Vly Ranch C 1P/FP-CS 870616'6. ~e CITY OF COPPI~LL SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date Subdivision Name .. ,Valley-Ranch CenCe,r , Pre 1 lmiaar],. Pla t . . FINAL PLAT Applican~,, .Dunnin~ D~velopment 1 In~, ., . ~4N~ , 8235 Douglas; Ste. 816~ Street JUNE ,16 X RBPLAT Dallas .Cit~ Texas State FArm. Prepering Plat Albe. rt H. Halff Ass.ociates Inc. .~dreee _ 86i6 Northwest Plaza Drivel Dallas a S tree t CA tM .Phone I , (2147 739-0094 Texas Sta ~e P'ropert¥ Owner. MacArthur/Belt Line (SEC) Retail Joint Venture Address 8235 Douglas, Ste 816, Phone ! _(2%4) 739-0094 D~ve~opel7 Dunning Development, Inc. Address 8235 Dou las ate. 816, Dallas, Dallas, Texas (214) 739-009.4 AIl Correspondence relative, to this application Address_ 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive CA tM, , 19 87 . .. 75225 'Zip 75225 75225 75225" should be directed to Stats~ Zip Dallas, Texas 75225 Phons GenereL Location of Property Southeast corner of the MacArthur/Belt Line i e~tion 10. What ia the present Zoning District? LI-suP Are you requesting any zoning change? _ If yes, what Ls the Case File No;? ,, _ ~0ning diS~rict requested? ~ropoasd SubdiviSion Containst Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for each use) 2 ' _ , - 12.0000 SIGNATU~