air conditioner shop. Newspaper printing. Trailer rental. Special use permits according to Section 30-7, 30-8, 30-9 and 30-10. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 54 AGG09009 30-7 "0" Office: SECTION $0. "SPECIA£ USE PERMITS" 1. Airport. (Public or Private) 2. Broadcasting facilities, Radio, television or micro-wave tower. 3. Cemetery. 4. University, college or parochial school and related facilities. Private) 5. Electric substation, transmission line or other public use utilities. 6. Exhibition Hall 7. Carnival. (By resolution of City council for specific time period) 8. Fair grounds. 9. Motel or Hotel. 10. Nursing home or home for the aged. 11. Instrument testing. 12. Janitor service. 13. Jeweler, Retail. 14. Laboratory. 15. Movie theater. 16. Night club. 17. Photography studio. 18. Rodeo Arena. 19. Service or Gas station. 20. Stadium. (Public or ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Throligh 91500-A-129) 100 AGG09009 30-8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SECTION $0- "SPECIAl, USF, PERMIT~" 21. Television studio. 22. Zoo (Public) 23. Incidental retail and service uses. 24. Mortuary or funeral parlor. 25. Institution for care of alcoholic, narcotic or psychiatric patients. 26. Restaurant, or Private Club. Above section (Ord. 91500) except where noted. "R" - Retail Airport. (Public or Private) Automobile Repair Garage. Broadcasting facilities, Radio, television or micro-wave tower. Cemetery. University, college or parochial school and related facilities. Private) 6. Candle manufacturing. 7. Candy manufacturing. 8. Carnival. (By resolution of city Council for specific time periods.) 9. Electric substation, transmission line or other public use utilities. I0. Fair grounds. 11. Fur goods manufacturing. 12. Grocery and convenience stores. 13. Heliport or helistop. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Tha'c~gh 91500-A-129) (Public or 101 A~ SECTION $0- °'SPECIAL USE PERMITS" 14. Instrument manufacturing or testing. 15. Motel or Hotel. 16. Pawn shops. 17. Nursing home or home for the aged. 18. Movie theater. 19. Night club. 20. Rodeo or other sports arena. 21. Telegraph office. 22. Zoo. (Public) 23. Indoor amusement. (Video games) 24. Gasoline service stations, provided that the activities permitted do not include major automobile repairs, storage or dismantling of motor vehicles for sale. 25. Bowling alley. 26. Restaurant, or Private Club. 27. Any permitted uses allowed within the "0" Office Special Use Permit Section. (See Section 30-8) Above section (Ord. 91500) except where noted. 30-9 '~'-~C" Highway Commercial 1. ~~~. ~blic or Private) 2. Automobile ~ntal. 3. Automobile Repair Gar"a~. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 102 30-10 "C" Commercial 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Airport. (Public or Private) Automobile Repair Garage. Boat storage. Butane storage and sales. Candle manufacturing. SECTION 30. "SPECIAL USE PERMITS" Candy manufacturing. Cemetery. Electronic manufacturing. Grocery and convenience stores. Electric substation, transmission line or other public use utilities. Fur goods manufacturing. Grocery and convenience stores. Heliport or helistop. Instrument manufacturing or testing. Motel or Hotel. Pawn shops. Nursing home or home for the aged. Movie theater. Night club. Rodeo or other sports arena. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 104 AGC_d)90~ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Telegraph office. Zoo. (Public) Indoor amusement. Gasoline service stations. Bowling alley. Restaurant, or Private Club. Kennels (Outside). Motor freight terminal. Moving and storage company. Open. storage. Pawn shop. Motion picture theater (Outdoor). Auto laundries or car wash. SECTION $0 - "SPECIAL USE PERMITS" (Video games) Restaurant (drive-in type). Automobile, truck or mobile home display or sales. Indoor sports, recreation and entertainment. Commercial amusement (indoor or outdoor). Convenience warehouse ("Mini-warehouse"). Any permitted uses allowed within the "O" Office, "R" Retail or C" Commercial Special Use Permit District See Section 30-7, 30-8, 30-10 and 30-11. Above section (Ord. 91500) except where noted. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 105 AGG09009 SECTION 30. "SPECIAL USE PERMITS" 30-11 '~T~' Town Center 2. Colleg~ochial school and related facilities. 3. Electric substation, transn~,s~on line or other public use utility. Above section (Ord. 91500) except oted. 30-12 "LI" Light Industrial 1. Airport. (Public or Private) 2. Arsenal. 3. Cemetery. 4. Electric substation, transmission line and other public use utility. 5. Gravel, sand stone or petroleum extraction. 6. Gun club or shooting range. 7. Lumber mill. 8. Other mining activities. 9. Petroleum products storage. 10. Planing mill. 11. Printing plant. 12. Rooming house. 13. Coal, coke or wood yard. 14. Concrete or asphalt batching plant on temporary basis. 15. Drive-in theater (Outdoor). ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Through 91500-A-129) 106 AC, Ca~O0~ SECTION $0. "SPECIAL USE PERMITS" 16. Adult Uses (Adult bookstores, adult motion pictures, massage parlors and nude modeling or photography studios. 17. Gasoline service stations. Above section (Ord. 91500) except where noted. 30- 1 3 Industrial 'X'~HI'x~ Airport (public or private). 2.~Acetylene gas manufacture or storage. 3. %manufacture. . Ammonia,X~ching powder or chlorine manufacture. 6. Arsenal. ~ ' \ 7. Asphalt manufac turbx~xrefining. 8' ~last furnace' 9~ Bag cleaning, unless clearly a~ssory to the manufacture of bags. 1.0' 70i17r _w_Orks' 11 ~e P0ttery or terra cotta manufa~re other than the manufadture of _ handcraft of concrete products. 12. Candle manufacmre. 13.. C_ellul°id_ manufacture °r treatment'- i~' C_eme~t' ~me' gypsum' °r plaster °f paris manufacture' ~ 15. Central mixing plant for concrete mortar, plaster, or paving/~rials. 16. Coke ovens. ZONING ORDINANCE CODE BOOK - 1996 Edition *(Ord. 91500, Amended Throush 91500-A-129) 107 AGGO9009