Vlg at CC S1/FP-CS 850415 WIIER & ASSOCIATIES IN(=. April 15, 1985 Mr. Mark Sweeney Administrative Assistant City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214/462-0022 RE: W&A %83-096; VILLAGES AT COTTONWOOD CREEK, SECTIONS I AND II Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Sweeney: Please find enclosed the materials submitted below for your review and approval on the Section I and Section II Villages at Cottonwood Creek project: 1. Plat application form. Four (4) sets of complete construction plans with final plats. ® Seventeen (17) sets of final plats of the Section I and II plats. 4. Receipt indicating all taxes have been paid. Check for plat filing fee in the amount of $8,497.00 ($500 plus $20 for 68 residential lots, plus multi-family ($100.00 plus $3.00 per unit): MF-1, 461 units at $3.00 per unit, in the amount of $1,383.00. be MF-2, 1,718 units at $3.00 per unit, in the amount of $5,154.00. Mr. Mark Sweeney W&A %83-096 April 15, 1985 Page 2 of 2 ® Three (3) copies of flood study for Cottonwood Creek for request of Letter of Belief from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). ® Draft letter for submittal by City's Engineer to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for Letter of Belief. The proposed project will include reclaiming the flood fringe adjacent to Cottonwood Creek and filling a small portion of the flood fringe adjacent to Denton Creek. The enclosed flood study on Cottonwood Creek was requested by Mr. Bill Kuno of FEMA. A letter is attached from Mr. Kuno, dated February 26, 1985, requesting the flood study. Two copies of the flood study should be forwarded to FEMA by the City's Engineer for processing a Letter of Belief. Copies of the proposed water, sewer and drainage improvement plans have been submitted to Pierce-Lunsford & Associates for review since the improvement will be installed within the Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1. These plans and plats are submitted at this time in order for the plat to be reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission on May 14, 1985. Please confirm the date the plat will be reviewed by the Planning & Zoning Commission. Please contact me if you have any questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, ULYS LANE III, P.E. UL:ga Enclosures: One (1) plat application form Four (4) sets of construction plans Fifteen (15) sets of final plats Three (3) sets of flood study Receipt for paid taxes Filing fees check Draft letter-requesting Letter of Belief Copy of letter from Bill Kuno cc= Mr. Tony Del Balzo / The Jim Sowell Company Mr. Jay Walker / JLB Construction Company Kent Conine / The Staubach Company Dick Pierce, P.E. / Pierce-Lunsford, w/2 sets of plans The City With A Beautiful Future TAX CERTIFICATE P. O. Box 478 Cool~ell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 Requested By: · ~ · Property Descr Lot ' Block Add i ti on Th~s,~s~o ~r~f~ that a3~ ~xes are pa~d on the above described propert~ ~o and ~nc3ud~ng 39~ ~9~taxes are pa~d ~n amount The following taxes on the above described ~roperty are due and payable to the City of Coppell: Year Tax P & I Total Amount Debbie Shanks . Tax Assessor/Coil ector The City With A Beautiful Future TAX CERTIFICATE P. O. Box 471) Cop~ell, Texas 7501 214 . 462. 0022 Requested By: ,~ Property Descripti. on: Lot Block Add i ti on This.is. to certify that all taxes are paid on the above described property to and including lg~'~, lg~:~taxes are paid in amount of . The following taxes on the above described property are due and payable to the City of Coppell: Year Tax P & I Total Amount Debbie Shanks lax Assessor/Co11 e'ctor Federal Emergency Management Agency Rea Stevenson, P. ~.. #ier & &ssociates, Inc. 600 Nattock Centre Ciz~le A~lington~ ?exas 76015 ~1, F~e~ Ceater, a00 Nonh Loop 288 Denton, Te~s 762014~8 February 26, 1985 FEB 27 1985 WIER ....... 'L9 Dea~ N~. Stevenson To continue our conversation on the telepbmne on February 22, 1985, I would l~ke to add soma additional information =egarding Cottonwood Creek in Coppe11, Texas. In a discussion with our technical consultant in Washington, Dewberry and Davis, I learned that the HEC-2 runs from Carter a~d Burgess £or the 1982 revision coincides with that area between cross-sections A and B on the Cottonwood Branch. In a discussion with one of the .engineers at Dewberry and Davis, I was told that the area between cross-sections B and D which are tb~ areas where recl~tion is proposed, it appears that the Corps of .Engineers only did a straight line projection for the floodway with no calculations. If your firm does a run on the section between B and D they should do one continuous run and submit tb~t to us. Some changes in elevation may occur but will probably be minimal. I regret the delay in giv'.~ng you a response to this question, and hope that we haven or inconvanianced you to any great extent. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate' to give me a call. Sincerely, Bill Kuno, Chief Natural Hazards Branch Natural and Technol0gical Hazards Division WIF'R & ASSOCIATI S INC. INIIN[i'IIINI IllU ·~l'y i N ~l I~AND FI.&NNINII April 18, 1985 City of Coppell Water Otilities Department P. O, Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214/462-0022 RE: W&A #83-096; VILLAGE AT COTTONWOOD CREEK, SECTIONS I AND II Coppell, Texas Dear Sirs: In accordance with the city's platting requirements, please note below the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Construction Cost for water, sewer and storm drainage improvements on the above-noted project. Item Estimated Cost 1. Water $ 290,000 2. Sanitary Sewer 230,000 3. Storm Drainage 540,000 Total $1,060,000 Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, UL:ga cc: ~ Mark Sweeney / City of Coppell -IOHN Ih WII~R~, K[, · ULYI LANE AIB~'OOIATEIs TH~IION DARN, A·LJNe~I'ON, "r~CA· OlrlrlOKz GOO 14ATL.OOIC Ol;NTR[ ~ORl' WOI~I'H, TKXAB OlrlrlO~l I~Ol BOUTN IrI~KIL'WAy '1'i I 10 ' Copl:)ell, Tx. 76019 462,4:)022 i 1231, OFFICIAL FrLATFAKtT t~ lgSll~i~l) PQRMI, INC. - N